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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I'm still watching. I LOVE it!:) Last night's episode was great.
  2. :iagree: We adopted our youngest child through Holt. We had a wonderful experience with them & I highly recommend them to others. Our daughter was in an orphanage, but China also has a foster care system. I would imagine you could request a child that was in the foster system. Also, I wrote an article about our adoption that you might be interested in reading. Here's the link: http://holtinternational.org/blog/2010/05/for-we-walk-by-faith-not-by-sight/ May you be blessed on your journey!
  3. Thanks to all of you who gave me great ideas and websites. I don't remember who posted the links to the castles, but we bought both of them and they were a hit!:D We had a wonderful party and my little one loved being a "princess." Here is a link to some photos from the party: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/03/happy-birthday-to-sweet-baby-girl.html
  4. :lurk5: I am also allowing a friend to give me a Mary Kay makeover soon. I have used their eye shadow and lipstick in the past & really liked it.
  5. I think that behavior is rude. If that makes us old-fashioned, then so be it. :)I'd rather be old-fashioned than rude.
  6. http://www.oakmeadow.com/curriculum/preschool.php Have you used it? Is it worth the price?
  7. Saxon math Prima Latina/Latina Christiana For all else, I've used different things; however, I feel certain that we'll be sticking with Sonlight for my middle two children for the duration.
  8. We use FIAR for Kindergarten and First Grade. I use Volumes 1 & 2, along with the FIAR Cookbook and Bible supplement. I also use the FIAR ideas from http://www.homeschoolshare.com/. Then I add in a math and phonics program.
  9. Hello. Welcome out of "lurkdom.":)
  10. I have been successful on Atkins for almost two years. I lost 35 lbs. and have kept it off. I try to exercise at least three days a week, which also helps. I have found that variety is the key to sticking with an eating plan. I try not to get stuck in a rut by eating the same things again and again. And I don't cheat...period. That is also the key for me. If I go out to eat, then I can have steak and veggies, grilled chicken or fish, salads, etc. If I'm going to a party, then I just fix low carb food and take it. Now that I've kicked the sugar and bad carb addiction, I'm not going to do anything to bring it back. I can eat fabulous desserts that are low carb...seriously! Also, I eat great main dishes, appetizers, and snacks! I highly recommend this book: http://www.amazon.com/500-Low-Carb-Recipes-Snacks-Dessert/dp/1931412065 Also, the Atkins site has great recipes: http://www.atkins.com/Recipes.aspx This site also has really good low carb recipes: http://genaw.com/lowcarb/ I rarely feel deprived. The only foods I don't eat are sugary sweets, things made with white flour, starchy foods, and processed junk. I get to eat "breads" and desserts made with almond flour, coconut flour, ground flax seed, etc. I manage a Low Carb group on Facebook. PM me if you're on FB and are interested in joining.
  11. Absolutely!:tongue_smilie: There are just so many great programs out there. I suppose it's a nice problem to have...too many choices instead of not enough.
  12. :iagree: This book really helped me understand CM and implement her ideas in our home.
  13. I think a 9 year old could handle it. My oldest son read it when he was younger, and I recently let my two middle children watch the movie with Tom Cruise. They all liked it and were not afraid.
  14. Coffee and lots of it...dark beans, freshly ground, French press.:) My little one has not consistently slept through the night since we brought her home, so I rarely get enough sleep. I don't know how I'd make it without my special coffee!
  15. Thank you for this input. The auther of ALGF actually sent me an e-mail in response to my questions about using the program with a special needs child and told me about her son. She seems very nice and helpful, and I really appreciate her personal experience and her willingness to share. It is definitely one reason why ALGF is one of my favorites.:)
  16. OK, I've got this narrowed down to two choices now: Oak Meadow or A Little Garden Flower. I'm looking at the preschool and kindergarten years. So, can you all help me make this decision? What are the pros and cons of each? Why do you prefer one over the other? Thanks!:)
  17. I do Montessori style lessons with my youngest. I follow the blogs that pp's mentioned. Also, I have read & used ideas from these books: http://www.amazon.com/Teaching-Montessori-Home-Pre-School-Years/dp/0452279097 http://www.amazon.com/Small-Beginnings-Prepare-Lifelong-Learning/dp/0805462872 Here is another helpful site: http://www.ourmontessorihome.com/ You can take a peek at my blog (in my siggy.) You can search my posts for Montessori to see some of the things I've done with my daughter.
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