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Posts posted by Coffeetime

  1. Looking a little online about the HCG numbers and seeing what other people said their's were at 11 dpo.


    One person said their's was 56 at 13 dpo (which would have meant it was only around 28 at 11 dpo, probably) and that by four days later it was in the 500's.


    Another said hers was 59 at 13 dpo, which would have had it around 29 at 11 dpo).


    Another person said hers was 34 at 11 dpo (same as me) and that by 13 dpo it had doubled.


    Somebody else said hers was only 21.6 at 12 dpo and then 59 by 14 dpo.


    Another was 22.2 at 12 dpo and 51.8 by 14 dpo.


    Another was 39 at 12 dpo and 139 by 14 dpo.


    Of course, a lot of other people started out much higher, and going by the charts it seems a little low for this time frame, which is kind of scary, but I guess that doesn't really necessarily mean a whole lot as long as it rises normally from here, and it seems like there are a lot of other women who do start out as low as this and then double just fine. I just wish I didn't have to wait four days to find out for sure! (Again if I could just see a darker line on one of my home tests I'd feel a bit more reassured. If that thing just stays this light or gets lighter there's no way I'm going to be able to stay very optimistic because like I said that was a sign of a problem for me last time, that it got lighter rather than darker). Glad I have no cramping or spotting or anything but I'll still feel better seeing my line get darker while I wait for more bloodwork results.


    It's just that I read that once you have an ectopic you're more likely to have another, and I'm 39 so due to age I already have an increased risk of m/c, and it's just hard not to be scared it's going to happen again. I wish I could be more excited and happy instead- hopefully within a few days I can be!


    Totally BTDT (not with an ectopic but with a miscarriage and a pregnancy a month after) so I won't tell you not to worry. It's impossible. ;) Just preoccupy yourself as best you can- maybe a few movie days are in order? Do you have a really good book you've been waiting to read?


    That said- I think your betas are totally within normal range for 11dpo. Congrats! :001_smile:


    ETA- On Saturday morning when you go to the lab, make really, really nice with the lab tech. ;) When I was anxiously awaiting the results of my second beta, the lab tech actually called and had the lab fax the results over early rather than making me wait for them to be delivered. I'm pretty sure I told her I loved her. :P

  2. Amazingly I was in and out in 5 min or so. I expected a packed waiting room since I didn't get there at 7 when they opened, but it was empty!


    They said my dr should get the results "this afternoon" so I will start stalking their office after lunch.


    The cruddy thing is today is Thursday. If I'm pregnant and it's a normal pregnancy my numbers should double every 2-3 days, but the lab and dr are closed all weekend so I will have to wait til Monday- 4 days!!!- to find out if they are rising normally.


    I might die before then of nervous anticipation (although a darker line on a home test between now and then would mollify me somewhat)!


    The Hospital lab will be open! Can you just go there on Saturday? :D If it's like our hospital, if the doctor gives you a script you can walk into the lab for blood testing. It's worth asking your doc!


    In the meantime, you can amuse yourself by comparing your test to other tests here. http://www.peeonastick.com/ ;)

  3. I definitely see it! Congratulations! (Looks very much like my + at 8dpo) I'm far less patient than you, however. I'd be at the store right now buying a more tests. :D


    I'm also kind of freaking out because I have had mild/minor crampiness on and off for a lot of today. I thought it was a sign I'd be getting my period tonight or tomorrow. It could still be that, or I guess it could be a pg symptom as I've read a lot of women have some crampiness in very early pregnancy and that it is pretty common. Hopefully it doesn't mean something is wrong. I hope I can sleep tonight lol.


    I have always been very crampy at the beginning of my pregnancies. It feels like your period is about to start. Totally normal! :)

  4. I am fond of the "Be busy - Very Very Busy" approach. Be juggling lots of items (books, bags, cell phones, kids) when you go past them in the morning. Fake a cell phone call if you have to. Sit apart so you can spread out your stuff and spend the time organizing your recipes with the concentration usually required for astrophysics. Smile and laugh and talk to your kids when you leave, but (obviously) have no time to stop and chat.


    In short - distance yourself from the ill-wishers and let some time pass.


    I'm so sorry, Kristin. :iagree: This is what I would do, right down to the faking of the phone call. (You can pretend you're talking to one of us! ;) ) Smile and wave as you go past, but don't have "time" to stop and talk.

    I don't think I would confront any of them, quite frankly, because I think the odds of it getting even uglier and more hurtful are great. And you really, really don't need that.

