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Good books for daughter who will be married soon. CC preferred. Thx!

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Not CC, or even marriage advice, but a hand written recipe book of all the family's favorite and traditional recipes. Include cooking hints and maybe favorite sayings.


You might also contact her future in-laws for their suggestions.


This can save a lot of frantic calls of "Mom. how do you make.........?" Plus it's a great remembrance of the family.

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John Piper has just written a book on marriage: This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence. He has also written a book of poetry: Velvet Steel: The Joy of Being Married to You.


Here's a bit from Tim Challies' comprehensive review which gave it 5 stars (it's a long review, I didn't want to paste the whole thing in so I put in the first two paragraphs). (I highlighted the part in pink because I thought it was so excellent):



John Piper waited forty years to write a book on marriage. It is only after forty years of marriage that he felt like he would have something valuable to say (or something valuable to add to a very crowded genre of book). "Romance, sex, and childbearing are temporary gifts of God. They are not part of the next life. And they are not guaranteed even for this life. They are one possible path through the narrow way to Paradise. Marriage passes through breathtaking heights and through swamps with choking vapors. It makes many things sweeter, and with it come bitter providences." Four decades of sweetness and bitter providences stand behind this book.




Though I am tempted to say that no generation needs to be reminded of a biblical theology of marriage more than our own, I suspect that hundreds of generations past would disagree, saying that their generation is as desperately in need of God's wisdom. In the book's opening pages, Piper writes of the cultural distortion of marriage, a distortion that sees marriage as little more than temporary convenience that lasts only as long as the romantic feelings remain.
He does so "in the hopes that it might wake you up to consider a vision of marriage higher and deeper and stronger and more glorious than anything this culture--or perhaps you yourself--ever imagined. The greatness and glory of marriage is beyond our ability to think or feel without divine revelation and without the illumining and awakening work of the Holy Spirit." The book is built upon this foundation: that marriage is God's doing. It is the doing of God and it is the display of God.


Edited by BikeBookBread
added the second book of poetry written by piper that goes along with it...
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Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, Love and Respect, The Respect Dare and For Women Only.



I also really learned a lot from 'Created to be His Helpmeet'. It's a "keep the fish throw out the bones" book (meaning there is some stuff I totally disagree with) but overall it helped me get over myself and serve my DH more, (and from a former military academy grad and military pilot - I was pretty feminist and had a lot of "rights" that God needed to help me let go of!).

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