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Everything posted by kamom

  1. Well, let's see I cleaned another under the counter cabinet,sorted out some stuff in the some in the office stripped off, laundered my couch cushions and started shampooing the sofas when the shampooer broke:glare:. A new shampooer is coming my way! But the carpets and furniture have to wait now. Oh, I also got the living room windows done!!! Now the next two day I plan on sorting out the toys, (lots!) grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning ahead for company this weekend. Anyone else still at this??
  2. I am soo sorry about your loss.:grouphug: I don't know anything about the drug but I have had a later miscarraige at home (14 wks) and everything was OK. Very sad. I would take vitex/ chasteberry afterward to help with bleeding. That's a herb that regulates hormones and it WORKS! (for me) to slow down bleeding. Try not to stess out and give your body a chance to go natural. It's a hard wait but that's what I would try. I will pray for peace and safety for you. :grouphug:
  3. Neither of my kiddos likes it. That is putting it mildly. They both hated it and begged me to switch back to CLE. I did and never looked back. Dd used Saxon 5/4 , she about flunked math with it. She did. not. get. it. She couldn't follow the wordy explainations ( though she was a good reader) She needed to 'see' it better laid out. Ds could do it well, he also disliked the way they explained things and he hated writing out the problems. CLE has workbooks. I highly recommend CLE. Please check it out before you order. Why I didn't just stick with CLE. Well, ds was a grade ahead, getting bogged down and I wanted to slow him down by repeating a grade or a half a grade and I knew Saxon went at a slower pace. It was a big waste of money for us.
  4. I have a video of my son "reading" a whole book through, with the right paragraphs on the right page. I think he was three years old. Thing is he couldn't read yet and it was a library book.:001_smile: He's 11 now. He does have a very good memory.
  5. Well, I got my living room windows done!! :thumbup: Anyone else get any spring cleaning done today??
  6. fried rice with veggies peanut butter jelly sandwich Ramen noodle soup
  7. That is one lovely place!!!!! Thanks for the tour and I would love to have a porch like that! I plan on keeping on with my cleaning. Today's plans consist of the living room windows, two lamp stands (with each two drawers full of old magazines to sort out) and if times allows maybe shampooing the couch. The last will probably have to wait for tomorrow. Anyone else still spring cleaning??
  8. He is risen!!!!! Joy unspeakable!!:hurray::hurray: May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward for his suffering!
  9. Now that I have it could you help iron out some glitches. We don't have any other tablets around so android is new to me. Once I got it connected to my Amazon account. I downloaded the Kindle app. Then I downloaded 4 books which she started reading and now, no matter how we try we can not find how to get into it! :001_huh: I have pressed everything I can think of and cannot find it. The home page has icons to get into different apps, like phone, contacts (which is empty) but no kindle icon anywhere! HELP!
  10. I spotted some with my last pregnancy but nothing like a period. I do have a friend who experienced what you are describing. She thought it was over with and is still a healthy 7 months pregnant now! Hope it turns out well for you too!
  11. I didn't get anything done today; at least nothing to do with spring cleaning. I've been neglecting checking and had to fill in quarterly reports. So that had to be done. Tomorrow hopefully brings a chance for me to tackle the living room ceiling fans and maybe the curtains too. They are very dusty. yeah!!! for all those who are carrying out garbage bags full of stuff. We will all feel so much lighter when we're done!!
