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Everything posted by KirstenH

  1. If she's telling the truth, it's got to be a medical issue. I'd take her to the doctor. That said, Mom Instinct is pretty reliable ... if you think she's fibbing, she might be, but there's probably a reason. Is she scared to go? Does she have pain? Does she dislike the flush of the toilet? There can be all sorts of reasons for a child to avoid the bathroom. On the other hand, most kids who fear the toilet just hold it in (causing further issues). I think it's pretty unusual for a child that age to go in her pants. So ... I'd lean toward taking her to the doctor.
  2. I really want to love Sonlight. They sell beautiful products and I adore the idea of teaching through literature. I have long admired the company's openness to including varying worldviews in their booklists with the understanding that exposing is not the same as condoning. That said, the move to charge for the forums a few years ago (when I was smack dab in the middle of evaluating the idea of homeschooling for my then-soon-to-be school-aged oldest child) was a huge turn-off to me, and every time since then that I've tried to deal with the company, I've come away empty-handed and feeling like their highest priority is to nickel-and-dime me to death. Add that feeling to the apparent move toward a more American providentialist worldview, and I'm done before I started. I was very close to buying Core D/E for next year, but not anymore. On a purely practical note, as a professional writer and editor, I strongly dislike their Language Arts program and would never use it. If the LA is bundled with the Cores now ... ai yi yi.
  3. A notepad so people can write down stuff we are out of as it gets used up (at least that's the idea ... only I use it, though), a couple of pictures the kids drew, any checks that need to be deposited or bills that need to be paid, and a dent.
  4. I know the Astronomy level has a notebooking/journal option with worksheets in it. Not sure abut the others.
  5. We have Whirlpool Duets and have been very happy with them. Like everyone said, be sure to leave the washer door open when not in use.
  6. From the Animals FAQ (http://www.winterpromise.com/animals_faq.html) Which of the resources in Animals and Their Worlds are WinterPromise Exclusives? These resources are WP Exclusives: Animals and Their Worlds Guide Make-Your-Own Animal Book Habitats, Hollows & Homes Journal Burrows, Beehives & Beds Journal
  7. A Catholic history and literature spine that can compete with Tapestry of Grace, Sonlight, Veritas Press and the other big-name Protestant publishers. The few lit-heavy Catholic resources out there just aren't as comprehensive, attractive, or user-friendly.
  8. For those whose spouses have had success with meds, do you find it alters their personality at all? Does it impact their creativity if they work in a creative field?
  9. Are you asking where I'd go if I were you, or just as myself/my family? For us, I'd leave the country, definitely, because I've already seen most of it extensively, and haven't really been overseas. I figure it would be easy enough for my kids to travel the USA later if they wanted, but a world tour as a family would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. With a few months to spend, I'd probably start in Europe and work my way as far East as I could, hitting as many historical/cultural hotspots as possible. I'm drooling just imagining it. Where is the money fairy when she's needed? If I was going to do the USA, I would want to travel up and down both coasts thoroughly, and hit the highlights of the middle in between. I love the Plains and Midwest, but the vast majority of people live within a few hundred miles of the coasts, so the majority of major U.S. historical events happened there, too. I might also be tempted to detour into Canada and Mexico, if I had time, just for a taste of something different. You are SO lucky. :)
  10. I hadn't heard of it! That sounds great; I'll definitely look into it. Thank you!
  11. I would pray. I would pray a lot. If God exists (and I believe He does), He'll answer you one way or another. Reading is also very helpful. Try the works of Henri Nouwen if you want to read someone from a very liturgical background (Catholic, but his books are accessible to any Christian believer, or even anyone with a monotheistic understanding of God) who focuses on the love and the relationship of religious belief. His stuff is awesome when you're feeling lost or broken.
  12. I'm not the type of person who ever feels comfortable asking for help (financial or otherwise), even from people whom I know well, so no, I would not do that. Based on past internet experience, though, I predict she will receive plenty of assistance. Is this a local type forum, where her story could be easily verified? Or are you all strangers to one another in real life?
