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Posts posted by Coffeetime

  1. I'm doing this next month. I am so tired of menu planning, figuring out my grocery list, cooking and cleaning up. So. Tired. I need a break. So I'm doing something very out of the ordinary for me and I'm going to take a break from fixing home cooked meals. I'm going to go entirely with pre-made or super easy meals for a month. Anyone else ever done this? I'm expecting it to blow my budget a bit- but it will be worth it. :D

  2. He's also the author of the 100 Cupboards series. But I assume that people will lump him with his family/father so that they can rip away and not look at him on his own merits.


    Whew, I'm glad no one thinks they know me because my mother is a self-centered, complainer most of the time! LOL :D


    Ummm.... he's not just his "father's son", he works very closely with his father and does interviews with him. He was the managing editor of the Credenda/Agenda (his father's publication), he is a professor at New St. Andrews (his father's college). I think it's pretty safe to say that he holds similar viewpoints. And like I said- we have read some of his books. My 10 year old felt that there was no continuity in his writing from one book to the other- and that the story wasn't deep enough to make it through even 2 books. He didn't finish the series.

  3. What about his rape analogy? That has given me food for thought all morning.


    Honestly, I didn't get that analogy at all. It made very little sense to me. It was a huge leap for him to say that people who were willing to murder in cold blood, obviously wouldn't participate in rape. :confused:


    Having read two of his books, I find it odd that he is criticizing books that are far meatier than his own.


    My son (10yo) read his 100 Cupboards book and enjoyed it. Then he went on to the second book and couldn't even finish it. He said it seemed like the same story over again- only written by someone else. He wasn't impressed.


    What a dope.





  4. :bigear: What family ties? Is the Wilson family I am thinking of?

    Yes. He's Douglas Wilson's son. ;)


    Casting aside many of the details I disagree with regardless, I think the critic is working from a fatally flawed assumption: that The Hunger Games can, or should, be evaluated in terms of how effectively it portrays self-sacrifice in particular and Christian themes in general. How does one criticize a book for not being an effective Christian allegory, when it was never meant to be a Christian allegory in the first place? Katniss offers herself in Prim's place, yes, but the idea of self-sacrifice is not a solely Christian one.

    Given that shaky start, it's no surprise that he goes on to make nonsensical comparisons to other books and writers. Bringing up Mark Twain and his ability to portray motivation made the reverse of the intended impression on me - because Collins does exactly what he gives Twain so much credit for; she makes the motivations and actions of her character very believable. It took a very long raft trip for Huck Finn to see Jim as fully human, and to consider the idea of helping the runaway slave at cost to himself.


    Likewise, Katniss is a flawed and reluctant hero. She is meant to be. Having her care and mourn for Rue while still killing others in the game may not make her the prime example of a stalwart Christian, but it does make her a realistic and compelling character - which is, after all, what she was meant to be.


    The Hunger Games is indeed flawed as a Christian allegory, in much the same way a saber-toothed tiger is flawed as a household pet. It seems a silly thing to point out.


    :iagree:Yes and yes.

  5. Um. . . just because he's a writer doesn't mean that his opinion of the books and characters are correct. . . I agree with some of what he says (his opinion of Peeta for example) but he takes it to extremes and much of what he says (in my opinion) is nonsense.


    I think my biggest quibble is with his idea that Katniss willingly played along to no benefit. As a Christian, I'm called to work for God's Kingdom and gain influence in part by working WITHIN the system.


    However, for the self-sacrificing theme Wilson refers to, I think Katniss plays the game *waiting for her chance*. Self-sacrifice is for naught if it's done without any impact. Dying at the start by refusing to play the game would have resulted in NO impact whatsoever. Katniss would have been just another casualty and society would have churned on. Instead, she *gained* influence--and I don't feel that she went around hunting the other kids the entire time, completely immersed in the killing--and THEN used her trump card at the end.


    Adding: I don't think that Katniss had a plan that distinct at the beginning, but it develops and she learns, adapts, ending in her willingness to die for a real cause.


    Um, did he read book 2 and 3? Without trying to be spoilerish Katniss is NOT the revolution and that is well revealed in the other books.


    As a writer I found flaws with the trilogy, but I found them realistic. Obviously we don't have Hunger Games (or do we?...) but so many books and movies show one person as the overriding hero and everyone around rejoices and gets behind them, cheering them on. Katniss' role may have people cheering, but it's public personality. In the end Katniss was but one person in the greater story.


    :iagree::iagree::iagree: Sooo... given ND Wilson's... family ties... I'll admit that I read his review with a grain of salt. And I couldn't disagree more with everything he wrote. :D

  6. Or you could call her out at the top of the post.


    "Susan, I know you know who I am and that you're reading. I'm going to be posting something that I don't want to discuss with you. I don't want it all over town, either. I can't stop you from reading here but if I catch one hint that you've gossiped about me I will be shoveling horse manure onto your front porch and letting the air out of your car tires. If you think you won't be able to restrain yourself, please consider looking away now."


    What do you think?


