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Posts posted by Coffeetime

  1. That isn't the problem. The problem is people cannot state an opinion without being offensive. People don't have manners any more.


    Nobody cares if so-and-so doesn't like tattoos. But, it is hardly surprising that the tattooed folk get upset when people call them trashy and low-class. :001_rolleyes:


    Opinion that will offend: Tattoos are trashy and low-class, especially for women. Class warfare and sexism in one sentence, great.


    Opinions that probably won't bother anyone: Tattoos are not my thing. I would be too scared because I know so many people who have regretted it and/or have badly done tattoos. I wish people wouldn't get scary and/or naked tattoos for public viewing. Personally, I find it strange that people would make a trend a permanent part of their body. I'm of an age where I've known lots of people who have had tattoos removed, ouch, no thanks!


  2. I also got rid of another bag of clothes. The house is finally starting to shape up.


    What did you do today? Nothing is always an acceptable answer. ;)


    Only eight loads? Lightweight. ;)


    Just kidding! I had a good day of accomplishment, too! Got the weekly deep cleaning done, finished the rest of Mt. Laundry, cleaned up the back yard, and listed some things for sale on craigslist. Yay us!

  3. Do what YOU want to do for your dad, and ignore your mother's input, her comments after you give your gift, etc.


    It is a big deal if your mother has a history of being manipulative and controlling. It's one thing to keep the peace with someone who is sometimes human, and another thing to perpetuate a pattern of behavior.


    Anyway, I am just saying I can see why you would be irritated with this.

    :iagree: This. Exactly. Yup.


    However, I think your description of classical sells classical education short. The thing that draws me to classical education isn't that it's old fashioned or traditional. I don't actually even think uniforms or a traditional playground are in any way essential to classical education. Why couldn't you have a classical school with a nature playground in honor of Charlotte Mason and no uniforms? I don't think taking a Saxon style drill approach to math is necessarily a litmus test for classical education either.


    The thing that draws me to classical education has more to do with building critical thinking skills in children and giving them a foundation of knowledge from which to draw when evaluating the world around them. I would definitely not say I'm strictly classical, but none of the description you gave indicated those elements at all.


    :iagree: I have to agree with this.

    My son attends a Classical school, and while they do use rigorous curriculum choices, have uniforms (which I happen to like;)), and give out homework- they also do thematic style studies, give the kids LOTS of free play time outside (and on days when the kids are restless, the teachers have no qualms about allowing extra recesses), make sure there is plenty of time for free reading in class, move away from individual desks in 6th grade in favor of a Socratic round table method, have lots of field trips, have a 'no weekend homework' policy, and do a ton of hands on discovery. I think it's possible to take some of the best elements of both styles of education and create something pretty awesome. :001_smile:

  5. Ah, on days like that I go with vodka, iced tea and a splash of lemonaid. Today however, I'm stuck with rum and lemonaid... 'cause I drank all the vodka... :tongue_smilie:


    We call them "mommy smoothies" around here.


    Of course, my 11 yr old told his VERY religious co-op art class that "My mom drinks wine a lot. Like bottles and bottles. We are a LOT for her to handle."




    :lol: That. Is. Awesome.

  6. ha! One of mine does that too!


    We found it very funny that closed captioning does it too. We were watching Hell's Kitchen and I had muted the tv to take a phone call. Our tv automatic,y switches to closed captioning when you hit mute. So we see the scrolling diatribe of Chef Ramsey. "what the BLEEP and you Bleep bleep bleep doing with the bleep bleep sauce in this bleep bleep bleep kitchen you bleep?!":lol:



  7. "What the heck" doesn't bother me in the least. However, I tell my kids that they can't do the "What the...." without putting a word in there. To me just trailing off sounds like you're thinking a word too dirty to say. ;)

    Funny thing is my oldest started saying "bleep" as a swear word... like he was bleeping himself out. I'm trying to end that one as well. :lol:

  8. Where are now in this tiny town, yes no problem even though we have no fence. In my old city on a street with a gang and the yard backing onto an alley over my dead body. That said some of my favorite childhood memories are of sleeping in the tent in the backyard so if your area is safe and they can be trusted not to sneak away than go for it.


