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The woman who has never put a child on a schoolbus is about to...

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:grouphug: My ds, who has ridden in a school bus about twice, thinks they are fun because you can bounce in the back seats.


I pray your ds comes home with wonderful stories about how much fun it was. I know my ds would.


I hope you are able to sleep tonight!

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Oh wow!! How fun!! I would LOVE to go on a submarine! How in the world did you arrange it? Is there some kind of program for kids that you are participating in? More importantly, do they have it in Florida and do they allow adults to go?? :D :D I can just imagine your anxiety, but your son is going to have an experience of a lifetime. You're a good mom to let him go inspite of your feelings. :grouphug:

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Is it a Tiger Cruise? Fun! I got to take a tour of a sub once (a buddy was stationed aboard), and I was jealous. It was so much cleaner and shinier than the Spruance Class destroyer I was stationed on at the time! And they had better food.


The "one crew berthing" thing made it pretty obvious why there weren't women stationed aboard subs, though. Well, that and some of the personal issues my buddy had had (he was so totally, utterly gay--proof that 'don't ask, don't tell' is something of a joke and no threat to career at all if you're very good at your job).

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Yep! He is on a Tiger Cruise. When I dropped him off I made friends with all the other men (mostly crew member's dads, and mostly from the mainland). I even bought them all something to drink and snack on at the mini-mart because the departure was delayed and they didn't have military ID. I'm shameless. I know they'll watch after my son now.:D


He will be with his dad when he gets there, but I had to put him on a little torpedo retriever piloted by a boy about the age of 15 :tongue_smilie:(not really, but close enough) and *that* little dingy will take the group out to the sub somewhere nearby. Then they'll walk across a little bridge in bobbing water. It is done all the time, but not with *my* son.


He was thrilled, and I'm thrilled for him. It is an incredible opportunity for him to be with his dad and see what he does for a living. :001_smile: I just could have, maybe, had a little practice at this dropping off thing, before doing something so big.



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