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Posts posted by Coffeetime

  1. I would post a message on the group page stating that the conversation is entirely inappropriate for a public forum and should be dealt with in the privacy of their own home. I would then leave the FB group and stay out of it completely. None of your business. He'll find out about it eventually, and you're right, it will be a big, ugly, dramatic mess for everyone involved. But at least YOU won't be involved. Stay far, far away is my advice. And no more txting with him- you don't want to get dragged into her craziness.

  2. YES!!! I am determined to school at least through next week, but I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle.


    I finally caved today and told my daughter that next week all I expect her to do is math. Everyone is just too distracted. Even my son in school, Mr. Conscientious, has somehow managed to turn in TWO assignments late this week. He's freaking out. :D Ugh. I'm ready for Christmas vacation, already.

  3. ETA: I really appreciate all the replies, but most of them have included that they'd be glad to do it but the kids would come to their home. That is not an option and not what I'm asking. We don't have cribs, the girls wouldn't sleep here, our house is not childproofed, etc. and I am pretty sure they wouldn't like that option. This past summer they needed someone to watch the girls during the day (my SIL was sick) and I offered to do it two days/week, but said they'd need to come here. They said that would really just be too hard with all their gear, carseats, etc., me having to childproof for two 14-month-olds. Understandable.


    So my question only refers to Saturday nights at their house (without my kids). Not doctor appts. during the day, or that kind of thing. Saturday nights, their house. Not my house. Thanks! Sorry I didn't make it more clear.



    My brother and his wife have 19-month old twins and he'll call me once in a while to babysit. Today he e-mailed to see if I could babysit Saturday night so they could go to a party (I already have plans so told him that). I feel kind of weird about this, but as my kids are the oldest in the family and I don't have experience with asking married (with kids) siblings to babysit for me Saturday night, I'm not sure if it is unusual or not.


    When the babies were newborns I offered to babysit several times. I guess mainly because I wanted to help at that stressful time, spend time with the babies, and because I didn't think they'd be comfortable hiring babysitters for babies so young. But now it feels a bit odd to me. I know it's because they are short on money, and probably don't feel like a sitter is in the budget. Last fall my brother called me one Saturday morning saying his wife had strep throat and wondered if I could babysit for the day while he went to the football game! Ok, that seemed kind of crazy to me. Skip the game, dude. So I have that sort of history with him on my mind and so don't feel like I'm looking at this situation completely objectively. He also asked me to come watch the girls all day Saturday (after I'd done it Friday night) when my husband had taken my kids out of town for the weekend (YEAH!!!).


    I am feeling a bit put upon by (pretty infrequent) requests now to babysit for his kids at his house (it wouldn't work to have them come here) on a Saturday night, but I'm not sure if I'm being a bit selfish and if many people do this for family. Do some of you occasionally babysit for siblings kids at their house on a Saturday night (no pay) or is this a somewhat out of the ordinary (presumptuous?) request?


    I feel comfortable telling him soon that, NO - I have my own kids and will not likely ever be available on a Saturday night for him. But I guess if lots of people do babysit Saturday nights for family, maybe I should re-think things and try to help out family? I don't really have older family members or cousins with kids to know if this is done or not done! I don't really think he means to take advantage of me, because when the girls were little I offered to come over on Saturday nights if they wanted to go out. But I meant for the first 3 months, not the first 10 years!


    Thanks for any insight into this.


    Yes, absolutely! My siblings and I trade babysitting back and forth all the time. Non of us can afford to pay babysitters all the time- and honestly, we all feel that that's what family is for! :) We are all close, though, so maybe that changes things? I wouldn't even hesitate to do that for my brother so he and his wife could go out.

  4. I think I'd go ahead and prepare an email to the company that makes these carriers (with the details of all of the previous emails) in case, as I suspect, she says no to the refund or doesn't respond.


    I think that the company would be interested to know that one of their resellers is not handling customer concerns properly.



    Let her know that since she has been unable to handle your return you will be contacting the manufacturer directly to have the issue resolved. Personally, I wouldn't do any further business with her. Either she'll straighten up and just hand you your cash, or you can resell the item on ebay or craigslist and purchase what you need.

