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Prayer Request: Dd's surgery in 1 hour

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We leave in about 30 minutes to get to dd9's dental surgery, which is due to start in about an hour. She is having 2 root canals(well actually our insur will only cover it if it is only in the pulp, if the cavities are in the roots they are are extracting), a few other smaller cavities and from the sounds of it 6 extractions in preparation for her braces. She is going to be put under with general so that is nerve wracking. They have scheduled 2 hours to dot he surgery, but until they are in there we won't know how long it will really take.


So if you don't mind could you take a moment and pray that the surgery goes well, that she responds well to the general and that her recovery is quick and as painless as possible. Thanks.

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We are home now. She did okay, 5 extractions, 2 pulpotomies 1 filling. She freaked out when she started waking up, ripped out her iv and nearly took a nose dive off the bed. They had to hold her down while someone came and got me from the waiting room so I could calm her down. She has been thrown up twice since we got home but is now sleeing. Her face is very swollen and her hand is bruised from the iv but she is through the surgery and home.

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