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When did you start spelling?

Allen Academy

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We started at grade 2, which is when R&S start spelling. The words are easy (to me), they are all words he knows and uses on a semi-regular basis. It works for us. He's also the youngest so he wants to do what his sisters are doing. It also seemed the time to do it. My girls started school at a local Christian school. They start spelling in 2nd grade.

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I started spelling with my oldest, dd7 in first grade as per WTM/OPGTR instructions. I have loose plans to start spelling again in first grade with ds3 but it will be dependent on his reading skills other than what I did with dd7. Dd7 hasn't had any problems with spelling but ds3 might be completely different. Ds3 will be using a different phonics program and I've changed as a homeschooler so these factors may make a difference of a starting point. I need to figure out the hows/whys of LA more instead of just doing what others say to do. Dd7 could have spent more time in reading skills instead of adding grammar and spelling.


I'm still learning about all this and I figure by the time I do know about it, my kids will have outgrown it and the mistakes will have been made. Lol!

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This has been an issue with me lately. I started spelling with my oldest when she was in first grade. She had been reading since she was 4. In first grade, she was a very strong, expressive reader. I started with a spelling program, but I found that even though she was getting the words right when we tested, she wasn't getting them right when spelling irl. Her spelling was atrocious. I stopped doing a formal program because I thought it was a waste of time and money if it wasn't working. We haven't done a program in over a year.


I have been thinking, though, that we will work on spelling through dictation. So I am thnking of starting dictation next week.


Sorry for my ramblings, but I am feeling very frustrated with spelling right now cause I don't know if a formal program really works.




mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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... We tried 6 different spelling programs in the first 4 years of homeschooling him (starting spelling in 1st grade). Nothing clicked until *his brain* matured into it a little after he turned 12yo (6th grade). It's still not natural to him (now 14yo/8th grade), but he's starting to catch on.


For older brother who is an average speller (not a visual-spatial learner), we started spelling for him in 2nd grade, but didn't see it clicking for him until about 4th grade.


As you've read here, others start in 1st or 2nd grade, or have natural spellers, and do well; many people also wait until about 3rd grade. Seems like it boils down to: "you just have to know your child and experiment a little."


BEST of luck! And enjoy your homeschooling journey! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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I am not sure we ever really used a set curr. I just would correct what they misspelled and gently remind them how it was spelled correctly. I have never really had any problems thus far. Something else that helps them is thier instant messenger they each have on their computer. They chat with each other this way and helps with keyboarding, spelling and if your stretch a bit writing. Also cuts way down on the yelling to get each others attention. :p



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Arbitrarily at a specific grade level, or at an ability level? I am trying to map out my tentative 12 year plan and I am not sure when spelling should be worked in...


Thanks :)


I am a big believer in only using a spelling program if the child needs it. I don't think all children need formal spelling and for those that don't, it is a waste of time.

I would just keep this as one of those things on the back burner and only bring it forward if necessary. You will know if your dc need some intruction or not.

My ds has not needed a formal spelling program, but my dd does. I would just be aware of where your dc are over the years and if you notice them struggling a bit or having some issues with certain types of words or rules you can address it at the time in the way that makes the most sense.

Even if your dc need some formal instruction, it doesn't mean they need to work through a complete spelling program. Address what needs to be worked on and reinforce the concept through everyday lessons/work.


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Do I really need a spelling program if my kids seem to be decent spellers and read and write quite a bit. With my oldest 2, we've tried Spelling Power and MCP's spelling pgms but it just seemed like busy work to me...now I have 4 more students in the wings and my opinion will probably change. Especially for our recently adopted Liberians who still have very thick accents and drop the endings of many words....:eek:...looks like I need to pay attention to the recommendations made on this thread!!


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