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Posts posted by Coffeetime

  1. Oh no, I didn't mean anyone HERE says I'm a loser... I mean that my laundry "speaks" to me and says "you'll never be on top of me, you loser!" :D


    I do need to figure it out, you're right. I have 5 kids and most of them are too young to really help (besides putting away). But I know I could be doing better than I am.




    Yeah, when the laundry starts talking back to you, you've got a problem! :tongue_smilie: I'm pretty sure mine is down in the basement plotting....First take over the basement, then the house, then....Hopefully our laundry piles never get close enough to join forces.




    :D My laundry talks to me, too. And it isn't very nice, either.


    It's also prolific. I swear, it breeds and reproduces. There is no other explanation....

  2. I am having a hard time keeping laundry up. My family room which is next to the laundry room is always filled with laundry in baskets that needs to be folded and put away.


    Lately, I have been having older dc 10, 9, and 7 yo sort out their own clothes and put it away, but it doesn't get foled just thrown in drawers. Then I go in their rooms and they are hanging out of the drawers, on the floor, and just laying on top of the dressers.


    My clothes, dh clothes, twins clothes never get put away we literally live out of baskets. And finding towels is done the same way. Any suggestons?


    Also, we live in a 2-story house and the laundry room is downstairs and I am always dressing the twins downstairs because their clothes are always in baskets in the family room. This is driving me crazy!:tongue_smilie:


    Just accept it. You will never, ever, ever be caught up on the laundry. :tongue_smilie:

    (Can you tell I'm in the same spot you are?)

  3. :grouphug:

    I'm so sorry. I can't imagine having to sit through that conversation. It makes me mad on your behalf just reading it! :glare:

    It's clear she was never really your friend.

    The personal attacks about your house, hair, smile- good grief! What an unhappy, pathetic human being she is.

    Personally, I would mail her the CD, along with a note saying that under the circumstances you do not wish to have further contact with her.

    But only because I would want to wash my hands of the entire affair and never have to risk dealing with that woman again. She's poisonous- toxic. Probably the last thing you need in your life. You deserve better.


  4. Seriously, call a sitter or leave your littles with their older siblings and get to L&D. You should call your OB (I'm sure he can be contacted in case of Emergency-that's part of the job description) and he can call L&D so they'll be ready for you.


    I know it's scary, I ended up in L&D 3 times with #5, and each time they were eventually able to slow or stop the contractions with medication. They'll put you on a monitor and if you're having strong, regular contractions they will give you a shot of Terbutaline. If you're not dilated, and your contractions slow/stop with the meds they'll probably send you home with some Terbutaline to take by mouth if your CX pick up again.


    Please, don't wait- call your OB.

  5. Thanks for celebrating with me! :)

    He was such a reluctant reader for so long.


    He came out of his room after finishing Fellowship with tears in his eyes because of the way Frodo treated Sam so that he wouldn't want to come to Mordor with him. I cried. :P I know, it's silly, but to see him enjoying reading and being moved by a book- and some of the best books ever written- it's just special. :)

  6. We have four boys (one who is 30 and moved out...) and a very sneaky little girl in the house...add in the fact that my DH is a computer engineer and that equals security on all our computers, TVs and phones. For the computer, we use BeSecure...I absolutely love it. We have two password protected logins for the system...one set for adults, the other for the kids. The kids have a high security setting as well as a feature that allows us to view any search attempts. The kids are all aware that we have all this and that we regularly look at search attempts. Takes the natural temptation factor and turns it on it's head.


    I honestly think that it is best to have these measures in place even after you have an honest, open discussion about porn and Internet safety. It is simply too easy to accidentally stumble on something predatory (I misspelled a Lego search once and was horrified at what came up!). It takes the natural temptation out of the way for the younger munchkins, allows more freedom from hovering when the olders are surfing and allows a site override for those random sites that get blocked when they shouldn't.


    HTH anyone struggling with this issue...It is a tough one.


    :iagree: We have the bolded on our Mac. The kids have a separate log in and the Mac has excellent parental controls. Right now, I have it set so that they can only visit sites that I have specifically allowed because they aren't at the age where they need to use the internet for anything other than the games they play.


    I think it's so incredibly important to be preemptive about this stuff, so that our kids don't have access at young ages.


    I'm so sorry you're going through this. :grouphug:

  7. My DS10 has officially finished reading both The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring!


    So tonight, he and I get to cuddle up on the couch and watch the Fellowship movie. :D

    (That was always the deal, he would be allowed to watch the movies once he'd read the books).


    This kid was my non-reader, and this year he's finally caught the reading bug. He picked up both books on his own, and finished them both in less than 2 months. I wasn't sure he'd ever learn to love reading, so I am, of course, thrilled. :party:

  8. I don't know if y'all know this, but a boatload of Christian homeschoolers would rather come to the conventions described here, as well.


    Sorry, I only posted half my thought. (I keep doing that lately!)


    I meant to add that I think we're making a big mistake in letting one slice of one demographic of homeschoolers become THE face of homeschooling and THE owner of all meetings and conventions.


    As homeschoolers, we're better off when we're very diverse. IMVHO.


    :iagree: Right? Maybe we should start our own



    How about a WTM convention?

