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Simple question but I don't know how to do a poll - do you give a letter grade for PE

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Do you give your child a letter grade [and of course average in that grade to their transcript] OR just given them Pass/Fail for Physical Education...


And please, if you happen to know what your local public and/or private schools do, I'd be interested in that too.


My daughter's P.E. is competitive swimming. Although she just started at 16yo [and thus is slower than her age-level classmates] she works very hard, is improving steadily, swims 4-6 hours a week minimum and just passed her lifeguard test, in which she earned 2-3 adult-level first aid/CPR/lifesaving official certificates. IOW, her P.E. is structured, strenuous and well-documented.


In addition to her swimming, she spent about 40 hours this spring earning her lifeguard certificates and will prob. train a few hours a week most of the summer - probably getting up to a total of 70-80-90 hours total of lifeguard training - should I make a new class and add another half a credit. lifeguarding/Red Cross.. This is -not- counting her hours actually lifeguarding - just the staff training, etc. [i want it to be legitimate, but how much P.E. should an athlete have... Is 3 years of P.E. silly to put on a transcript that is also strong academically.


I was planning to give a grade and it would benefit her GPA to give her a P.E. grade.


BTW, I highly recommend swimming for anyone who wants their children to pick up a lifelong sport with great exercise and skill improvemen. It is a bit expensive but it has been wonderful to see the improvement in skill level and physical fitness.


Thanks for any input.



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We just give a pass/fail grade and half a credit per year. I've yet to have any college or our evaluator ask about PE so I would imagine you could do as you wanted without issues... For what it's worth, in schools PE is much more than just one sport. It's learning basic things about several sports. Kids that do competitive sports at our school do not get extra grades or credits for those - just letters on their jackets... For our portfolios we list PE activities and they have everything from marksmanship to soccer on them - a page list of activities.


But again, I've yet to have any college or our evaluator ask about PE...


I would think the lifesaving course would be worth an extra half credit...

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My ds went to 9th grade in ps and got a grade for his 1/2 credit of P.E. so I gave him a grade for P.E. every year. btw. I let him get a 1/2 p.e. credit every semester. The grade was based on how much effort he put into it and whether he showed up or not. If I had to drag him to the Y for the most of the semester, then he got a B. When he was up and out 4 times a week on his own, he got an A.

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My ds went to 9th grade in ps and got a grade for his 1/2 credit of P.E. so I gave him a grade for P.E. every year. btw. I let him get a 1/2 p.e. credit every semester. The grade was based on how much effort he put into it and whether he showed up or not. If I had to drag him to the Y for the most of the semester, then he got a B. When he was up and out 4 times a week on his own, he got an A.


I did the same thing with my oldest son!


This year, he went to every baseball practice and game, and put his heart into it. (He also hit his first home run this year! We used that as an opportunity to show him that, when you practice, you improve!)


So he earned an A. Last year, when he didn't put forth as much effort, he earned a B.


We'll see how he does this coming school year! He has baseball in the fall and spring and basketball this winter.

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We gave letter grades for PE. I believe the PS here does too, but I'm not certain. I know they did when I was in school (fwtw).


Dd is majoring in PE in college. NY homeschool regs require 1 credit total, but I think dd has at least 3, since she played soccer year-round.

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Do you give your child a letter grade [and of course average in that grade to their transcript] OR just given them Pass/Fail for Physical Education...





We do pass/fail. I agree about swimming. My son graduated from the Swim America program, and he loved it. Alas, he doesn't love to compete though. His instructors tried mightily to get him to compete, but he just doesn't have a competitive bone in his body (weird considering my husband and me were both college athletes. LOL!)

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Just to add, I understand that govt school PE is more varied and different - tho our local public high school also has specific classes for credit such as weight training and dance for PE credit.


We also will be teaching 'health' at our homeschool and including that with a PE credit because I think it is important and that is part of the public school freshman PE class/credit .


Also, we are only 'counting' swim hours to award PE credits but we do other PE activities as well, we just don't keep track of those hours since we have lots of PE credits thru swimming.



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Guest Katia

I gave letter grades and credit.


Older dd did pre-professional ballet classes at a minimum of 6 hours per week, and younger dd took swimming classes at the cc where she received a grade and college credit....so I double-dipped and gave her a grade and credit for high school as well.


Older dd's transcript was accepted at all colleges she applied to with no problems, so it was just fine to give her a grade and credit. I am anticipating no problems with younger dd's either.

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Do you give your child a letter grade [and of course average in that grade to their transcript] OR just given them Pass/Fail for Physical Education...


And please, if you happen to know what your local public and/or private schools do, I'd be interested in that too.


My daughter's P.E. is competitive swimming. Although she just started at 16yo [and thus is slower than her age-level classmates] she works very hard, is improving steadily, swims 4-6 hours a week minimum and just passed her lifeguard test, in which she earned 2-3 adult-level first aid/CPR/lifesaving official certificates. IOW, her P.E. is structured, strenuous and well-documented.


In addition to her swimming, she spent about 40 hours this spring earning her lifeguard certificates and will prob. train a few hours a week most of the summer - probably getting up to a total of 70-80-90 hours total of lifeguard training - should I make a new class and add another half a credit. lifeguarding/Red Cross.. This is -not- counting her hours actually lifeguarding - just the staff training, etc. [i want it to be legitimate, but how much P.E. should an athlete have... Is 3 years of P.E. silly to put on a transcript that is also strong academically.


I was planning to give a grade and it would benefit her GPA to give her a P.E. grade.


BTW, I highly recommend swimming for anyone who wants their children to pick up a lifelong sport with great exercise and skill improvemen. It is a bit expensive but it has been wonderful to see the improvement in skill level and physical fitness.


Thanks for any input.




Our public school uses letter grades for PE. They get points for being in uniform, partcipation, and 8 written tests (they learn rules of the sport being studied and played).


We will be giving letter grades to our twins. I plan to have the kids log their activities. Based upon the number of hours a week will earn them points for that week. The grading scale is planned to be...

A= 5 points= 5+ hours,

B= 4 points= 4 hours,

C= 3 points= 3 hours,

D= 2 points= 2 hours,

1 point for 1 hour


Figure this makes it easy enough on them-LOL.


Dd usually does:

Kung Fu for 5 hrs a week minimum,

skateboarding lesson for 1 hr a week,

she gives skateboarding lessons for 1-2 hrs a week.

ride her bike, play basketball, run after with her younger brothers.

jogs with niece a few times a week,

swims over summer.


Ds usually does:

Kung Fu for 3 hours a week

Bowling league for 1.5 hours a week

plays outside with Dh most weekends for a few hours.

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My ds went to 9th grade in ps and got a grade for his 1/2 credit of P.E. so I gave him a grade for P.E. every year. btw. I let him get a 1/2 p.e. credit every semester. The grade was based on how much effort he put into it and whether he showed up or not. If I had to drag him to the Y for the most of the semester, then he got a B. When he was up and out 4 times a week on his own, he got an A.[/quote]


Ooooh, I love that idea! This will be the perfect incentive for my oldest dd. I can't wait to tell her the new grading criteria for P.E.


Sheri :)

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