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OK, it can stop raining any time now

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It has been raining for the past 24hrs and I want it to STOP


This is Florida, where has the sunshine gone?


It's almost like there is a hurricane on the way, but there is no "Cone" to watch on the TV, or panic buying of supplies.


So if anyone wants some rain, please come and take it, I don't want it anymore, thank you.

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No thanks on the rain. We live in AR and we've had daily rain for the past 2-3 weeks. The grass now has fungus, and it looks like we will loose large patches of it. However, the last two days have been rain free and sunny which has been such a blessing. I try not to complain too much because I know July and August are coming and with them will come heat waves and droughts :)

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It has been raining for the past 24hrs and I want it to STOP


This is Florida, where has the sunshine gone?


It's almost like there is a hurricane on the way, but there is no "Cone" to watch on the TV, or panic buying of supplies.


So if anyone wants some rain, please come and take it, I don't want it anymore, thank you.


I thought you guys were having a drought? Don't you want the rain to stay?

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I am soo glad to see the rain. I was starting to get worried that we would have repeat of our fires last year. And every May, I start to worry that whole lawn is going to crumble into dust before it rains. But I have to agree. We got a nice deep soaking. Now it should stop so I can send the kids out without having muddy grass tracked all over my house. It can come back next week when my orange trees start getting thirsty again. :)

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Yeah! I love (free, organically grown, indigenous) blackberries.



I've heard of blackberries growing in my area, and I can't figure out why I can't manage to grow (varieties bred for FL) in my own backyard. :glare: It must have something to do with all the clay that the builders dumped in my yard for fill. Or maybe I am just really good at killing my plants. . . .

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But Pooh Bear, I thought you Brits all liked the rain? ;)


But maybe that's why you moved to the tropics, eh?


Why do you think I moved to Florida?


I know we need the rain, but it's so gloomy. And we have just found out that the added on room has a lovely waterfall of a leak. Thank goodness none of our stuff was under it, and that we are renters. We won't have to pay to have it fixed.

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At least it's not snowing. It hasn't stopped here the past 3 days. Last week it was spring, the sun was out. I saw some birds warming their eggs, and there's a papa bird bravely standing outside the birdhouse, puffing himself up so that he'll be big enough to block the snow and wind coming in. Poor guy. Poor eggs! Poor apple blossoms on my tree! A friend of mine said they may lose their whole crop of canola this year... they're not sure how much more snow the young crops can handle. So... I'll trade you for your rain! :D

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I hear you, but we *need* the rain! I just sent three of my boys out to run in the neighborhood -- rain or no! Bonus: they found ripe blackberries and came back for bowls and bags. Yeah! I love (free, organically grown, indigenous) blackberries.





:iagree: I'm happy it's raining too!! My car is getting washed outside and the grass is starting to grow again. Besides, I have a theory. I think the summers when it is really really rainy, the hurricanes are less intense/frequent and the summers that are drier have more intense/frequent hurricanes. I have absolutely NO data to support this theory and I confess that mostly I have pulled it straight out of my nether regions, but it's just what I've noticed. ;) :D


Lisa, where in the heck are you that you found blackberries???? I've never seen anything like that before! :( I didn't even know we had blackberries in Fla. I'm in the concrete jungle of South Fla though. :( I haven't even seen a lady bug since I was in elementary school. :(

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The house we used to live in, had a huge blackberry area at the back of it. That was in Putnam county. Now I'm in Marion county I have not seen any, but I am not quite a rural now as then.



The only berries I've ever seen down here by me are the strawberry fields at U-Pick. I can grow strawberries good in the winter, but whether I get to eat any is another matter. Between the racoons, birds and bugs if I get one berry I am lucky!


How I WISH I was in a rural area. I'm SO tired of the city. The drivers get worse and worse all the time. I've always been a confident/competent driver, but I95 is really starting to scare me. Between the Miamians who think they're in Nascar, the people who are high on something and those who are too busy texting, talking, putting on makeup or working on their laptop to drive, I am really thinking about avoiding the I altogether. I wish I was in Howie in the Hills. :(

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At least it's not snowing. It hasn't stopped here the past 3 days. Last week it was spring, the sun was out. I saw some birds warming their eggs, and there's a papa bird bravely standing outside the birdhouse, puffing himself up so that he'll be big enough to block the snow and wind coming in. Poor guy. Poor eggs! Poor apple blossoms on my tree! A friend of mine said they may lose their whole crop of canola this year... they're not sure how much more snow the young crops can handle. So... I'll trade you for your rain! :D



Wow!! It's been a crazy winter this year. It was even cold here for a long time. I cannot even imagine what it must have been like for you all up there in the Great White North. :grouphug:

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Yes, I feel the same way about the rain. I know we need it badly, but I don't like for it rain for days at a time. It is gloomy and nasty and I get depressed. I think I have that Seasonal Affective Disorder. In the winter I get depressed , but feel so much better in spring when there is plenty of sunshine.


I do agree that I will take the rain without the stress of a Tropical Storm or the "H" word.

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