  5. How exciting! I found #4 to be the easiest to adjust to. I found out the week after dh left for a 15 mo. deployment that I was expecting. DH came home for the birth and R&R (not so much rest there) and then left again til ds was 6 mo old. Even with DH gone all that time, it wasn't terribly hard to adjust. #3 was way, way harder IMHO.


    Smile! New maternity clothes - not the ones with the completely worn elastic is great.


    :iagree: with the bolded. 4 was an easy adjustment. #5 was a different story... :tongue_smilie: You can do it!! :) Congratulations!

  6. Okay--- here's how we handled it:


    Given the fact that Crazy Mom is clearly over-involved at best and mentally unbalanced at worst, we don't feel contacting her is an option.


    We are generally of the 'don't poke it with a stick" philosophy, but kind of wanted to be on record somewhere about this. It's a small town and a small school, so we decided to be proactive and call the guidance counselor.


    She was excellent-- confirmed my suspicions without really coming right out and saying it that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and Crazy Mom's ruthless and vicious and so is her daughter. Counselor advised us to ignore her comments but monitor them, and if it continues, it's a police matter, which is the conclusion dh and I came to this morning prior to me calling, actually. She is going to make a note of my call so it's in writing that we expressed our concerns on 4/26/12. Paper trail should we ever need one.


    She's going to call Molly down and just do a friendly check-in with her. I"m sure Molly will say everything is fine, as she hates confrontation, etc. Lunch might be interesting, as Molly usually sits with these two girls at lunch. Can't wait to hear how things went.... nervous about that.


    Thanks to everyone for your hugs, care, concern, and great advice! I'll keep you posted on how things shake down.....



    Seems like you're handling it well- I'm so sorry this happened to your daughter. :grouphug: She sounds like a girl with a head on her shoulders, though! ;) It's unbelievable how crazy some people get when they're behind a computer screen.

  7. I'm a Christian, and I do not believe that this is a "Christian nation". It really bothers me when I hear that phrase, as well. To be so, this country would have to be a theocracy, which would be completely antithetic to everything the founding fathers intended to form. I tend to think that when most people say that phrase, they don't really understand exactly what they are saying ("You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.") :D I think there are some people who truly believe that we are a "Christian Nation", and as such subscribe to some sort of dominionism/reconstruction theology, which is not something I believe, and which is probably a thread all to itself. ;)

  8. I think it's very healthy for couples to have "away" time from each other. One night a week, or at least one night every other week, is not a bad thing. Him staying out until 1am playing board games (not out at a strip club, or betting on race horses) sounds great to me. Guys need guy time, and there is nothing selfish about it. My mom tried to stop my dad from having any sort of guy time, and they had horrible marriage issues.... She wanted all of his attention - not healthy.

    As for your own time - he can't help that your time is with moms or that your once a month is emotional. Why not have a board game night of your own? MAKE dh watch the kids, etc. He also can't help that your best friend lives far away and you haven't made new close friendships where you are. These are not issues with him having friends, these are your issues. I am saying that as nicely as I can - this isn't snippy (although I can see how it could sound that way so assume a nice tone of voice). This is coming from a military wife who has had to make new friendships so many times I can't count, but whose closest friend lives on the other side of the country.

    As for having a baby soon - I think your DH would understand if (for a short while) after the baby comes home he needs to put a hold on guy night. But right now - I can't see a reason for him not to strengthen his friendships, and you should do the same :)


    He sounds like more of an extrovert than you. My DH and I are opposites with that. He is a total extrovert and wants to be around tons of people all the time. I'm not. I can be just fine without it. Although, in order to strengthen my friendships I actively make sure I am giving my female friends quality time.

    Also- you cannot give him everything he needs. You cannot be a "guy" for him. Guys need guy time. They need to be around other men. This is normal and healthy.

    Lastly, quality time for yourselves. No one can make this happen except the two of you. Take turns planning things to do alone and as a family, getting babysitters, or just mapping out "after-bedtime" quality time like playing a game, watching a movie, etc.


    :iagree: with every word. My husband is an extrovert. He needs his social time. It re-energizes him and honestly, makes him much happier when he's at home.;)

    I'm an introvert and don't need that much social time, but I do make sure that once a month I organize a girl's night out with some friends, and when I need time away from the kids, my husband watches them while I do the library or shopping or coffee.

    We make sure each other's individual needs for away time are met, and it makes for a very happy, healthy marriage. It's not "equal" and never will be, because we have different needs. :001_smile:

    BTW, it took me a few years to realize that I had to just take control of getting my time away. He wasn't going to plan it for me, that's for sure! So grab the calendar, plan what you want to plan, and be sweet about his time away. ;)

  9. YEAH!!!! What a relief. I woke up thinking about you!

    Thank you!! :) We're so happy he's home!


