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Posts posted by Coffeetime

  1. Any update??


    I am hoping you took her in. I'm also always the one who is concerned about overreacting and having the Doctors think I'm an idiot.. :p - that being said when youngest dd was 7 months old she fell and hit her head really hard. I did end up taking her in and they were SO nice, didn't treat me like I was an overreacting, crazy mom. They said that they look for headache, vomiting, lethargy, just plain not feeling well. I would take her in if there were ANY illness symptoms accompanying a head bump.. including fever. Hope all is well!!

  2. We haven't done science until this year.. 3rd grade for my oldest.

    I just don't have time to do a million experiments! :p


    For K-2nd I just let the kids browse the non-fiction section at the library each time we went and they'd pick out books they were interested in. Then we'd read them at our leisure!



  3. Coffeetime,

    I have had such a hard time with this too. I really like the Guerber books. I was a little worried my 4th grade dd wouldn't understand the language as well as my 6th grade dd would.


    This is my concern as well. I will actually be doing this time period next year- but I'm planning ahead (it's what I do!) :tongue_smilie:I REALLY like the Guerber books. I like the idea of not having to "add in" church history like I'm doing this year with Biblical history for the Ancients. But I don't know if the language will be too difficult for the younger one or if it's just too much information. I'm really leaning toward them, though. I WISH I could just hold all the books I want in my hands before I have to make decisions! It would be so much easier!

  4. ... specifically The Story of the Middle Ages and The Story of the Renaissance and Reformation.


    This would be for a late 4th and 5th grader and a late 2nd and 3rd grader.


    I am considering Guerber because I want to include more church history than is included in SOTW vol 2.


    My other option is to use SOTW along side Monks and Mystics and Courage and Conviction.




  5. I just wanted to give you some encouragement- I have 4 too, almost 8, 5, 3, and 1- it's completely overwhelming at times and when I thought about how in the world I was going to fit school into my life after baby #4 was born I wanted to cry. But somehow it all works out- it's not always as quiet as I'd like it to be during school hours but you have to remember that even with the distractions and interruptions you're giving your children a better education than they would probably get in public school. I don't have any other suggestions on your curriculum, I just wanted to tell you that your heart for your kids is wonderful to hear- and take time off when you need it! That's the one thing I've learned while trying to homeschool with toddlers and babies. I'm sure you're doing a wonderful job! :001_smile:


    PS. I'm also one who needs to have something planned out long term- not that it's in stone or anything- I just need to see some sort of plan to ease my mind so I can concentrate on the year at hand.

  6. I am also doing Song School Latin this year- primarily because I want both the younger and older children to be able to use it together and because I want a gentle, fun introduction that will get them excited about it. It's supposed to be for k-3rd graders. It's "young" for my 3rd grader but looks PERFECT for my 1st grader. I'm planning on just increasing the difficulty for my 3rd grader. I think it would be wonderful for children your kids' ages!! I highly recommend it! We haven't even started it yet and my children already know some of the songs and are very excited to begin their lessons!

  7. Ok. I'm just frustrated...but why can't kids just be born knowing how to read?? My ds7 has finally improved by leaps and bounds but still struggles with fluency. Honestly? I'm just tired of it all. I don't mind math, history, spelling...anything! But phonics is burning me out!!!!!


    We are using SSRW and though I loved it...now I hate it. Can I please switch to something not so teacher intensive? Perhaps it's my pregnancy hormones or the fact that I am not liking being pregnant in the summer (read: I'm constantly cranky!).


    If I switch...how do I know where to start? I'm tired of spending sooooo much time on phonics!!!


    I think I might need to be put in a mental hospital for this!:willy_nilly:


    Liz in NC


    Has he actually completed a phonics program and is just struggling with fluency? I am wondering if you might be better served by chucking the formal phonics program (if he's covered the important stuff) and just going to the library for books that he can actually READ. This was the key to fluency for my 7 year old son. I think for him it was just a matter of gaining confidence in himself.

    Have him read to you or on his own with you in the room so you can correct him if you need to, and just let him figure out that he CAN actually do this.

    For my son we started with very simple books just to build his confidence, and now in less than a year he's reading books well above his grade level.

    It's just a thought. :001_smile:


    oh, and- I think we should be able to take a school vacation when pregnant. Seriously. I am so short on patience when I'm pregnant that I turn into a horrible teacher! :tongue_smilie:

  8. I am needing boy book suggestions for my 7 year old for independent reads. To give you an idea of his reading level, he just completed Beverly Cleary's "Henry and the Clubhouse". What do/did your boys love to read at that age? I'd love all suggestions!! I'm trying to compile book lists right now not only for library trips but also to take when I hit used book stores/ thrift stores. Thanks!!:bigear:

  9. My suggestion would be to read SOTW together, then have the 6th grader do logic stage type study as suggested in WTM. Cross reference to Kingfisher or another History encyclopedia, complete an outline of the reading, write significant dates on the timeline and do outside reading, research etc. In WTM I believe she talks briefly about how to use SOTW in the logic stage, and extensively about how to study the same time period with different ages.

    Mine are still both in grammar- so no BTDT- but that's how I *plan* to do it when mine are all in different stages! :)

  10. It is my understanding that the "Standards" editions of Singapore are just editions specifically designed to meet California State Public School Standards. In order for them to be used in Public Schools, they had to move around a few of the chapters, introduce things in a slightly different order etc. But I don't believe they changed much of the content. At least that's what I've read.


    If you go to http://www.singaporemath.com you should be able to order the U.S editions.

  11. :eek:

    Oh dear! I just sold our unused MFW Adventures curriculum and when I got it all out to box up tonight I decided to double count everything to make sure I had it all there... and I'm missing the State Sheet for Kentucky!!

    I purchased it brand new, but I must never have had that one- because we never used them or took them out of the drawer!


    So this is a cry for help-- does ANYONE have this sheet- unused? And if so, do you have the ability to email it to me??


    I just had to throw it out there... I'm desperate. :P (fingers crossed)

  12. This is what Victor is -- a resource. For each topic in the Bible, it will give pictures of the geography & other background information. It isn't like a study or anything.


    As some have mentioned, MFW uses Victor but it is alongside major portions of the actual Bible. That would be my vote -- use the Bible! There is a ton of history in there.


    I definitely plan on using the Bible.. I agree that it should be the main resource. What I really want is something that will help me weave the Bible stories in to our history study chronologically.


    The Story of Ancient History book looks really great, actually.

    I am concerned that Victor would be way over my kids' heads... :confused:


    Ugh. I hate buying books before I can look at them!!

  13. I am trying to figure out what to use to cover ancient Biblical, Jewish, and Early church history while we use SOTW 1 this year. I was considering using the Victor Journey Through the Bible- but haven't been able to get my hands on it (library's had it on "hold" for me forever and they don't ever fulfill my request :angry:) and I don't want to purchase it until I know if it's what I need! Any ideas? BTDT?

  14. My understanding from WTM is that you wouldn't have them do any notebooking on their free reading, but only on structured reading (history/science).

    I've been planning on beginning to implement this next year (also 3rd grade)-- but I too am concerned about it making my son hate reading. He's a really good reader, but he's a busy boy and it's not really something he chooses to do unless I schedule it in- and I KNOW he will hate doing the notebook pages. :(

    So I guess I'm curious how other's do it too- especially with busy 7-8 year old boys! :P I wonder if it would hurt to hold off on it until 4th grade....??

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