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Everything posted by charmama4

  1. Jelly Belly jelly bean factory. Free tours and samples!!!!
  2. I have 3 boys all born in the end of May. I kid you not!! May 25, 26 and 30. And NO I did NOT plan it that way! To keep my sanity intact we do all 3 of their birthdays in one day. When invitations are sent out, each of the boys invite their own friends. I usually set aside a table with a table marker of some kind with my ds's name on it so that their friends knew where to put the presents. When presents are being opened I assign a friend to one of the boys to keep lists for the boys so they know who to send thanks you and for what. Hope that helps and have a great party!
  3. Yippee!!! Are there resources that your baby brothers wife can contact on base? Key Spouse or Family Readiness is what they are called on an AirForce base. It's hard to be separated from loved ones and I appreciate their sacrafice.
  4. schnikies!!!! glad to hear everyone is alright.
  5. Agreed that it may seem weird to listen to the NA prior to a movie. As Americans gather at a baseball game or NAScar races we stand for the NA. I believe the military takes it one step further as we congregate in a movie theater as Americans we also listen to the NA. One of the many differences in military life and civilian life.
  6. :iagree: I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 6mo after I gave birth to first dc. I was drained, no energy and for some reason my hair was falling out!
  7. I wish someone told me this 14 years ago, when kid #1 showed up. Thanks for the reminder though. :001_smile:
  8. I do see your point, it can be an inconvience to some. However in saying that, standing for the NA in the movie theater is the teeniest inconvience considering what our troops are doing for us when they are away from us. I'm just saying :D.
  9. wow! you really learned alot during your ds's science experiement. I had no idea why you used older, interesting stuff. Thanks for posting this, I'm sure it will enlighten all the hard boiled egg maker, including myself, on the boards.
  10. this may be a big difference. I think I'll try bringing to a boil then turn heat off rather than continue to boil for 10min.
  11. *what did I use?* 3.0 qt pot no lid 7cups h20 6 eggs (one for each of us to try) 1 tsp baking soda ice cubes *what did I do?* brought eggs and h2o to a boil turned down heat to "slow boil" for 12min drained hot water and added cold water and ice cubes cracked one end and made small opening cracked other end and made slightly larger opening blew on the small opening (REALLY HARD) *what happened?* that egg popped out !!(at least mine, kids didn't-not enough hot air maybe :D, dh's egg had problems too, I must have the most hot air in the family) *what did I learn?* this would not work for everyone and that there is something about the baking soda.
  12. This is soo true and stopping you car in the middle of the street, or standing still facing in the direction of a flag (in the rain even) while the National Anthem plays. You always know when it's 7am when Revely plays, or 4:30pm when the National Anthem plays or 10pm when Taps plays.
  13. eh, you learn to live with it along with all the rest of the military life brings you. I just wait till we get home :D. about the ceremony, it's in San Antonio, correct? Bring water, lots of water and maybe an umbrella for shade. Enjoy the ceremony, it's quite moving.
  14. Wow, thank you for your information and hard work in finding links!! The first website that was suggested I went and saw the list and posted to say "hey great site and thanks". When I came back to the list and really navigated my way around the site I was seeing or rather NOT seeing anything to prove any credibility. No website copywrite date or name or anything. It made me wonder about the truth in the information. But, it did make me seek out credible websites some of which you suggested. I want to thank everyone that put in their 2 cents worth on this subject and information. It has trully helped me.
  15. Where was this :confused:? This is interesting. Again, thank you for presenting the *other side*.
  16. That's an interesting piece of information (btw, just quoting a term found on a website ;)), could you direct me to the information on the *why's* of using this particular ingredient. I'm curious to find out how this information was obtained. I mean, if someone, group, company, what ever is going to list these ingredients they *must* have proof, right? I'm just not finding it....yet.
  17. ALL ingredients? I mean, how do you list chick embryo or human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue?
  18. I'm running into that very ingredient a lot and here's my ultimate question pertaining to that and the washing sheep RBCs: How the heck do these people find out? I mean, that just doesn't seem an ingredient you would put on the package, KWIM?
  19. Passionate? That's an understatement,:lol: Well, I looked and looked and for the life of me couldn't find any info on vax ingredients. Does he go over them or am I just blind as a bat?
  20. ok first ewww!!! and second how in THE world do they get RBD's by washing a sheep?
  21. Just put a hold on it from the library, thank you.
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