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Posts posted by Coffeetime

  1. This is what I was going to say. The terbutaline I was on made me want to run circles around the house. I couldn't maintain the same sitting position for more than three seconds. It was pure torture!!! Anything that does not require focused attention would be a great idea. So far, all the things suggested would be great ideas, although I don't think I could've had the self-control to keep from opening the numbered gifts all in one day and learning to crochet would have been absolutely out of the question - it would've required too much concentration. I love to cross-stitch and when I was on bed rest cross-stitching made me want to punch people. :D



    The Terb is awful. My hands shook terribly and I felt like I had just had about 20 cups of coffee- I took it as infrequently as possible. So something that doesn't involve lots of focus and using her hands if that's what she's on.


    The Netflix/Hulu idea is a great one. (Personally, I would have loved for someone to come and clean my house- but I'm OCD like that :D).

  2. I wouldn't try to do the half with knee pain. Honestly, I wouldn't even try to do a 5k with knee pain. It isn't worth permanent damage to such a vital joint.


    :iagree: I always say... Runners are generally people who are goal driven, like to push themselves, and are perfectly willing to deal with pain in order to reach their goal. :D


    I ran through the pain of a mildly pulled calf muscle and ended up putting myself completely out of commission for 3 full months. :sad: It was horribly depressing.

    I doubt you would have to wait a full year for another opportunity at a half... at least around here during the spring/summer season there are races everywhere.

  3. The kids' ages don't phase me. We got a puppy when our kids were 1.5 years and 3 years. It just added some extra work.


    If it were more definite, I would probably say wait until you move, but since you don't even know *if* you'll be moving, go for it :001_smile:. I have trouble with delayed gratification once I've done with all my research and I'm ready to add a new pet.


    :iagree: It's lots of work. It's like having another kid for a while. But it's worth it. :001_smile: We love our little guy, although we frequently say how we can't wait for him to be out of his puppy phase!

  4. Don't stress.:) Do what you can, and leave it at that.

    Honestly, at your kid's ages you could pretty much just drop official schooling, spend time lying on the couch reading for rest of the year and pick up at the next grade level next year.

    It won't hurt them. Promise. ;)

    I've homeschooled through many pregnancies, my last pregnancy we were really hit and miss because I was placed on bedrest. We ended up just having to drop everything 3 months early, and somehow no one got behind. Sometimes, you just have to go into survival mode. :grouphug:

  5. I actually had posted a response to one of your threads this morning. Honestly, I deleted the whole thing because right before I hit submit, I thought about all the times I've felt inferior due to my lack of experience in life, kids, and homeschooling (not by you!) and I thought, no one really cares what I think. I often find myself thinking this in reference to a post and it is a reason that I don't post as much as I'd like. It's just a personal issue that I need to get over.




    I'm sure it wasn't meant personally. I didn't see your post. I don't leave a lot of comments myself, usually because I only feel like I should comment on ones that I have some experience in, instead of just giving an opinion. I can't tell you how many times I've begun a response, only to think, "I have nothing more to say than what others have already said, " or "Do I really know enough about this to comment?" Then I delete it.



    :iagree: I do both the things in bold a lot. I'll start a response and delete it because I feel like whatever I was going to say wasn't as articulate as I wanted it to be (I'm usually distracted by the kids) or because I feel like I don't have much to offer or add to a conversation. I'm like this irl too, and it's something I'm trying to get better about. :grouphug: I do know how you feel, though.

  6. I've really enjoyed reading this thread... I've lurked here for a long time so I feel like I know a lot of you, even though no one knows who I am. :tongue_smilie:

    I really, really admire so many of you. And when I'm having a tough day, I can count on coming here for a smile. :001_smile:


    Jenningfer in MI thanks for acknowledging my presence. I felt important for one second. Then I saw how I was totally ignored on this thread:




    Look at how Joy of Six thanked the other poster for her helpful advice. So my feeling of importance went right away. Oh well I guess I have nothing important to say. I'm going to give my own self a hug :grouphug:


    :iagree:Lol, This is totally me. I'll hug you, jamajo! :grouphug:

  7. I have a love/hate relationship with that show. I'm still on season 4, and sometimes I find myself yelling at the tv that I will "never watch that show again!" (can no one keep it in their pants?!).... but I can't stop watching.:lol:


    I love how flawlessly they portray the time period, though. It's just effortless.