  5. My oldest son is allergic to latex. The first time he had a reaction his lips became hugely swollen. We couldn't figure out what had happened, he hadn't eaten anything or been around anything new or odd. We doped him up on benedryl but it took 8 hours for the swelling to go down. The second time it happened we realized that both times he had been...blowing up a balloon. He'd played with a million latex balloons in his lifetime and never had any reaction until then so it was completely out of the blue. Since then we've just kept him away from any obvious latex- he is fine with balloons in the room but can't let them touch his lips. I've considered taking him to the doctor to find out exactly HOW allergic he is and if we need an epipen considering his reaction is in the mouth/face area. It's a scary allergy because it's EVERYWHERE.

  6. Lots of great, detailed replies, thank you!! :)


    Here is our year round schedule this year. We started the 2nd week in July, went for 3 weeks, break for a 1, and continued like this until the week of Thanksgiving. We have that week off, then will return for the last week of Nov. and the 1st week of Dec.


    We'll start back the 1st week of Jan., go for 3 weeks and then take 1 week off, and continue like that until the 2nd week of June. Take 4 weeks off, then we are back on track the 2nd week of July.


    The 3 week/1 week schedule really works out for us, especially me.;)


    ^^ This sounds very much like how I did last year, only we took 6 weeks in the Summer.

    This year, however, I'm just really feeling this need to... let go? I don't even know how to express it. Does anyone just kind of... move along, without 'planned' weeks off and just break when they need it?


    What I'm kind of envisioning is working through the "school year", just breaking for a day or two or week here and there when we need/feel like it (I do want to keep their longer breaks at the same time as older DS'), and maybe continue the 3 R's all summer while taking a break from History, Science etc. Does that make sense to anyone? The irony of ME even having this conversation is making me laugh. I started my homeschooling journey with such a rigorous, scheduled approach. I feel like I've swung almost to the other side of the pendulum.

  7. I've always done a longer school year and shorter summer break, so that we can break more often during the school year. But a 'true' year-around schedule is sounding more and more enticing to me.

    I'm an extremely "scheduled" person, so it's hard for me to not have a plan for school weeks, holidays, breaks etc. However, this was easy when I had a 3 kids- now with 5 I'm having a really hard time maintaining a strict schedule. Someone is always sick, or there are Doctor's/dentist/orthodontist appointments to go to. Life just gets in the way.

    So.... how do you actually DO a year-around school schedule? Do you just keep working at the same pace all year? Or do you work harder during the "school" year and more relaxed during the summer? Or do you just kind of play everything by ear and work at whatever pace is most convenient at the time? Do you just move on to the next thing when you're done with a book?


    I need details, people! :tongue_smilie:


    (Apologies if this is completely incoherent. I need more coffee.)

  8. Defending yourself because someone is attacking you is one thing, but that isn't what happened. He wasnt' defending himself, he was retaliating. Not allowed. I'd sympathize with him, but role play what he needs to do differently next time.


    I'm sorry, I do sympathize, but I have to say that he wasn't "attacked". Yeah, mean boy wasn't nice and it wasn't ok for him to throw a ball at him- but unfortunately, your son did the attacking when he should have just walked away. I think the conversation I would be having with my son would be along the lines of "we don't always get treated the way we want to be treated- but when mistreated we have to learn to control our responses and not become what we despise". :grouphug:

  9. (I'm scared to suggest something he'd get excited about this year, for fear of trying to find it. I think he'd be over-the-moon if I said, "Buster Keaton.")


    I'm the mom who bribes her kids to skip trick or treating by offering to buy them all the candy they can eat! :tongue_smilie: It's so much less expensive and so much less trouble than digging up costumes for 5 kids! (Oops. I think I just outed myself as a terrible mother.)

  10. Oh geeze.


    Perhaps he wouldn't be crying if you'd approached this differently, instead of focusing on how others are letting you down, etc.


    Hmmm, what would be important to the average family...going to see their child play in a special, important, may never happen again event, or volunteer wrangling 130 other ppl's kids?


    Its not God vs football. Its family vs volunteer work...and imo, family should ALWAYS win out.


    Volunteer work is about community. So is this special game. AWANAs is weekly, this game isn't.


    You're being completely unreasonable, imo.


