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Posts posted by Coffeetime

  1. The bolded above is probably the right place to start. Gently, I do think it is unusual for children of that age not to be able to follow Aesop's fables. Perhaps the passages that have been chosen for WWE1 are just too big of a leap for kids that haven't been read to at length. Personally, I didn't love the WWE workbooks (for different reasons), but I think the approach is solid. I was much happier putting the method into practice by using the book Writing With Ease (it encompasses all 4 years) and applying the principals to what we were already reading. Also, you might want to study up on the Charlotte Mason approach to narration. More than anything, it sounds like your kids need to be trained to listen to good literature. I would not worry too much about their narration abilities for the moment, and instead I would curl up on the couch and read, read, read GOOD literature (it should be above their reading level, but it doesn't need to be "classic" in the sense of using old English). In about 3 months, try narration again. If they still can't do it, then I would highly suggest seeking out information on auditory processing disorders. HTH!


    :iagree: This. My son had no difficulties with WWE in first grade. But we read classic literature all. the. time. We read Pinnochio and Peter Pan aloud when he was five. It's what they're used to. If all your kids read in public school was "See Spot run", then of course they aren't going to be able to understand more difficult passages of literature.


    Start by reading the classics aloud. Every day. Ask questions about what is happening in the story you're reading constantly. Stop and point things out if your child isn't "getting it". "Did you see what Peter Pan did here? How do you think Wendy is going to react to that? What would you say to Peter?" Read articles and books on narration. Search Karen Andreola on Amazon for suggestions. She's amazing.


    Shelve WWE for now, or else spoon feed it to them. Eventually they'll catch up. If they haven't after several months, look into an auditory processing disorder.


    Good luck!




    :iagree: Yes, yes and yes to the above.

    We did WWE2 in 1st grade with my dd. I actually found it to be a very well organized and effective curriculum and she had no problem at all following the passages. However, she's regularly been exposed to books above her own reading level through reading aloud as a family. Take some time from WWE, and just READ to them. :)

  2. I think it's the assumption that you should show up with a gift. If I'm close to someone, I'm going to get them a gift for a new baby. I might ask around and find if they're registered somewhere if I don't have something particular in mind. I might ask if I can bring them a meal. There's a difference between giving someone a gift and being told you need to give someone a gift at a certain time and a certain place from a particular store. I know the multiple showers are big in some communities, but I'm just illustrating how it might be interpreted by someone not used to this.


    I think perhaps showers are a different thing in my area. ;) Here a baby shower is attended and thrown by close family and friends, modest, with small gifts and a cake. (I would NEVER dream of registering for baby gifts and I find that really tacky.)

    I've attended showers for 1st babies and for 5th babies, and was always happy to participate in welcoming a new little one into the world.

    But I'm getting the idea that my experiences with baby showers are different than other people's experiences. :tongue_smilie:


    But, returning to topic---a baby shower for later babies is a way to say that they are special too. For later babies gifts are not the point so much as to have a party and be excited that they are coming, or that they have come, if something is done after the fact.



  3. A shower is called a shower though because it is meant to "shower" the mother with gifts. Just like a bridal shower. A party just to meet everyone and celebrate the new arrival without the gifts wouldn't really be a shower. People at our church often have these after the baptism.


    Absolutely. I was just responding to the people who said they specifically wouldn't ever attend a baby shower for a subsequent baby.

    While of course we expect to provide for our own children, by the time I had my 3rd girl, all my girl clothes were 6 years old, stained and worn out and we didn't always have the money to buy new things. The people who gifted us with a few new things or a package of diapers were always such a blessing to us. And the people who acted like each baby was as big a deal as the one before were a blessing as well. I think that's where I was really resonating with the OP.

    I guess I just can't imagine begrudging an hour of your time and a set of onesies to an expectant mom simply because she's had children before...? I guess I think it's a strange thing to take such a strong "stand" about.

  4. :grouphug:I think the feeling that these are "gift grabs" has less to do with the # of babies than with inviting people they barely know. I think a baby shower should include family and close friends. Not everyone you've ever spoken to in passing.


    To me, a baby shower is about celebrating the birth of a new little one, pampering mama and making her feel special. I really don't understand the whole "only for first babies" thing. I know I was just as excited with baby #5 as I was with baby #1! When I had baby #5 my sister gave a little "meet the baby" shower for me after she was born. Out of all of my close friends and family, only 2 aunts and their daughters bothered to show up. It really hurt and made me feel like everyone thought that just because my little girl was #5, it was "old hat" to us and not worth the time. I just wanted people to oooh and aahh over her. On the other hand, it made me love and appreciate those who came that much more!;)


    I'm very old school and do not believe in baby showers for any babes other than the first. I R.S.V.P. a "no". I also do not believe in showers given by family members. But, I know my old fashioned manners are of limited value now.