    :iagree: When we were kids, we would spend the entire summer sleeping outside.

    My kids are excited for the nights to get warmer so they can start camping out on the trampoline. :D

  9. Wait, maybe YOU live close enough to me to hang out :lol:


    blesseswinter we should all meet up in October in Leavenworth for beer;)


    ETA: AND we all have kids the same age. Though I only have 2:p


    I live a few hours in the OTHER direction.... and technically not WA, the next State over that-a-way:D... but it's only a few hours from "Apple Country" and we have family over there. ;)


    Totally! We have lived here for 7 years and still have not been to Leavenworth! I totally want to go! Dh would LOVE to go during the beer-fest :D


    At the moment I am planning on running the Leavenworth Half-Marathon during Oktoberfest.... I think we should plan a lunch!



    Another WA mom here. I'd love to join your get-together. (I'm somewhere between a conservative & liberal Christian. So I'd fit in w/you guys, right?)


  10. I feel like I keep losing friendships, even being guarded as I am. I am so guarded that I make no time for IRL close friendships but I have become emotionally invested into a few friendships online. One in particular, we even brought our entire family to their house, we got pretty close but the past few months since then she has been increasingly cold toward me. It turns out she doesn't think I am submissive enough to my husband and she is disgusted with me because of that. The thing is, I really liked her and looked up to her so it hurts that it turns out she is so angry and disgusted with me. When I confronted her about it, she just got passive aggressive and condescending, like my mom always did when I would confront her on anything. *shudder*


    I am realizing that I just don't fit in with the conservative Christian circle I have hung around for so many years. We have converted to Catholicism since then, but this conservative Christian circle I have been a part of is largely fundamentalist Protestant. As that conversion has happened, many of the beliefs I used to ascribe to now just make my stomach turn. I'm not sure if that is good or bad.


    It's not that I want to give up on my Christian beliefs, but I am so sick of the judgment and standards that go along with these groups that I have been a part of. Especially when you have a large family. Not only are you supposed to believe a certain way, but you are supposed to make all your food from scratch, be a total health freak and not let any pinch of sugar or anything unclean pass through your lips, pinch every penny, call your kids "treasures and blessings" and act as if things are always roses and peaches all the time, run an organized home, and on and on. The better you are at these things, the more pride you naturally feel.


    It's disgusting me more and more and just pi$$ing me off. No wonder I keep losing friendships, huh.


    As my friendships keep falling apart, I feel that it certainly must have something to do with me. I can't blame it all on the fact they are complete freaks. :tongue_smilie: I also feel a lot of...hatred?...toward these people, esp. when things like this happen. Obviously that isn't good. I seriously want to kick her in the face. :glare:


    I thought we were supposed to be getting more confident and self-assured as we get older? So why am I still so rocked when people don't like me? :sad:


    Hmm... judgmental, check. Nosy, check. Telling others how to live their lives, check. Yep. You're hanging out with the wrong people.


    I'm a few hours away from you- wanna come hang out? :D

  11. Yes, seriously. Of course we had neighbors on call. Three of them, all right here. We also had friends on call, and drop-ins to check on them.

    I can't understand why people think at 13 and 14 yo are not capable of this. For heaven's sake, they used to get married, go to war, run farms, work full time, etc., by this age until recently (in historical time). Just because most people do not prepare their kids for this sort of thing, and it has become normal practice in the US to allow them extended childhoods, does not make it wrong for us to expect mature behavior at this age.


    ETA - I want to add for consideration: Older DS will be 16 in the fall. He will be leaving for college in two years. On his own. If I don't think he can handle a week now, how could he possible handle a year that soon? I think they need to learn to be independent, and have experience in being independent, before they move out. Having this amount of our trust has made them value it more. Giving this amount of "leash" has made them step up to the bar and live up to our expectations - which are very high.


    :iagree: I completely agree with this.