    That is awesome news!!!! :001_smile:


    If you're interested' date=' a quick way to cover any exposed bolts is to take a swimming noodle, slit it, and then duct tape it in place. You can do the all the legs in case he runs into them again. :tongue_smilie:[/quote']


    That's a great idea- but I think he might just chew the swimming noodle. :tongue_smilie: I did take some electrical tape to all of the exposed bolt ends though! :)

  10. Oh, I LOVE the hospital stay. :001_smile::001_smile: It like a vacation! They bring you food whenever you want, wait on you hand and foot, you can nap at any time.... I can't do any of that at home.

    I don't have sections, but my doctor was always nice enough to order the longest stay possible (3 full days) because he knew that was the only way I could get any rest. ;)

    I have given birth 5 times at the same hospital and they are so great there.

  11. Maybe time to get some pipe insulation and cover up those bolts!



    Yes! When we put it up over the summer we put on those plastic bold covers... but apparently they fell off over the winter with all the snow and ice. :glare: The first thing I did when we got home and I figured out what happened was to take some electrical tape to the bolt ends.


    :grouphug: Why do these kind of things always happen when hubby is out of town?


    Isn't that the truth? If ever anything bad happens it's when he's gone. And the worst part is that he's out of the country so I can't even talk to him on the phone! :(


    It'll be okay--- really. Sending love and hugs your way!



    Thank you for saying that- I so hope you're right!!

  12. Oh, poor sweet little cutie! What an ADORABLE pup.


    It is a really good sign that the muscle was not affected.


    As far as cost, since it is after hours I am assuming you took him to an emergency vet? I am so sorry, but the price is going to be pretty hig. Still, you had no other option. Clearly this is not something that could wait until morning.


    My greyhound recently went out at night to go t the bathroom. He was out for about a miute or two when I noticed him back at the deck. When he laid down I noticed that one of his toes was compketely sideways and stabbing into the digit next to it. I could not get the toes to budge so off I went to the emergency vet. When I took him out of the back of my car I cold not believe what I was looking at. His back paw was completely stripped of all skin, flesh, etc. Worse yet, it wasn't bleeding. Not bleeding is a dangerous sign indicating the skin could be dying. I also noticed puncture wounds on his chest. The chest had a few stitches, as did the toe with the nail that stabbed through the other digit. I had to leave him over night so they could sew the back paw back together. That bill cost $1000 but it didn't include bandage changes, tissue checks, or the removal of stitches. I think the total was somewhere around $1250.


    I hate to say it but I really think you're looking at a bill well over $1000. Please do not refuse pain meds. They will be expensive but your puppy will need them.


    I'm certainly no vet, but I would be ver surprised if your puppy didn't make it. I think we were told there was some sort of patch they could put on to grow new skin in an area like the thigh but it wouldn't work on the paw. To be honest, though, it was around midnight and I was so stressed out and tired that I don't remember all the dtails. hopefully vettech2 (do I have that right?) will see this and respond.

    :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:Please keep us posted. I will be thinking about this all night.


    One other thing. It is not fair for you to have to wait all night. Call back the vet to see if they can call you back TONIGHT? At the very least get answers to your questions so that you don't have to wonder all night.


    It is so hard for the kids. I know!!!:grouphug:


    Oh, how terrible for your dog! :( That sounds very much like what happened to our guy- his whole thigh was just... skinless. There was blood though- not a ton but enough that I had to just throw away the towel I had him in. I'm so glad the little ones didn't see the wound, it was really grisly- only my dd8 saw it since she was the one who grabbed the towel for me. She also got all the little ones in the car for me- she's such a great kid.

    It actually happened at about 3pm our time- so I was able to take him to his regular vet, thankfully!! They took him back right away- I had him at the vet literally within 15 minutes of the accident. I absolutely LOVE his vet office- they really work to keep costs down while providing wonderful, loving care. They went ahead and did his neutering while he was under so they wouldn't have to do surgery again. And yes, he's on morphine and antibiotics. There's no way I would refuse pain meds- he's one of the family to us! :)


    I agree, I don't want to wait overnight to find out the details. But I know that our little guy pushed back their appointments and the vet is way behind for the day.


    $1200 doesn't sound too terrible- that's better than I was thinking! The carecredit sounds like a great thing- I will look into it.