  8. If Partrick coulds see it wasn't about *him* but about the commotion, perhpas he could find a place in his heart to talk with your brother and say something like, "It must have been crazy to come home from Afganistahn to a wild party and be around all that drama. I'm sorry I pushed you, man. I went into protection mode over my Nakia. I know sibs fight sometimes. I know you love each other, and I know she misses you. I'm cool with you. I hope you're cool with me."


    Or however guys talk. :D


    :iagree: This is good. ;)

  9. I read your posts. You have minimized/ignored your husband's lack of maturity and repeatedly focused on your brother's. You can't reasonably expect this situation to go away. Your husband assaulted your brother, and this probably won't be resolved until he "grows up" a bit as well.


    I have to disagree with this. Nakia said that Scott didn't just scream at her, he got in her face. That's a pretty aggressive act and I believe her dh probably felt that she was in imminent physical danger.


    I agree, with both. I adore, my dear, and I'm sure my spouse would have responded in a similar manner. However, it sounds like the event was too much for your brother and he didn't have the ability to check himself.


    If there is going to be resolution, your dh may have to make the step. An apology, even if he doesn't think one is necessary, could open the door to discuss the situation.


    If you view this from brother's perspective, he's come home early, he's out of the war zone, and then chaos happens and before he knows it, he's slammed into a wall. Not quite the homecoming he pictured, probably.


    If Patrick has been the elder in the relationship he may be the one to make the step, I know I said that already.:tongue_smilie: I would ask my dh to apologize so there possibly be reconciliation. If need be, then you be the one to start the conversation.


    For my own conscience, I'd have to have the air cleared. Many people lose their tempers. It's harder to move through the fallout. I would not do this in haste, I would take the time it needs, but I would address it. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


    :iagree: with this completely.

  10. It wasn't an issue of being "politically correct," not even of being honest. It's that you are not required to give an explanation for declining to attend an event. All you needed to do was say that you regretted that your ds would not be attending (and you didn't need to buy the bday child a gift, either).


    I know you already have your plan for the day :) but for future reference, just RSVP (which doesn't just mean that you tell someone you aren't coming but also that you tell her that you are; some people get that confused, lol). No explanations are necessary (neither is a gift). :)


    I think that bringing another mother and kid into it was... unnecessarily confrontational. It puts her in an awkward position, and obviously she doesn't have the backbone that you have. ;) I'm certain she felt criticized by you for inviting this other boy- even though I'm sure that's not what you meant.


    I do think, however, that if the child's behavior is that disturbing and unacceptable, you should have had a conversation with the bully's mother- discussing her child pushing around your kids, and letting her know in no uncertain terms that your kids will be avoiding her son's company at all costs. Then make polite excuses to the mother throwing the party, without bringing up the "bad" child. That, IMHO, was the appropriate response to this situation.

  11. Natural approaches are great, but if they aren't helping you should see your doctor. Sometimes stress becomes such a habit that you forget how to not be stressed out, and taking anti-anxiety meds, even just for a short period of time, can help you calm down long enough to get things under control and get your zen back. I know they're supposedly so bad for you, but that much stress for that long is worse, imo.



  12. :iagree:


    I find this thread disturbing. Within just a couple of posts a person has been judged a troll. There's been no outrageous pattern of behaviour by this person (he's got a grand total of 4 posts - he hasn't even established a pattern), just a post that contains details some deem improbable. Big whoop. Most of us have lives with seemingly improbable details.


    Trolls reveal themselves with time. I don't get why, within 6 posts, we've jumped on this person.


    :iagree: I'm so glad you said this, I really dislike the way this thread went. I hope it hasn't chased the OP off. :(

  13. You would totally think that this would be an answer to the Eddie problem, but would you believe this kid will stand four feet away from me and discuss the most disgusting things w/ a group of boys circling him?


    That used to be our plan: heavy supervision. We finally just gave up and said, "you can't be around him."


    He almost seems to get a laugh out of "kissing up" to the parents and then turning right around and saying something entirely inappropriate. (The last straw was when he went into great detail about his dog getting Flo.)




    Ah. So essentially, adult presence doesn't curb his behavior. Lovely. In that case I see why you wouldn't want to attend, but I would make a point of not just sending, but *taking* a nice gift personally to the birthday boy the day before and telling him that you're oh so sorry that you won't be able to make it to his party. ;)

  14. Can you just attend the party as well, so you can be there in case there are any problems with the other boy? It seems a bit strange to me to not attend the little boy's birthday party, just because a difficult child will be there. Especially since you've already committed to attending. What exactly are you concerned will happen at the birthday party?

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