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Are MBAs overrated?

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Do you all think that MBAs really make a big difference in one's marketability? It seems for a while everyone was trying to get an MBA. Nowadays I don't hear about it so much. My dh is considering this. He has a good job that he enjoys - he just like the idea of getting an edge. In addition, he really enjoys school. OTOH he would not want to spend the money or time away from family if it didn't carry some weight.

Thanks for any thoughts on this.


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My dh has a degree in mechanical engineering. Engineers are somewhat known for not always having the best people skills or being the best managers. Therefore, it is extremely popular for an engineer to get an MBA so they can advance up the management chain.


dh actually started working on his MBA. Then, he was promoted to a management position and didn't have time for the coursework. Plus, his company will help pay for bachelor degrees, but not masters. So, he didn't have much incentive and has done fine without it. He still says that's the one thing he would go back and get if he was ever needing to make himself more marketable.

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It depends on the field. My dh has his own company and is now going for his Masters. He has growth plans for his business and has found a need to have it.


I feel that a Masters has become the new college degree. It used to be a BA had an edge over the high school diploma. Now I see more and more emplyers seeking MBA's for their entry level positions.

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(and not just because I have one and want the perceived value to be very high, LOL!)


I have no idea. I earned mine, finished working 2 years later and now am a homeschooling SAHM mom. I am glad I did it. I learned a lot. Perhaps in the future my management skills will really shine for the kids, LOL!!!

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Are we spinning off the other thread here?


My DH finally finished a BBA after dropping out of college and going back, and he is looking at going back again for the MBA. I am not sure about other areas, but in my area, it depends on what you are currently doing and what you plan to do with the degree. If you have the right experience to back it up and the right contacts or possibilities in the job you have now, an MBA can be a good choice. But an MBA can also be just a generic degree, so without a clear focus for what you are going to do with it and a real path to do that, I do think they can be overrated or useless. And in this economic climate, it also matters WHERE you are getting the degree from.

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