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Everything posted by mommydearest

  1. Is there a way to be notified via email when someone replies to your post? Or, do you have to continually come back here and check?
  2. I started my KG'er in Saxon K and I started my 2nd grader in Saxon 2. I didn't realize that the levels don't actually correspond to grade levels and that they both should have been on the next level up. We are almost finished with both levels and I am planning for the fall. Should I skip Saxon 1 and go straight into Saxon 2 with my soon to be 1st grader? And, should I skip Saxon 3 and go straight into the next level with my soon to be 3rd grader? I really like the way Saxon builds on itself and I don't want them missing any important foundational skills, but I don't want them to be bored and behind, either. What would you do?
  3. I was brought up with an evangelical background. It never felt "right" to me with all the prosperity teachings (among other things). Hubby was a cradle Catholic, but never confirmed and went on to become Atheist in college. He returned to Christ the month we married and we searched for years to find out where we belonged. He was adamant about not returning to the Catholic faith and we both ended up really liking a local Bible church, but we kept feeling led back to a Catholic church. After taking the RCIA classes and learning so much about the faith and addressing all the misconceptions I had been taught about Catholicism, we decided to join. It was nice to finally go to church not for the preacher and they way they could make you feel and all the hoopla that mega churches have (not that there's anything wrong with it, just speaking for myself), but because I wanted a deeper and more reverent relationship with Christ. I still have a long way to go and I am still learning so much. I've been told that converts are some of the best Catholics because they can bring such passion and excitement and when that is mixed with the traditions and rituals, it is a powerful thing. I wish everyone, cradle Catholics especially, would take RCIA classes. So many people do not understand why they do what they do and/or why they believe what they believe. If they did, they would see what a beautiful gift they have been given.
  4. We use the TWTM and found this site through mothering.com. Been lurking here for a long time because these boards get so much action and I find so much helpful information.
  5. The exact same thing happened to me, except that it was a little frog. And the reason for the smell was that it was dead. Eeewwwww!
  6. The 20-30 minutes we spend daily (split into two 15 minute increments) on review is worth all the fun we have in our awesome CC community! There are weeks where we are extremely lax and weeks where we are on top of everything. Regardless, the kids always seem to pull it off well. They have so much fun with their friends, not to mention the fun they have doing the science experiments, art projects, and PE. We often come across things in our math, grammar, and history at home that we have already learned in CC and it's always fun to make that connection. I have heard that your community makes all the difference and I totally believe that.
  7. That sounds exactly like my 6yo. We just finished lesson 48 in OPGTR and we will continue to move right along. My 8yo did the same thing when learning to read a couple of years ago with OPGTR. I'm not sure when she began to read well, but somewhere in there something clicked and she is now an awesome reader! My advice would be to keep on going. It's nothing that a little time and patience won't take care of.
  8. I haven't read all the replies, but it sounds like a swollen lymph node to me. DD had one that actually got so big that it forced her ear out, like a Mickey Mouse ear! At first doc's thought it was Mastoiditus (sp?), but thankfully it was not.
  9. Thanks so much for posting this! I need to post this on the fridge to remind myself daily.
  10. I think it's worth a try, although we are only joining one for the first time this year. We have found it hard to form lasting friendships with the short classes we have done here and there. The people change so much, making it hard to really get to know anyone. We're hoping that a co-op will provided a more consistent opportunity to get to know others.
  11. I've heard people say that a clean house is a sign of a wasted life. Unfortunately, I fall into the "clean freak" category, but I actually feel like a mad woman when my house is not in order. WIsh it didn't bother me so much, but I need everything in it's place and no clutter to be a good mama. I don't mind messes as long as they're picked up afterwards.
  12. Beautiful! This describes my family well....and I never realized it until now!
  13. bump into an old flame...or better yet, your husband's hot ex-girlfriend! (nothing makes you feel more disciplined to do what it takes to lose weight!)
  14. NOEO science. Just received books and experiment kits in the mail and we are so excited to get started! I love that everything for the year is included and it appears to be very interesting and fun!
  15. Any feedback is appreciated. Going round and round with our curriculum and wondering if I have it all covered, or maybe could be doing things differently. Also, would adding Classical Conversations to our schedule be too overwhelming? 2nd grade: Language Arts- All About Spelling 2, Writing Strands 2/3, First Language Lessons 2, McGuffey Readers and books, books, books! Math- Saxon 2 Science- NOEO Biology 1 History- SOTW 2 Art- Draw Write Now Music- Piano lessons PE- Basketball, Swimming, Gymnastics Kindergarten: Phonics/Reading: Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading, BOB books, and lots of reading! Math: Saxon K (although I am considering switching to Saxon 1 after reading some posts on here) Handwriting: HWOT K (we didn't really enjoy the pre-K version, but then we didn't do all the extras either) I also have Writing Strands 1 and All About Spelling 1, but I don't know if this may be too much for KG. She can be as involved as she'd like with SOTW, NOEO science, and Draw Write Now books. She will also be doing Gymnastics, and probably b-ball and piano too. Don't want to over do it, but I do want to get things accomplished!
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