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Reselling Baseball tickets...is this not right

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My DH got some tickets for free from his company for a baseball game this Friday. The tickets are a discounted price because the company got them as a group purchase. However, remember that DH paid nothing for them.


We've gone to the company baseball game the past 2 years and it isn't like we are surrounded by other company workers. We will usually see a few, but most of the people around us are other people. The company tickets will be in multiple different places in the field.


Here's the dilemma. My DH is a rabid Red Wings fan, and, unfortunately, they will be going into game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals on Friday. He is so torn because he REALLY wants to see this game. Whoever wins the game will win the Cup.


Would it be wrong to sell the company tickets (for their discounted price) and use that money to see a game on another night? We wouldn't be keeping the money for other reasons. Our kids love going to the baseball game each year, so we don't want to just not go.


What do you think?

Edited by sixpence1978
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Oh dear. You did ask, though, for opinions.


I would not sell them. I would return them to the company so that a co-worker could enjoy the game. If there were a friend, to whom I could offer the tickets, as a gift, I first would ask the company coordinator whether that would be ok.


Sell the tickets? I would not feel it right.

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Would it be wrong to sell the company tickets (for their discounted price) and use that money to see a game on another night?


Yes, that would be wrong.

He should return the tickets so other co-workers can go.


Does the company only buy for a single game?

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Dh's company gives out things like this on occasion. They also do drawing for prizes and dh has brought home things like concert tickets, movie tickets, sporting event tickets, bicycles, dvd players, ipods, gift cards, even an extra weeks vacation one year. Every year they give out other large prizes like game systems, big screen tvs, and other electronic devices.


People often sell the prizes and put the money toward something that they want. I don't have a problem with it because it is a prize, present, or gift (depending on how you view it) and once it is given to the employee it is theirs. Once received, they are free to do with it as they please.




If they asked him to return the tickets if he couldn't use them, then I would do so, but if no stipulation was in place, I would do with them as you please.

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Maybe I should clarify my thoughts a bit. I am distinguishing between (1) a prize awarded to one person (as when my husband wins a prize during a company drawing) and (2) a fringe benefit offered by management to the entire company (or to a group within a company, such as a department).


(1) is a one-on-one deal, so the winner may do whatever s/he wishes with it.


(2) is a "fish pond" situation where, if one fish cannot eat the surprise, another one surely can. Hence my vote for returning the tickets to allow a co-worker the opportunity.

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If he earned them through a reward system I don't see any reason not to sell them.


If the tickets were a blanket gift to all employees I don't see any reason not to sell them.


If it is a rotating pool where some employees go to one event and then another set to the next event, etc. I would return the tickets for another family to enjoy.


My dh's company has all three. Employees cannot sell the tickets from the rotating pool, but the others are gifts/rewards and they belong to the employee to do whatever he wishes with them.

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Thanks for all the advice.


He decided to take them back in to work today to see if anybody wants them. It turns out that there is a guy at work collecting any unused tickets to give to the orphanage so that they can go.


Luckily his work also allows him to get discounted tickets, so we will be going that route.



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