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Posts posted by Coffeetime

  1. Quill nailed it pretty accurately.


    I've been home with my kids since my oldest was 11 months. Over the years she's told me that she doesn't understand how I can stand to stay home and that maternity leave was all that she could stand. She has one child (he's a senior this year). I have three and there have been times she calls and WWIII breaks out between my kids and she'll say stuff like "I don't know how you stand it!" but it's not just what she says. It's how she says it.


    I never say anything negative about PS to anyone that sends their kids to one. I would never be that mean spirited so where she gets off bad mouthing my schooling choices is beyond me.


    Ah. Gotcha.

  2. Woody Guthrie was one powerful dude but I don't think he came up with the Great Depression on his own. Wait, I know! It was Earl Hamner Jr. that fleeced the nation on that one. Dang Waltons.


    I knew there were problems with Abeka and BJU but I didn't know of very many examples. Now I want to buy all of it and read it so I can understand some hs'ers better, because I have a feeling that everything will all suddenly make sense.


    The one that really floors me right now is the KKK reference. I don't know why I'm so shocked, when I do know about BJU's stance on racial issues that persisted up until, like, yesterday.


    This is bad.



    Since this thread began I have been wondering how many homeschooling parents of today were educated with Abeka curriculum, themselves, whether as homeschoolers or in private schools. I guess I should also wonder how many homeschooling parents are BJU grads.


    Because if it is a significant percentage, that might explain the homeschooling conventions of today.


    Anyone have any data on this?


    My parents used Abeka at certain points in my homeschooling career. Back then, there wasn't much else available. Thankfully, I was also taught to think for myself. ;) I would never use either of those curriculums with my children. There is a local private school that uses BJU and several of my friends send their children to it. I don't get it. There is so much amazing curriculum available! Why use something so...controversial and mediocre? :confused:


    ETA to discuss vouchers- our State Constitution doesn't allow for vouchers but I still think there needs to be SOMETHING done to encourage school choice. What about some sort of tax credit system?

  3. What comments have people put on the kid-chewing-on-a-pee-stick photo? I'm guessing it was a prank and not really THE stick--though that doesn't make any sense either. It's too bizarre and disgusting for me to believe it was genuine, though. In any case, she must have a case of pregnancy-induced wackadoodiness to think anyone would find pics of people posing with and chewing on pee sticks cute or amusing. :001_huh:


    No, it is most definitely a used stick. You can see the two lines.:001_huh: She put the cap back on the end, so that's something, but still.


    And only one person has commented. "I hope it's clean...".

    I think everyone is eeked out.

    Oh, and HER commentary on the chewing photo? "He knows where this stick has been. lol."

    He's 4 years old.


    It's all just really, really bizarre. And gross. And disgusting.


    Her whole life is pretty much TMI though. I'm pretty sure she thinks that everything about her is so stinking adorable the entire world MUST know it all. I am convinced that certain people should not be allowed on FB. :tongue_smilie:

    And yes, I utilized that little "unsubscribe" button tonight... ;)

  4. I have a FB "friend" (we aren't close) who just changed her profile pic to a her positive pregnancy test. Ok. I can handle that. A little bit of an odd way to announce to the general public that you're expecting, considering most people probably don't really wish to view a stick on which you just urinated, but whatever floats your boat, right?


    She then proceeded to post SEVERAL pictures of her children POSING with the positive pee sticks. In one, her son is CHEWING on the pee stick. Like, on the peed on end. In another, her son is STICKING THE PEE STICK IN HIS EYE.




    Then she posted a photo of her PARENTS posing with the pee sticks.


    Granted, she's one of those "shares WAY too much information on FB" types.

    I'm actually a little surprised she didn't post pictures of herself, ahem, using the pee sticks. :tongue_smilie:

  5. Sorry...I couldn't get past "Dear Ones, ". BLECH.


    You're lucky. I managed to skim through it. I need to go bleach my brain now...



    Don't apologize. You didn't make fun of her. (I'm pretty sure I did, but let's not go there right now. :tongue_smilie:)


    As far as I (and many others here) are concerned, Blogger Woman said some pretty idiotic things. And if some people agree with her, or interpreted her intentions differently, that's fine, too. But you don't need to apologize for anything you said.