  11. The people that do that stuff are predators, trying to lure kids in. It's sickening.




    At this point, my children don't use the internet at all except for already trusted sights. They don't even know how to open Safari or google. When I do decide to allow them more access I will be using an internet safety program such as "Safe Eyes". There are so many predators out there, it makes me absolutely sick.

  12. First off, yes, absolutely, as a professional he should be quoting you prices when you ask. It's odd that he didn't and I would send another email clarifying that you need to know the prices before you decide what size and how many prints you'll be ordering :).


    Now to this....




    Many photographers won't sell images on CD (I don't like to) for a few reasons.


    A) They pour their time, talent and hard work into creating beautiful images for your family. The last thing they want is for you to take that hard work and have a craptastic print made down at the local Walgreens that now has their name and reputation attached to it. I, as well as most other pros, like to control the artistic integrity of my work from beginning to end product :) .


    B) Let's say I sell you a CD with 20 images from your session. You now take those images and get a crudload of prints made. How much money am I losing out on by you not purchasing those prints directly from me? I do offer digital images that are included within packages, or after a client has ordered a certain amount of print products. I need to consider the money I'm losing out on by handing you over prints and have my individual digital images priced as such. I do have a set price of $1200.00 set for a complete digital session (all images on CD) for those who ask (most do, only once has someone taken me up on it). This price is comparable to what it would cost if you had 20 images and ordered an 8x10 and a 5x7 of each image.


    Sorry, off my soapbox now, lol. This new trend of "photographers" who get a camera on Monday and are in business as a photographer by Friday is one of my biggest pet peeves. The result has been that everyone expects photographers to do a session for dirt cheap and then hand over a CD full of images.




    As the wife of a professional photographer- I couldn't agree more. ;)

  13. Do you have a hand pump? I expressed just a bit to take the pressure off- but I don't remember it being overwhelmingly painful or taking much time to dry up. And I breastfed for 6 weeks before switching to formula.


    Good luck! And FWIW, when people were overly rude/nosy about my choice to formula feed I would sweetly say, "Boy, I'm sure glad that this one decision doesn't determine whether or not I'm a good parent!". Usually shuts them up pretty quickly. ;)

  14. Stretch, and keep your runs short and slow. If you feel pain, STOP until you're pain free. Running isn't something you can just jump into, it's something you have to work into slowly.


    I think people who LOVE running tend to be people who like to push themselves- and we don't like to stop when our bodies are telling us to. Listen to your body and don't try to break any records anytime soon. ;)


    ETA- I'm not familiar with the C25K program, but when I first started running I think I did 3 min. running/1 min. walking for quite a while before I went to full runs...

  15. This might be possible TMI.


    The DH and I have two children and we don't want any more for various reasons. I can't get my tubes done because I am "too young" (I am 26) and might end up regretting it later on (I was told that by a OB/GYN). But I feel that making DH get the snip is 'wrong' in a way??

    Also I have tried every type of contraception (pill, implanon, IUD, rings etc) and they didn't work, I just bled non stop. Umm, 'rubber' things irritate me and feel gross (I have tried non latex ones).

    I am so scared of getting pregnant that our teA activities are next to none existant and our relationship is slowly suffering for it.


    What is your opinion on the sterilization subject fellow WTM'ers?? Should I just make the husband get it done?? Or is there something else we could consider??


    If you are %100 positive that you will not ever want any more children, then go ahead and find an doctor who will do the surgery. It's your decision, not theirs. If you regret it, then you have to live with that, not them.


    BTW, my DH did NOT want to get snipped so I had the tubal ligation. Not entirely relevant to your situation, because I was 31 and had 5 kids- just commenting that I didn't want to "make" him do it since he wasn't keen on the idea. ;)

  16. But you would not have lain there for the next week waiting for the urge, right? At some point, you would have either had the urge or your uterus would have expelled the baby. ;)


    Lol, I pushed for 3 hours... and believe me, it felt like a week! :tongue_smilie:


    I was so exhausted, I couldn't even change position because I couldn't hold myself up, the baby was huge and posterior... I will forever be grateful to my doctor for letting me keep going because I know a lot of docs would have gone straight to a c-section in that situation.


    I don't know, I had always heard "you'll KNOW when to push, don't worry!" and it just has never happened for me. Medicated OR unmedicated. I guess everyone is different. I think it's best not to make too many "solid" plans about how you want to push etc and just keep your options open. :001_smile:

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