    :iagree: That's a great idea! OR... alternatively, you could come up with something really zany and wild to post that's a total and complete fabrication, and see how long it takes to get back to you. Then you could call her out in person! :D

  7. Yes. When someone proposes a radical change of perspective and action, says it's for everyone, and persuades with rapid and urgent speech that the time to act is NOW, it's very prudent to stand back for a moment and say, "What you're saying kind of makes sense to me, but first, what's it to you whether or not I agree with you? What's in it for you?"


    Well, if you are a dominionist you need the whole nation (and eventually the world) to see things like you do and let you be in charge so Jesus can come back and set up an earthly kingdom.


    If you're a homeschool curriculum supplier and you make a living by selling materials and speaking at conventions, you need a constant source of customers/believers to keep those opportunities to speak and to sell from year to year.


    These homeschooling sermons are merely some mens' opinions. They are not the gospel of Jesus Christ. That he offers freely, no purchase required, and nothing for the preacher to gain other than the joy of watching a new disciple join the church of our Lord.


    That's Christianity. Believe in Jesus, repent of your sins, His Grace reaches me, amazing grace, hallelujah.


    And then, how to live a Christian life?


    Vision Forum says, "Be like me, have lots of kids, dress this way, speak this way, read these books, go to this convention, fear these people, and hate these people. I guarantee you'll be the ones doing it right. Don't trust yourself to listen to anyone but me. Susan Wise Bauer is dangerous! But you can trust me. And hand over your credit card, this is gonna hurt."


    Jesus says, "Follow me." He says to love your neighbor as yourself. (Oops, there go the fear and the hate.) He says to give to the poor. (Maybe shouldn't spend every dime enriching the rich, then, because you're scared he can't save your kids if you don't read or watch everything put out by the scaremongers.) He says that salvation is in no other name but His. That means you can't save your kids' souls by homeschooling them or by isolating them in a certain way. You can't world-proof your kids. You can hide them, scare them, shame them, and scar them, but you can't save them. That's the work of Someone Else.


    :iagree: Very, very well put.

  8. ETA: I almost forgot that a pug is great if you have a dh or boys that want a "manly" smaller dog, instead of the poofy froo-froo dogs.


    This is funny, because it's one of the reasons my husband chose our Boston. Small, but "manly" looking lol! I guess Pugs and Bostons are similar in that respect. :)

  9. We have a little Boston Terrier. He's a doll and perfect for our kids. Not yippy or snappy at all- but standard size is only between 20-25 lbs. He's super friendly, almost overly so, everyone is his best friend. ;) He's small enough that the kids can walk him on their own, he's smart and learns quickly, low shedding and low maintenance and is just as happy running around playing fetch as he is having quiet time in his crate.

  10. I don't like it. Not because I feel like it's obscene, it makes me feel like it's making fun of women who choose to do that (yet the title almost makes fun of those who don't). It's just so awkward feeling.


    Ok, totally not into AP here- but this is what I don't get. I didn't read the article, but I did slightly bristle at the insinuation that if you don't do extended nursing you're reason is because you're obviously not "Mom Enough" to handle it. The photo, the title... everything about that cover is clearly meant to provoke a fight between AP and non-AP parents. Don't like it one bit.

  11. We have some very dear friends whom we love, but with whom we have absolutely nothing in common when it comes to parenting. ;)

    Their 10 year old daughter is always very done up. She also has a cell phone attached to her person at all times and at some point during play with my kids, she will invariably interrupt the game to take a call or make a call to a friend. My husband was hanging at their house late one weekend and she ran upstairs to take a call from a friend--- after midnight. :confused:

    Their 15 year old spent our entire dinner the other night (we were hosting) texting friends trying to get a ride out of there. :001_huh:

    So yes, I would say from my experience it's not uncommon. It's been a pretty good learning experience for my kids, though. They've seen how it feels to compete with a cell phone and lose. :tongue_smilie: I think they understand more clearly why we have a no cell phone policy.

  12. "In most normal pregnancies with hCG levels below 1,200 mIU/ml, the hCG usually doubles every 48-72 hours and increases by at least 60% every two"


    I found this online today and based on this your levels are exactly on track. More than 60% increase in 2 days, it would have been double by today putting it at the 72 hour range not 48.


    :iagree::iagree: This! It's supposed to double every 48-72 hours not every 46- your numbers are GREAT! :) You got really good news today and you should definitely focus on that!! :)

  13. Ooh that was nice of her! I don't know if it would matter for me though because no-one will be at my doctor's office to receive a fax over the weekend, so I won't hear anything until Monday anyway. And since the lab is only open til 12 on Saturdays I'm not even sure if they'll deliver the results before Monday, but we'll see! I will be on the phone to the doctor's office first thing Monday morning to see if they got my results, and if they didn't, I'll be showing up at the Medical Records office again and hoping to finagle myself a copy from dragon lady again without 24 hours notice haha. But seriously by Saturday if my levels do double, my home test should show a darker line, right?? So maybe that will be an indication to not worry too much before Saturday. It'll help anyway.


    Thanks everyone for all of the support, encouragement, prayers, good vibes, etc!

    Definitely finagle the results from Dragon Lady ASAP lol!:tongue_smilie:


    I would think your pg test lines *should* get darker over the next couple of days... but if they don't I wouldn't take that as finality either. ;) You may have a batch of tests with very little dye. It also varies from brand to brand.

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