  9. I'm pretty sure I ovulated on Sunday PM/Monday AM. TeA time = Monday AM.


    I've been feeling queasy and had tender BooKs yesterday and today...


    Is it possible to test now or should I wait? (Is there a reason to test now other than satisfying my curiosity??) :)

    This Sunday?

    I'm going to go with no, don't test yet. But only because it's too early and I don't want you to be disappointed. :D


    5dpo "PG" symptoms are usually from raised levels of progesterone. Always makes me queasy, tender, weepy... the works. The earliest a fertilized egg implants is around 5 dpo, and your HCG levels would be undetectable at that time. That said, looks like you've hit it just right, so crossing my fingers for you!

  10. We've so far let our kids lead us with their questioning until about 9 or 10. Non of them are shy about asking us questions. When my son turned 10 my husband took him aside privately and gave him more specific information. It was like someone else said, pretty anticlimactic. I am planning on getting him a book about puberty to give him on his 11th birthday this summer, and I will be covering reproduction with the 3 older ones in biology class next year.

    For me, growing up, the subject was taboo. No one told me anything. My main goal isn't doing it all perfectly, but making sure that my kids know we are open to discussion and that their feelings and questions are normal and healthy. If you did that, I wouldn't worry about the age. Just let him know you're there and approachable.

  11. But "like us" as a prepositional phrase doesn't make any sense in this context. The preposition "like" indicates some type of equation between the object of the preposition and the word the prepositional phrase modifies. It's like the prepositional equivalent of a linking verb. Therefore, prepositional phrases using "like" should modify nouns, as in "a friend like me" or "Life is like a box of chocolates." Even though in the second example a traditional diagram would put the preposition under the verb, at a deeper level it is really a predicate adjective expressed as an adjectival prepositional phrase. So if the sentence were "Nobody is like us," that would be fine. But because "cuts" is not a linking verb, there really is no noun for a prepositional phrase "like us" to modify. Therefore, the "like" should be interpreted as a conjunction rather than a preposition, and should be followed by "we" instead of "us."


    Got it. You're totally right, that makes sense. It's been too many years since high school, I'd better brush up on this stuff before my oldest child gets into more difficult grammar! :tongue_smilie:

  12. It's because even if you leave off the word "do," it is implied. "Nobody cuts like us do" is wrong; therefore, "nobody cuts like us" is also wrong.


    Except that if you are using 'like' as a preposition ("nobody cuts like us") then you would be using the objective case 'us' not 'we'. So 'us' would be proper. When you say "like we do" you are using 'like' as a conjunction with a restated clause ("we do"). I think both are proper, I just think it sounds better used as a conjunction.

  13. The word "like" can be used in three ways: as a comparative preposition, as a conjunction (in place of "as"), or as a verb.


    When you say "Nobody cuts like us" you are using 'like' as a comparative preposition- which isn't improper, but just doesn't sound right, imho.


    When you say "Nobody cuts like we cut" or "Nobody cuts like we do" you are using 'like' as a conjunction (in place of the word 'as'), which to me, just sounds more appropriate for an ad.


    I'm not a grammar expert, though- so if I'm wrong somebody else please correct me. :)

  14. Well, I'm relieved for you. If your doctor didn't test your D3 levels or your B12 levels, you could try supplementing those. I felt a dramatic increase in energy levels after finding I had a B12 deficiency and started supplementing. I think low D3 levels can cause achiness.


    I am gluten free now, a trial I started in October to see if it would help me feel better. I can't say it has helped overall, but initially, I did get a surge of energy. Celiac or gluten intolerance could also cause what you're expereincing, not the knee but the other stuff.


    If it helps you feel better, I've talked to many, many people who are dealing with the same thing you are right now. We've wondered if it's the viruses that are going around this year. People are feeling weak, exhaused, generally unwell, and dizzy. I've never heard so much of this. No big flu this year, just mild viruses that linger and make you feel lousy.


    I hope you feel better soon. :grouphug:


    Thanks. The D3 is definitely worth a try- and I know that if I had seen my regular doc he would have pushed it because he's always pushing D3 for our whole family. We live in an area where Vit. D deficiencies are prevalent. I have a Vit. B complex that I can't take because it makes me throw up. Maybe I can try doing just B12 and see if that makes me sick too. I will be taking a trip to the supplement store this weekend.

    Thanks for the input! I think you're right, my kids have been sick with viruses pretty much constantly this year!

  15. The teens of my acquaintance just don't seem to really understand how important it is to not make a horse's patoot of yourself on the internet. My boys are pretty smart, and mature for their ages, but if they do something stupid I don't want it following them through their 20's and beyond just because they compounded their stupidity by documenting it on Facebook.



    Just this morning, a local news program discussed how companies have folks in the HR Dept who lurk on FB/Twitter to get an idea about perspective employees. Imagine! They want to know how social they are, how connected, interests, music preferences, married, children, and other things which cannot legally be asked on interviews. The anchors went on to warn young people about keeping their antics off the internet.



    My DH and I were shocked to see a FB "friend" of his announce to the entire world that her daughter (using her full name, first and last) is "trying to get clean". I could not believe that she was willing to do that to her daughter without considering how this will now follow her into her adulthood. Crazy.

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