    Thank you, all of you, so much for your prayers and good thoughts! The kids and I so appreciate it! This has been a yucky day. :(

  13. Just heard from the vet tech... she said the vet would call tonight if he could or in the AM. She seemed very non-committal about his status. :( She said that he was at a higher risk for his skin dying because he lacerated it against the blood flow (?)... or something. They told me from the get-go that this might be a two surgery thing because of that risk... so I'm not sure if that's what she was saying or if she was saying he might not make it. I asked if he was okay and she was kind of like "Well....I think so.... we'll have to wait and see how he does." If I had been thinking more clearly I would have asked her to clarify what she was talking about. I'm just so sad and upset. This happened so quickly! And now I don't know if I need to be preparing the kids for him not making it (which would be heartbreaking- we've already lost one dog this year that we had to re-home). And on top of it all, I don't know how we're going to pay for all of this. I don't even know what to expect the bill to be.

    Ugh, what an awful day.

  14. UPDATE!

    We were able to bring him home today! He's pretty out of it, he just wants to sleep. And he looks like a patchwork quilt! But the dr. said that he has no doubt that he will heal up nicely, even if it means another surgery. They it was very gnarly, and that he was in surgery for quite a while- they took off some skin that looked like it was already dead/dying, and pieced the rest of it back together. I can't say enough about the vet's office. They've been amazing. And the bill.... drum roll please... only $639! That included neutering, too. I was very relieved- it was much less than I was thinking and we have the cash for that amount. :) We're so thankful to have him home! Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! I have 5 very happy kids here. :)


    PS. I included some pictures of his leg... don't click if you're squeamish!




    Our poor little pup injured himself badly and is in surgery as we speak. He was running toward the house and scraped past an exposed bolt on the trampoline, which essentially filleted the skin off of his entire back thigh. It left an area of the muscle the size of my hand exposed- the skin just peeled back completely. I grabbed him, covered it with a dishtowel, got 4 sobbing kids in the car (my oldest was just getting out of school) and rushed him to the vet. I had to drive with my knees while holding the bleeding puppy in my lap, and calling the vet to let them know we were on the way and my son's school to tell them I'd be late picking him up. They are sewing him back together and said that thankfully his muscle wasn't injured. He should be okay and we're hoping to hear from the vet soon saying he's out of surgery. It's been about 1.5 hours since we got him to the vet.


    *sigh* And of course my husband is out of town. I really need a drink.


    This is our little guy. He's 5 months old. Any prayers are appreciated, we're all a bit upset at the moment.

  15. We would identify ourselves as Conservative Christians, though I tend to be a little more liberal politically and am not a young earth creationist per the stereotype...my parents are much more conservative than I.


    Anyway, I did talk to my mom a bit about it. I'm running out the door now, but she had some interesting food for thought--her take was that the very conservative(I don't know what to call it without stereotyping, which I don't really want to do) of homeschoolers has always been there, but wasn't always able to be as vocal as they are today. She said that there was a strong pull towards ATI when she first started and that she eventually dropped out of our local LEAH group because it got "too weird," as she described it. She also said that because she had a large family(eight kids), homeschooled, gardened, etc. that many people assumed she was quiverfull and all that implies--but that when the ones who followed that line of thought got to know her and discovered our family wasn't into quiverfull/courtship/family integrated church, they stopped pursuing friendship with my parents. Mom feels though that while this has always been a part of the homeschooling movement, the advent of the internet has made it possible to be far more vocal far easier. She pointed out that moms with many homeschooled children don't have time to write books and such, but that blogging/facebook and such have made it much easier to vocalize their views, and that is why I am finding such a large amount of it on homeschooling websites.


    Also, which I never knew, apparently an acquaintance's father approached my dad when I was seventeen with the "intention to start a courtship." My dad told them that the young man was welcome to ask me himself, and we never heard another word from them. :lol:


    I was also homeschooled through the '80s and '90s. Interestingly, my experience with it has been the exact opposite of yours. Growing up, we were around a LOT of ATI homeschoolers. Thankfully, my parents never gave into the peer pressure to join (actually, I think I can thank my dad for that!) but I would say it made up the majority of our "homeschool" circle. Now, as a mom who home educates mainly for the academic advantage, I find that the homeschoolers I meet are definitely more mainstream and academically inclined. I don't know any who are ultra-conservative, 'PHD in homemaking' types. (That phrase made me laugh, because I've totally heard that one before!) I tend to think that your mom is correct- I don't think the ATI, Vision Forum types hold more sway, I think they're just more organized and vocal. And unfortunately, people think that they are the "face" of home education-they're not. If you haven't read SWB's blog post on it today, do. She has it spot on and I so appreciate that she has the courage to say it out loud.



    That's actually why I like SWB and this board. Here I find the biggest group of academic homeschoolers, religious or not, who seem to have similar goals for their children.


    We are out there. We are just busy reading. :tongue_smilie:


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