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more random OVERSEAS questions

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1. Is there a delay for movie releases in the theaters?


2. Is it true that videogames are ALSO coded so that if we buy one in Malaysia it will not work on my children's game system?


3. Is there any way to ship packages to Malaysia without it costing a bloody fortune? If my mom wants to send a birthday present to my ds it could cost her $50 or more! Seriously?

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1. Is there a delay for movie releases in the theaters?


2. Is it true that videogames are ALSO coded so that if we buy one in Malaysia it will not work on my children's game system?


3. Is there any way to ship packages to Malaysia without it costing a bloody fortune? If my mom wants to send a birthday present to my ds it could cost her $50 or more! Seriously?



Question # 1 Don't know - Sorry.


Question # 2 Check the coding system (google)and see where Malaysia falls in the scheme of things. For example, Europe uses a system called PAL and it has to be converted to the American System if you want a picture and not just sound.

If you anticipate having to convert a few DVD's etc, PM me, there is a great place in FL that did all my DVD's.


Question # 3 Yes, if the package is heavy, it will cost ya. We have become experts at selecting light, wonderful, cute and economical gifts for each other. :lol:


If you know you will be coming to the US for holidays, it may be less expensive to take it with you unless you routinely exceed your luggage allowance.


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Movies are released later overseas, except for a very few blockbusters that have a global release date. They have to be subtitled or dubbed.


It costs an arm and a leg to ship international. You can get mailbox services in the US so that you assume the shipping costs instead of your relatives.


My guess is that the videogames won't be compatible, but it might be worth buying a system in Malaysia if local prices are cheaper. Some countries have so much piracy, that there aren't any legitimate dvds or cds available.


Of course, it doesn't cost much to ship a game so that could be a good gift option for grandparents.

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We lived in Jerusalem for three years and the DVDs were region 2. U.S. DVDs are region 1. We didn't have a t.v. and we watched DVDs on our computer. MAC would only let us watch 5 or 6 region 2 DVDs before we had to choose a region that the computer would be permanently set on. We had to choose region 1 since we were coming back to the states. But then we found a great video store that also rented region 1 DVDs. I don't know what region Malaysia is, but maybe you will find the same? Ask around once you get there.

Of course if you have a DVD player over there, none of this matters. :)

Enjoy the journey! We miss living overseas so much!



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Movies were a little later, but we saw so few that it really didn't matter much. I'd say that the theatre releases in Germany were within a month or two of the video release in the US for dubbed movies. For movies shown with the original English soundtrack it ran pretty much in parallel with Hollywood.


For games I would say it will depend on the gaming system. For example, I've been assured that Nintendo DS game systems will play US or Japanese games. However, there is a lot more reading than my kids realized in the games they like. So short of their learning kana and kanji in the next few months, they will be sticking with US stuff.


Yes, international mail is expensive. We tended to buy stuff for the grandparents or have them send money.

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The trouble with Amazon is that they won't ship a lot of stuff overseas. It's totally painful!


You could always have them shipped to a friend in the US and then they could ship them on.


We ended up doing a different system for birthday presents: my mother would say what she wanted to give the children and would send a card. I would then buy the gift locally and wrap it for her.



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As with Laura we do this regularly with family who live interstate here.


You can get your game systems hacked with a chip that will then allow the system to play multi region games, DVD etc without any problem. It does void your warranty though so it isn't for all.


Yes, movies are released later here than in the US although we are not_that_far behind now, it used to be much worse. Some things that flop at the box office never make it to the big screen here.

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Movies here open a little later, not only do they go through the subtitle stuff but they are also censored. I don't know about Malaysia, but I wouldn't be surprised if they also censored.


For shipping, if it's printed material only you can ship via m-bag, it comes out to about a dollar a pound (at least, it was last year -- maybe rates have changed). My mom usually sends one or two packages a year, and yes it is expensive. I think she is aware of choosing lighter gifts, lol, and accepts the shipping costs just as part of the whole gift purchase.

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Movies here open a little later, not only do they go through the subtitle stuff but they are also censored. I don't know about Malaysia, but I wouldn't be surprised if they also censored.


For shipping, if it's printed material only you can ship via m-bag, it comes out to about a dollar a pound (at least, it was last year -- maybe rates have changed). My mom usually sends one or two packages a year, and yes it is expensive. I think she is aware of choosing lighter gifts, lol, and accepts the shipping costs just as part of the whole gift purchase.


I was wondering about the censoring thing. Hmmmm.... I'll have to look into that. Honestly, I think I would like it as there are so many movies we don't go to these days because of language or sex. Maybe it would open up my choices more. :D

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