    I don't know, to me refusing to celebrate someone's child just because they aren't a firstborn is rather the opposite of "manners". :001_huh: If you think that they have absolutely everything they could ever need for their child, you could bring a package of diapers or wipes , show up, and tell them you're happy for them, for goodness' sake.

  5. I grew up in a TV free home. Didn't miss it. Read constantly.


    We have TV's in our house (No cable or network tv, just Netflix) and my kids watch a little every day- but only after school, chores, and quiet reading time. Sometimes I wish we were completely tv free- I wonder if my kids would read more than they do (they already read daily- they just aren't as passionate about it as I was growing up). But other days- I'm telling you,with 5 kids- I bless that tv set and the quiet it can instantly bring the house! ;)

  6. Wow! In my case though I was getting a pos on cd18 (which means ovulating on day 19 I assume), but that was only a 28 day cycle. So my luteal phase was only like 9 days long. I read that anything under ten days (and some doctors will say 12) can be considered a luteal phase defect and can make a m/c more likely and I was concerned about that. I thought a possible solution might be some sort of prescription or supplement to lengthen my luteal phase, but my dr recommended instead increasing my metformin which she felt would cause me to ovulate earlier.


    So, we will see how it goes! Being as I'll be 39 and still overweight and last had an ectopic, I don't want an increased risk of m/c so I will feel better about an earlier positive! :)


    Woohoo for your weight loss! That's amazing! :)


    Just as an aside on the late ovulation/short LP- typically your ovulation day can change, but the LP remains consistent. That means that just because you ovulate earlier in your cycle, it doesn't necessarily follow that your LP will lengthen as a result. (I'm actually kind of surprised she suggested that to you.) I have never in my life ovulated before day 18-19, and that wouldn't really be considered a 'late' ovulation, so I wouldn't worry at all about your O day. ;) Also, If this was your first ovulation after being anovulatory for a while, it might just be that your cycle is readjusting and your LP will lengthen on it's own. That's very normal. It has happened to me every time I've come off of breast feeding and taken a few cycles to work out. :) Just a few thoughts! Good luck!

  7. As a Christian, I don't *do* this sort of thing. My parents used the "second coming" to scare the ever-loving snot out of me as a child. I was constantly terrified that Jesus would come back when I was doing something wrong/behaving as a child. Every little thing was a "sign" that Jesus was coming RIGHT THEN AND THERE. The video made me want to vomit as I remembered that childhood terror. I still feel sick. This isn't what Jesus was about. Jesus was/is about love, grace, mercy, and compassion. He didn't scare people into believing in Him. He ministered to the lost, sick, hopeless rejects. He showed love, grace, mercy, and compassion.


    You won't win any converts with the Law. Jesus said to share the GOSPEL, not the Law.


    I thought it was going to be a news article too.


    Yuck. It makes me mad to see fear being created and distributed.

    At least it was poorly done so it would be hard to take seriously.

    Growing up, this idea terrified me. It paralyzed me. It didn't bring me closer to God.



  8. Ugh. Hopefully it can only get better from here!


    As far as the endo goes, it sounds like he's dealt with some very difficult parents. If you trust him and think he's the best one to do the work and your ds is fine with it- I think I would just let it go. To me, it would be most important the the root canal is done properly. I'm sorry things have been so rough for you lately!!

  9. You guys are cracking me up.


    Confession: I did the alcohol thing. Overall I don't drink much - I go for months (even years) without any alcohol at ALL.


    Last year I decided that a shot or two on a Saturday night was no big deal (for this very reason - I was so stressed I couldn't even relax on the weekends). It was great for awhile. I was able to laugh, forget all about being self-employed....


    Then suddenly it stopped working. I think I built up a tolerance, so I started feeling sick before I ever felt a buzz. I stopped drinking at all for about six months. Actually, more like 9 months.


    Now alcohol does nothing. Nothing at all. I can drink several "real" drinks and I don't feel buzzed or anything except sick. It doesn't relax me at all, doesn't make me happy or anything. I'm afraid to go to the doctor and ask what's up. Even if it was a tolerance thing, you'd think that taking half a year off would "reset" me, right? Maybe my liver just gave up the ghost?


    Okay, exercise it is. Now I need a goal.