  12. He's a Construction Business owner, right now studying a blueprint as large as a table =) He started out working in it with his dad and branched off on his own about 10 years ago. no college degree
  13. Checking in from this part of the country. The nice maybe 60* weather is helping me stay on track. As planned, I cleaned out the upper kitchen cabinets, which included the cookbook, spice, tea and coffee and three dish cupboards. The spices needed it the most and in all I emptied or threw out at least 8 spice containers. This makes it a lot roomier in there plus quite a few odd and end dishes that we don't use got put into the garage sale pile. Then I got inspired to clean and move around some of my house plants. I decided to let one find a new home. It's a Christmas cactus that is about 10 yrs old and as big as a bushel basket. It's very hard to keep clean. DD 10 washed down two walls in her room, just the prints/ spots and we washed all her stuffed animals! I'm wondering if I should throw them in the dryer?? Thanks for keeping me going! Yeah for spring cleaning!!! There is nothing like being rid of clutter!:hurray::hurray:
  14. I'd love to hear anyones take on the R to R, which is one of the older grades.
  15. I only got through two kitchen cabinets and one drawer. But it's a start for my kitchen. Dumped out a lot of old and empty containers and they now look very fresh and clean. Dd10 did her bed and under her bed! It was bad! We stripped and washed it, down to the mattress, including the pad and skirt and hung it outside in the wind to dry! It smells sooo good in there!. She dug out old lost stuff. Two boots were found! One that belonged to her two yr old brother and one to her older brother that I have been looking for about a year! Glad for everything we got done though it wasn't very much we also had three large baskets of laundry to fold and put away. Thank you all for the inspiration! I'll try to finish the top kitchen cabinets tomorrow. Yeah for spring cleaning!!! Summer will come and our homes will be clean!!
  16. My ds11 stuttered on and off for years. It comes and goes with no apparent rhyme or reason (maybe stress). I mean gone for a year at a time. Dh and I are so glad when it totally resolves only to have him start again. Right now just slightly when he is very stressed. I think about 4-6 yrs old were the worst. It was usually just the first word of the sentence. I wouldn't be too stressed about it. The worst thing you can do is to stress them about it. That makes it worse!
  17. I have all four but they all never came through and aren't bothering me. Once in a while one will ache. I've had two dentists send me to oral surgeons to get an opinion but I never went since they're not bothering me. I'm 35 and often wonder if anyone else is in my shoes and never had them out. My dh had all four come in and they all had enough space that he kept them.
  18. My son is going into 7th and is just finishing CLE6. He doesn't need all the review, so I plan on switching this year. I have looked around quite a bit and figure he *could* go into Algebra, but I want a spiral program. I'm looking at Lial's. However I am going to put him into prealgebra just to reinforce some things this year, give him another year from a different curr. approach and then Albegra for 8th grade.
  19. They might never come in and then she will face what I am in my 30s,:confused: Scared of having them removed and they all never came through.
  20. My mom switched one of my brothers to the A beka DVD's. He spent so much time listening to this one teacher that mom said he started talking like her:tongue_smilie::001_smile::lol: That's all..
  21. I rolled my eyes when we first tried Apologia, Zoology; it was way over their heards in 4th grade. I resold it and this year, 6th, we did a thorough study with Human Anatomy and they enjoyed it. I learned right along with them. Even in 6th grade some of it was very hard to grasp, like the in depth study of how hearing works. I couldn't even repeat it all! Same opinion here on Easy Grammer. MUS has me puzzled:001_huh: TOG scares me. I am just not that organized! Saxon makes me run the other way. I tried that one for a few months. HOD:001_smile: Though I don't get it I am still tempted to try it because of all the positive stories I hear.
  22. Both 6th graders have beautiful cursive but it's not as fast as their printing so I don't require them to use it. They can choose and they choose printing. I still ask them to write one paragraph a week in cursive and am hoping they will learn to like it better.
  23. Thanks!! I'm feeling very proud of us!!!!:party:I actually finished the shoe shelf while school was going! Now the kitchen cupboards this afternoon.
  24. Since you asked, I guess I will tackle my kitchen cupboards after our shoe shelf! I am so proud of dd10, she has almost finished her room, only walls, and floor left. Her clothes are all sorted out, her window is clean and her room looks much better. So far I have finished, master bedroom and closet, sewing cupboards, school shelves, pantry, and bathroom laundry area ( almost done).
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