  13. Last week, you all were awesome in critiquing my initial plan for the gifted 7-year-old I'm pulling from public school in a couple of weeks. Alas, no plan survives contact with the enemy ... in this case, the enemy being me. After some of the things I thought would work arrived, I realized they're just not for us. Saxon 5/4 is going back (way too slow-paced, albeit thorough). WWE1 is going back (too easy even for my pencil-loathing guy). And after careful re-evaluation, I've even changed my mind about our social studies/LA spine for the rest of the year/this summer. So, without further adieu, here is my newly revised plan for DS7. How's it look? (At this point, I'm fully committed to everything but Science, but if anyone has used any of this, I would really appreciate any tips, tricks, hints or words of wisdom/warning you'd like to share!) Social Studies/Language Arts: WinterPromise 'Children Around the World' w/Language Arts 3. I know this program is a miss for a lot of people because of the mature themes, but I am SO not a shelterer, and we'll adjust on the fly to keep things age-appropriate. I really feel DS needs to understand that he is incredibly privileged, and develop some perspective and awareness of the harsher realities children in some other parts of the world must face. Beyond that, though, the program overall just looks like a good, fun, sweeping introduction to world geography and culture ... which can only help when I switch over to a 4-year history model (TOG Year 1) after we finish. When I looked over the LA sample on the website, I was quite pleased with it, and it looks like a good fit to his skill level. The fact that it ties into what we're learning is bonus. As for handwriting, on the recommendation of pretty much everyone here, we're going with Handwriting Without Tears 3. Math: Singapore 3A+3B, with Intensive Practice and Challenging Word Problems as needed. The day this arrived, we both fell deeply, madly in love with it. He's been doing page after page after school just for fun, and I can already see how it's stretching his brain to think better and smarter when it comes to solving problems. This program, at least for us so far, is everything everyone said it was. WIN! Science: Intellego Unit Studies, starting with Geology. Art/Music: Artistic Pursuits 1 and Drum Lessons (his request ... I'm going to need earplugs!). Religion: Faith and Life 2 (Sacrament Prep ... due to multiple factors, he's behind his class here). So, that's it. Thanks for ALL your help as I researched and planned this. You all are awesome. This forum is a treasure, and so are the people who post here. Oh, P.S.! Something else cool: When I had originally planned to homeschool him for Kindergarten, I bought curriculum that I loved, but wasn't a great fit for him (and we ended up sending him to school anyway). I meant to sell it, but never did ... so it's just been collecting dust in the closet for three years. I pulled it out this morning to see what I had and whether I could sell it, and realized it's a perfect fit for my youngest, who may well want to learn alongside big brother while we work! I noticed that FIAR might lend itself very easily to being combined with WP CATW (in a highly modified form, obviously). I'll let you all know if my plan for this works.
  14. This. I'm just getting started and I've blown through nearly a thousand bucks already, with more to come. Anything under $7500, though (the cost of the private school I was looking at transferring him to), seems like a bargain ... with the huge bonus of not having to get up at 5AM and drive an hour each way (with gas at $4/gal) to get him there.
  15. Me too. We can be weird together. Also, the Shiny Toy Guns remake of "Major Tom" is an instant moodlifter for me.
  16. I hate to suggest this, but do you have a microwave? I know microwaved food isn't all that appetizing, but you can cook all of that stuff, even the spaghetti squash in there.
  17. Oh, I love split levels! Seriously, they make so much sense to me, so practical. I wanted one when we were house shopping but we fell in love with an old 1920s Craftsman that is as far from practical as you can get. If it was me, I'd put the computer, sewing machine, toys and homeschool stuff on the lower level. Get a nice pretty indoor/outdoor rug for under the dining room table (they have really nice ones that look like "real" rugs now). Am I missing the reason your 2yo needs a special place? Why would she not share with the 3yo? Do you have a fenced yard for the dog? Alternately for the computer, is there an extra closet you could remove the doors from and make an office nook?
  18. That happened to our oven a couple of years ago, only it was the interior glass that exploded inward while cooking. Bosch came and fixed it free of charge, but I've been slightly scared of the oven ever since. It was really alarming!
  19. I don't have high school kids, but I was one once. The study of literature helps make you a whole, thinking person, not just a productive cog in the social machine.
  20. Is it weird that I totally want to buy this just for me, because it looks like a fun read? I know it won't work for my DS (who is just the right age for it, but hates the comic book approach). I just want to read it myself. For fun. :blush5: ETA I am obviously not spending $54 on what would basically be an educational comic book for myself. I just WANT to.
  21. How was your weekend? It was okay. A bit stressful as I'm recovering from surgery and planning the transition from afterschooling to homeschooling, but the weather was nice and the kids behaved. Has the time change affected you? How? Do you like the switch to Daylight Savings Time? I like the longer days but I am dragging today. That might be due to the 5AM phone call I received about a family emergency and the fact that this is my first day back "on the job" as Mom post-surgery (husband went back to work). What are you eating today? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Coffee for breakfast. Clam chowder for lunch. I'll probably make some kind of Indian curry for dinner. What is your favorite snack treat? Good salami, or celery with almond butter. What's the weather like where you live? Nice. 70ish and sunny.
  22. All things considered, would you recommend this route to someone who otherwise has the money (even if a bit of a sacrifice) to pay for testing? Like, is the quality/comprehensiveness of the testing for this study the same as having it done privately?
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