    Have you tried wine instead of liquor? Wine puts me TO SLEEP. Liquor or mixed drinks are totally different and don't make me sleepy at all. I have no idea why...

  10. SEX




    I mean make teA


    ETA obviously this won't fix the issue in the moment, just make it easier to relax at the end of the night and sleep well





    :lol: corrupting 1 hive member at a time





    Seriously, Exercise! Hard. You sound a lot like me.

    I run. It's the best stress relief I have found.

  11. Have you ever set firm boundaries for your mom? Just tell her you refuse to discuss dieting and weight with her any longer. Bring it up at a neutral time and tell her it is hurtful and it is damaging your relationship with her. The next time she does it, change the subject, and if she persists say "gotta go mom" and hang up. Rinse and repeat until she understands you aren't interested in going there with her.




    I am always a proponent of picking a thing you will say in a situation that seems to repeat itself over and over. So I might decide to say (and I know this sounds sort of passive aggressive), "Mom, I know you are disappointed in how I look, but I didn't ask advice on how to change it." Or "Thanks for the unasked for advice, Mom." If you have a good relationship otherwise, it will withstand this. I wouldn't say something like this if your Mom is a drama queen, but I could do this with my own Mom because we have a generally good relationship.


    I would not argue with her about the specifics of what she's advising. She's probably reading all the "low carb running" blogs right now to gather evidence against your statements, lol.


    Both of these are very good advice. Our relationship is...difficult, but to be honest I don't think she even knows that. It's complicated, but suffice it to say I tend to just ignore things because it's better for the relationship. And also because I'm pretty non-confrontational. If strong boundaries need to be set with her my husband does it. It works better that way. :tongue_smilie: I think having a planned response would really be helpful for me.


    Just a quick fyi - I always 2-3 pounds after a long run. It's due to inflammation and water retention. Give it a day or two and you will be back to normal.



    This is good to know, and I think you're correct about that being the case. I also have really increased my water intake the past few days too, so that could be contributing.


    :grouphug: I would throw the scale away and concentrate on how great I felt instead.


    Wise words. :001_smile:


    I'm not happy that many of you deal with the same thing with family members, but I am glad for some company. :grouphug:

  12. The keeping them awake isn't necessary - google it. What matters most is how she is acting - if her pupils are dilated differently, if she's walking funny, if she lost consciousness, if she vomits - those are cause for concern. If it was a bump and she cried and then calmed down she's likely ok.


    :iagree: Watch for vomiting, lethargy, dizziness etc. Falling asleep after a trauma is very normal and perfectly ok. :)

  13. I am not overweight.


    I popped out 5 babies over 9 years, so I certainly don't look like I did when I was 20. (I actually was severely underweight most of my life, so that's not exactly a bad thing.)

    But I CANNOT have a conversation with my mother that doesn't involve her giving me unsolicited dieting advice.


    She is so focused on appearance. She looks at me and sees an elephant.


    For what it's worth, I refuse to diet and I've been clear with her about that. It makes me cranky and makes me feel deprived. I eat healthy and I run. I don't love my body, mostly because of the aftermath of babies, but I think I have a pretty healthy attitude about it.


    She did it again last night. She started telling me how if I want to burn fat while running I should eat a low or no carb diet. :confused: I told her that was exactly what I DIDN'T need to do when running, and that healthy, whole carbs are a runner's friend -especially before long runs. She tried to argue with me but I just told her (again) that I wasn't interested in dieting and changed the subject.

    Well, this morning I get on the scale and I've gained 5 lbs. Like overnight.

    I'm training for a half-marathon in May, I had one of my best long runs ever on Saturday, felt really great about it all day yesterday and now this.

    I just had a meltdown.

    I don't know why I let her get to me like this.

    I don't normally even worry about my weight. I don't run to lose weight, I do it for myself. Because I love it. I love the sense of achievement I get from a good run. Why am I letting her take that away from me?


    *Sigh* I never want to make my daughters feel this way.

    Thanks for letting me vent. I needed that. :chillpill::chillpill:


    (BTW-She's not a bad person or a bad mother. I think she's oblivious to how it makes me feel. She just is so completely focused on weight and appearance and always has been. I don't think I've ever known her to not be on a diet. Ever.)

  14. :iagree: 100%. It was never clear when she began to develop feelings for Peeta, and it never appeared believable to me that she really was in love with him. I figured that was due to a lack of chemistry between the actors.


    Wasn't she pretty unsure of her feelings for Peeta at the end the first book? I thought that the actors played that out pretty well.


    I agree about the chemistry with Cinna though- But Cinna is my favorite character and I though Lenny K played it really, really well.

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