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Need some advice/input on boy's shorts.

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Last year at the end of the summer I bought ds11 some basketball/athletic type shorts to wear this year. We just got them out and they come about 4 inches below his knee. He loves them and wants to wear them on our upcoming cruise. I'm not well-versed in appropriate shorts length for this age. Forgive my naivety but...does that look "gang like" or inappropriate? (He won't be wearing these to the dining room - just during the day when we are on the islands.) We don't allow him to do things like wear his hat backwards, wear his pants low, etc. (He actually doesn't want to but we wouldn't if he did. Just so you know some of our standards that we are looking for.) So does this style look inappropriate to others or do you think it's ok?

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"Gang-like" never would have crossed my mind with the shorts or the hat....unless your child is sullen and scary looking. Otherwise he'd just look like a little 11-yr old to me. LOL. :lol:


If it helps any, my guys wear similar shorts to those you've described.



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In my experience, that is the standard length for basketball shorts these days. I taught middle school last year, and all the boys, including the clean-cut, parent-respecting, straight-A type wore them. Above the knee basketball shorts are considered uncool these days.

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Yes, basketball type shorts keep getting longer. It's funny when I wander past a "classic" game on ESPN Classic - the shorts are so... short!


FWIW, my husband's shorts - the cargo/hiking sort - all come to below his knee, and have for years. Come to think of it, if they were cinched in at the bottom, they'd be knickers. There are men's clam-diggers around now, too. Very "preppy".

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Just for the record...the "gang like" question only applied to the shorts. The backwards hat thing is because my husband thinks it looks disrespectful. It doesn't really bother me, but it has always been an important issue to him so I support him on it.


I'm about to cave in on the shorts though. Your comments have been helpful.

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