  12. I would certainly leave them for that period of time by that age. I could see myself doing it regularly. As it is now, I leave my younger ones (because the baby is usually sleeping) with my 8 year old while I pick my older son up from school every day. The school is 1.5 miles away and it takes about 15 minutes. They sit on the couch and watch t.v. until I get back. My older son is almost 11, and I leave him either by himself or with the baby for 1-2 hours while I grocery shop- about 3 miles away. Both of my oldest children are very mature and responsible.



    Last year in September, my sons were 13 and 14, we left them for 4 days. DH and I went to CA (we live in FL) for his grandmother's funeral.

    They did wonderfully. No problems at all, never fought, took care of the house, dogs, pool.

    This year we are leaving them for a week.

    Many of our friends think we are NUTS.

    Wait, seriously??


    As in, home alone, no adult in the house at all, for the entire time?


    Please tell me you're kidding.


    Or that Next-Door Neighbor John/Jane Doe was on call, or well, something???


    yea, sorry, I do think that is nuts. I realize it's not any of my business, but...yikes.


    I don't know... we were left alone for long periods of time at that age when we were kids. We were mature, responsible kids and certainly capable of handling it.

  13. Welll..... here's the deal. It's really hard for me to find music I like to run to that's as clean as I'd like. Sooo... take some of these with that disclaimer. :P Here are some of my favorites:



    All America Rejects- Gives you Hell

    Sublime- Santeria, What I got

    Maroon 5- Shiver, Moves Like Jagger, Tangled, Sweetest Goodbye, Harder to Breath

    Flogging Molly- Kiss my Irish A$$

    Flo-Rida and Will I Am- In the Ayer

    Pink- U + Ur Hand, I'm Coming Up

    Justin Timberlake- Good Foot


    Nickleback, U2, and Muse are all good for running, too. HTH!

  14. Yes, it's called the first trimester. :lol:


    :lol: Yes, I have definitely fed my family exclusively on sandwiches for periods of time during my pregnancies.



    OP, I can't wait to hear how it works out for you. I've been doing this whole planning/shopping/cooking thing for 25 years and just. do. not. want to think about it anymore.


    That pretty much sums it up for me, too. Ok, y'all have me excited to do this now. I'll let you know how it goes- and how much it ends up costing me lol! :tongue_smilie:

  15. If you are a dreamer, come in.

    If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,

    A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer . . .

    If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire.

    For we have some flax golden tales to spin.

    Come in! Come in!




    In my humble opinion, that level of awesome within the collection is worth tolerating a few hairy butts. Shel Silverstein forever.


    :iagree: I couldn't agree more. :)

    (Big Shel Silverstein fans here)

  16. I have actually planned on posting something similar.


    I decided to go on a cooking sabbatical last week. I've got to say, it has been so nice not having to menu plan or think about cooking or remember to set something out the night before.

    DH has been telling me for years not to worry so much about cooking supper every night, so... :D I'm not cooking right now.


    I have been eating yogurt and salads and feeding DC sandwiches and fruit. I don't know what we will eat the upcoming week. I grocery shop on Tuesdays, so I may just buy some ready-made meals.


    A "cooking sabbatical", that's a better name for it. :D I'm with you- I need a break from everything that goes into cooking dinner every. single. night. I'm just tired of the entire process. If it works out and doesn't end up breaking the budget too much, it might just have to last all summer!

  17. I am really interested in what type of meals you're going to use. Are you going to be cooking a lot ahead of time in order to have everything pre-made? This sounds like a great thing to do during the summer when all I want to do is be outside and not spending 40 minutes everyday working on dinner.

    I think that I will mainly let Costco do the cooking for me. ;) I don't even have the wherewithal to do the planning and cooking ahead.



    Well last summer we ate a lot of sandwiches. We'd buy a loaf of french bread and put some lunch meat and cheese and lots of veggies on top. Costco used to sell a really good vidalia onion salad dressing that we'd put on the bread.




    That sounds yummy! I'll be adding that to my list. :tongue_smilie:

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