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Everything posted by mo2

  1. Trying to decide if this is a purchase I will really use or not. We really need to make geography a bigger focus in our homeschool and I was hoping to be able to use these alongside K12 Human Odyssey next year. Would those work together, or would this end up being something that sits on my shelf and doesn't get used?
  2. Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll be doing some research tonight!!
  3. So what is a good way to teach geography in the context of history (or history in the context of geography)? Is there a program that teaches this way? I am geographically challenged. :lol:
  4. Not sure how to phrase what I'm asking here. :) What curriculum/programs have you found that combine subjects or skills? For example, one program to teach grammar and writing. Or one program to teach spelling and copywork. Or whatever. What gives you more bang for your buck? (Although I'm more concerned about simplifying and streamlining for the sake of time and ease of planning than I am for saving money.)
  5. Here is a good thread on combining the two: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/463697-if-you-combine-wwe-and-bravewriter/page__hl__%2Bwwe+%2Bbravewriter
  6. Um, I don't know yet. :lol: Do the BraveWriter lifestyle with poetry teas and free-write Fridays, etc, (more, I'm sure, once I finish reading it), and probably doing WWE 2 days a week. Doing WWE is like pulling teeth with my dd, but I *know* we need the work on narration, and I like having all the questions there to guide us.
  7. For my newly 11yo, who was also a late reader, I'm going with a combination of Brave Writer and WWE, so a combination of paths A and B. :)
  8. I emailed TT with the same question, and they responded that they had no particular recommendations but suggested I contact Timberdoodle, who is one of their curriculum vendors. So I did, and the Timberdoodle rep suggested Jump Math and Mathematical Reasoning. I still haven't decided what I'm going to use. :)
  9. Thanks for all the suggestions. I think CHOLL may be the best fit for us right now. I want to use whole books, not bits and pieces in an anthology. And it's based off of SWB's lit recommendations. And it's free. :) Not sure how much it gets into analysis, though....I'll have to read through the logic stage guides more thoroughly before making a final decision.
  10. Nearly every literature program I have found is Christian. Are there any secular? Lightning Lit is the only one I've found so far.
  11. Okay, for those of you who don't have a bedtime, do you wake your dc up at a certain time each day?
  12. DD11 is a total night owl. It's not her fault, her dad and I are both night owls as well. Her dad works 3rd shift, so sometimes the kids will stay up extra late on his nights off in order to spend time with him. Other nights, I think she enjoys the peace and quiet of staying up after the little ones are in bed. But, should there be a limit? Do I need to set a bedtime, or as long as she is getting her chores and lessons done, should I let her be?
  13. I agree with the others that reading it is enough. Greek myths are fascinating to many kids, and my philosophy is that I don't want to kill the interest factor by making it a focus of school work. However, I do think it would be fun to make a family tree for the gods...
  14. Thank you. For the price, I would really hate to have to supplement. :(
  15. If you use MCT, do you need to add anything to it, or can it be used as a complete LA program? Thanks.
  16. Is there a schedule somewhere, or is it written in lessons where you do one lesson each day? Regarding placement, I have an 11yo who has little to no formal grammar exposure, was a late reader, and dislikes writing. Should I start with the Island or Town level?
  17. If I am working with a 5th grader but haven't used BFSU before, would I need to start with the first book or go right into the second? Thanks.
  18. I really like GSWL. It is so gentle and not overwhelming. I haven't found a good program to do afterwards. There is http://www.linneyslatinclass.com/ which is by the author of GSWL. I haven't really looked at it in depth, because it's unfinished. Instead, I am struggling through Wheelock. You could also take a look at Henle after GSWL.
  19. I considered that, but I'm not sure if my dc will be ready for HO in 5th. I figured I would save American Odyssey for high school.
  20. I'm thinking SOTW in 1-4, a year of American history in 5th, then HO in 6-8. Does that sound like a good plan? Or does anyone have a better idea?
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