    I can tell that you're a very kind person and that you don't want to offend anyone, but don't let it bother you if someone disagrees with you or criticizes you for posting what you think. If you believe something to be true, or think something is stupid or amusing or evil or whatever, go ahead and say so. Your opinions and feelings are as valid as everyone else's. :grouphug:



  6. If you call home, can hear 2 kids squabbling, baby crying and teen yapping, WARNING

    If The Wife asks you to pick up earplugs, duct tape, and knock out gas, WARNING #2

    If, when you get home, you discover The Wife has locked herself in the van, music blaring, MAYDAY!


    And, ftr, a proper response to MAYDAY can include: hustling kids inside, away from mom. Getting Wife's indulgence of choice (be it chocolate, ice cream, or a strong drink) and bringing it out to the van.


    It never, EVER includes attempting to yell over the blaring music, and the words, "What's for supper?"


    You forgot vodka.

    Earplugs, duct tape, knockout gas and vodka. That way when dh asks you what's for supper, you have something immediately available to calm yourself. ;)

  7. Fragrant beds. :lol:


    The entire Christian community needs to stop this nonsense. Dear anonymous lady, stop telling us about your sex life. Stop telling us that whatever your husband wants is the definition of Christian holiness, because that is absurd. It's also quite vulgar and common to explain your husband's peccadilloes to strangers on the internet. You are grossing out the whole world, and you need to go read your Bible. Stay out of my bedroom and quit astonishing me by inviting me into yours. Thanks.


    I intend to copy and paste this on every Christian blog and article of this kind until they all just stop it.




    Seriously. What is WITH this weird, Christian obsession with people's s*x lives?!? :001_huh:

  8. She currently has a job she loves (and pays well) as a Mother's Helper. The kids adore her, and beg their mother daily to call her. lol It's fun for them, and an excellent way for a child her age to make some money.

    :D Our favorite sitter, whom we all adore, goes to college during the school year. The kids miss her so much while she's gone! She sends them letters and care packages from school and they absolutely love that! When summer rolls around, she's the only one they want to watch them. They actually get all excited for us to go out, because that means A is coming! We are so blessed to have her.

    Some people never leave their kids. I respect it, but I can't do that personally. Even if I didn't want to occasionally have a night out with dh, sometimes we have commitments that just require that we do things (you know, like jury duty and doctor's appointments). I'd rather have a few names I'm willing to call on and have kids comfortable with being left for a few hours.


  9. File a report for the pipe incident.


    The kid sounds possibly abused to me and may need help. You cannot directly help because you have to protect your kids from bullying. The report could spark some investigation. Your neighbor said he "beat" his kid (may be nothing, may be abusive) and the kid's behavior has some definite red flags. Specifically, it is not normal for kids to beat their friends with a pipe and send them to the ER, and the frequency and times of the visits after laying clear boundaries.


    If the bullying and violence continue, you will NEED that report. A chat with a police officer is not going to give you the paper trail you need. File a report.


    If you are concerned about your relationship with the neighbor, don't be. The "friendly" neighborhood relationship has already been broken. This kid may need help in a possibly abusive situation, and your kids need the protection from bullying. File the report asap.


  10. If it's hot to the touch, and the redness has spread by tomorrow then I would go in. If it's the same, I would just keep doing what you're doing.


    (We just had to rush my 6 yo in with cellulitis, the redness/heat/swelling was spreading very quickly and covered nearly 6 inches on his leg in less than 24 hours.)

  11. I would consider that something happened with them, and I would wait a bit for a reply. Obviously, you will not be upset if grandma had a heart attack, and they made a trip out of town and are not concerned with text messages at the moment , so I would wait to hear from her before jumping to conclusions.



    Things happen. Sometimes, things just slip your mind. It sucks, but it happens. I wouldn't be angry with her if this was a one-time thing. It certainly doesn't seem like something to ruin the friendship over.

    Disclaimer: I am notoriously unreliable. I am late to EVERYTHING. I have been known to back out of things last minute because of circumstances beyond my control. It's not that I don't try- it's just really, really hard to get 5 young kids in the car to go places and something almost always happens to make me late- even when I start to leave early. :D

  12. Never.


    Frankly, neither of us would be interested in the type of dates you describe. We go out to dinner now and then now that the kids are older. We also go mountain biking together without kids sometimes too.


    We never used babysitters, ever. Ds had food allergies and was autistic spectrum. I really didn't trust anyone with him and besides we weren't trying to get away from our kids.

    :lol: I must be a horrible parent, because I often try to get away from my kids! :lol:

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