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Usually, around this time of year, we see LOTS of great movies (referred to as Summer Blockbusters) come out. What happened this year?? I see one or two but, right now, there just doesn't seem to be much in the offing.


I really want to go see a movie tonight. Even have a free ticket but NOTHING looks good.


Any suggestions? (No, I don't want to get a rental and stay home. I want to GO!:D )

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I've heard a lot of good things about "Star Trek", although we're skipping it because of the sexy scenes (which is too bad, because I think ds would love the movie).


We saw "Night at the Museum 2" last weekend. It has plenty of laughs, but, as with the first one, I left saying to myself, "They really could have done more with the premise." Still, lots of laughs, and the wonder of seeing things come to life. Hank Azaria is HILARIOUS as the evil pharaoh!!


"Up" looks very good, but what I'm really looking forward to is "Land of the Lost" with Will Ferrell.


Lots of people on here loved "Paul Blart: Mall Cop", which I think I'll see soon (it's in the cheap theatres now).



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Dh and I are looking forward to Land of the Lost because we both watched the cheesy 70's t.v. show. We had to find the clip of the opening seen of the t.v. show on-line to show dds. They are excited to see the movie because it has Buddy the elf in it (Will Farrell). We are also looking forward to Up.


We only see a few movies a year--if we find two summer flicks to look forward to, we're doing well!

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I took the kids( 11, 10, 2 ) to see Night at the Museum 2 this morning and all 3 loved it ( as did I)


Hank Azaria was fantastic, and there was lots of smiles and laughs (oh, and a tantrum when it was time to leave, courtesy of the toddler)

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Were there a lot of sex scenes in Star Trek? There was an almost sex-scene: it was dark and they were kissing, but stopped. They were in underwear. The kissing lasted all of 10 seconds before the lights came on. Someone kissed Spock a couple of times. With all their clothes on. No bedroom. That was it.

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Were there a lot of sex scenes in Star Trek? There was an almost sex-scene: it was dark and they were kissing, but stopped. They were in underwear. The kissing lasted all of 10 seconds before the lights came on.


That's the only scene I wish they would have done without. It was very true to Kirk's character, but my 8yo looks at me and goes "what are they doing, wrestling?" Um, yeah.:001_huh::lol: We also didn't like the scary ice planet monsters, but again, true to the series. It wouldn't have been as good to make it G rated though, so we took our chances. I an dying to see it again!

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We just saw Night at the Musuem 2 over the weekend and we all loved it! It looked like they had quite a few previews that looked good-Land of the Lost, Ice Age, Harry Potter, G Force (the guinea pig movie which my kids can't wait to see because we have guinea pigs), Aliens in the Attic (I thought previews looked so so on that one), Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Not sure when these all come out.





Usually, around this time of year, we see LOTS of great movies (referred to as Summer Blockbusters) come out. What happened this year?? I see one or two but, right now, there just doesn't seem to be much in the offing.


I really want to go see a movie tonight. Even have a free ticket but NOTHING looks good.


Any suggestions? (No, I don't want to get a rental and stay home. I want to GO!:D )

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I've heard a lot of good things about "Star Trek", although we're skipping it because of the sexy scenes (which is too bad, because I think ds would love the movie). Wendi


Thanks for the suggestions! Really!:001_smile:


We saw "Night at the Museum 2" last weekend. It has plenty of laughs, but, as with the first one, I left saying to myself, "They really could have done more with the premise." Still, lots of laughs, and the wonder of seeing things come to life. Hank Azaria is HILARIOUS as the evil pharaoh!!


"Up" looks very good, but what I'm really looking forward to is "Land of the Lost" with Will Ferrell.


Lots of people on here loved "Paul Blart: Mall Cop", which I think I'll see soon (it's in the cheap theatres now).




Star Trek I have not seen, but it just doesn't seem that appealing to me. Maybe it's because when I tried to go see it with my husband he hesitated...until I told him to go my himself! (I think he just needed "cave time.")


Saw Night at the Museum. You're right on both counts. It WAS funny but they could have done SO much more with it!


I have not interest in seeing "Up" or "Land of the Lost."


Saw Paul Blart: Mall Cop and really didn't think it was funny at all.

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Thank you, everyone, for your suggestions! As I read through all the responses just now I realized that, in the large scope, there are several "blockbuster-type" movies out already and on their way. However, this year, so many of them just don't appeal to me.


I saw Wolverine and liked it. No, it's not an Academy Award winner (which I don't typically like, anyway) but for entertainment purposes, it was great!


Others I've seen I posted above.


The rest just do not appeal to me. So, I guess it's just me! LOL

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