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Posts posted by sassenach

  1. I can't even imagine how sad they are today.

    I knew some polo horses that I used to visit when I was feeling sad and they were so sweet. Beautiful, muscular, gorgeous, amazing animals.

    I love the lines of a horse.


    With what common thing did they all come into contact?


    I believe that they are speculating that there was possibly something toxic in the feed or supplements.

  2. My question to you is this: is putting them in the same grade what is best for the CHILDREN, or best for you? Because the purpose most stated by homeschoolers as to why they homeschool is, 'to do whats best for my children.'


    If your dd is really best served by being held back again, and your ds promoted ahead that way, then do so. If they really aren't, and you're doing it for your convenience, then I'd honestly suggest they are in levels appropriate to their own needs, or even exploring curriculum that can be taught to both children, regardless of what level they're at.


    With holding your dd back, and putting your ds ahead 2 levels, it may actually cost you more time if neither is actually in the right place for it.

    :iagree: .

  3. You may not be able to do this: we put some money in a separate account and told her that she would have access to in the event that she needed to leave her home. Our friend took us up on it. She needed to be able to be financially able to leave. She's gotten some training so that she can get a job (part of the abuse was that her husband wouldn't let her keep current on any job training so that she would be forced to be dependent on him). She's even paid half of it back (which we did not ask for but was important for her own self esteem as she's started to get on her feet).


    That's really amazing of you, Jean.

  4. Because Government regulations allow for a cookie with .5 grams of "trans-fat" per serving size to be called "trans-fat free". Does this make sense? Is it mathematically true? Does it help consumers avoid trans-fats in the "food" they feed their children? NO!


    The GSA also substituted out just enough hydrogenated oils to meet the "threshold" but replaced them with other saturated fats like Palm Oil.


    The labeling and claims by the GSA while "legal", are deceptive and untrue.




    Bill, isn't something ever so yummy that it's worth eating a little crap for (bad choice of words? maybe:001_smile:) What exactly do you eat to indulge?


    I do not have your kind of food conviction. I wish I did.

  5. Well done.


    And what a jerk. Which county is this?


    I don't believe the law addresses this, as most private schools don't move.:D However, IMHO no, you don't have to refile. Just wait until next October. And you can add your ds at that time. Students enroll and withdraw all the time from private schools. Nothing in the law requires schools to notify the state that this is going on. Imagine what a burden that would be!


    Back in the day when we mailed in hard copies of the R-4, we kept a copy and sent the other 4(!) to Sacramento. From there, copies were mailed to the county offices of education and to the local school district. Now that the R-4 is filed on-line, I don't know if county offices of education receive any notification at all, but if they care (and most of them don't) they can check things out on-line (as you know).


    Anyway, you said just the right things. If you're contacted further, don't back down, k?


    Thanks Ellie,


    I managed to find on the California website that only schools with more than 6 students need to re-file if they move. We're in Marin County. This has been a good reminder to me that we're not completely under the radar and I need to keep up with stuff like attendance records. The scary thing is that he said that he has gotten copies from other hsers. You know, just to "protect them." :confused:

  6. I have no idea, I just want to congratulate you on not being intimidated by the schmuck.


    Thanks!! My adrenaline was pumping. I wasn't in danger of giving in, but I was working VERY hard to keep my cool. I didn't want to get personal with him, but in the back of my head I'm thinking, "You're the special ed coordinator!! It's not your job to worry about 'search and accounting' of random kids out there." Sigh. This guy has an ego and a half.

  7. My 8yo is in public school. We just moved to a new school district and had a 30 day review of his placement (he's special ed). I brought my 6yo with me and left the girls at home. So this guy, who I was already not too fond of, asks me where ds goes to school. I reply that we homeschool. He then asks me if we filed an R-4 (the private school affidavit that independent hsers have to file). I reply yes. THEN, get this, he tells me that I should give him a copy of our R4. I reply in the nicest way possible, that we comply with the law, but that I am not compelled to go beyond that. He tells me that it will save me trouble, because it's the districts job to SEARCH and ACCOUNT for any child that is not in their system. I reply that I don't believe it is their job, and that any accounting for children would be done by DCF and not the district. I then pointed out that there are many private schools in the area and asked if he maintained copies of their R4s. He said that they do not. I then told him that I don't feel any need to go beyond what the law requires of private schools and that my children are private school children and he should treat them as such.


    I was pretty much saying F off, but with a smile on my face. He asked me the name of our private school and I told him that since we don't really use it, I couldn't recall what name we chose. We ended it by agreeing that according to the law, I did not have to give him a copy of it.


    Now here's where I need some help from Cali people. At the beginning of the school year, my 11yo was enrolled in a charter and I filed the R4 for my 6yo. We moved and now my 11yo is also independent. I feel pretty certain that this guy is going to look us up on the California website. Do I have to re-file with our new address? What about adding in my 11yo? Am I in the clear or should I re-file even though it's not that Oct window?

  8. Honestly, I don't want to ignore you, but I don't feel comfortable getting into this too deeply. Not right now.


    All I can say is that, while "those who believe differently" may be a mouthful, it's much more accurate and respectful than "nonbelievers." I don't believe what you believe, but I believe what I believe very deeply and sincerely. And words like "nonbelievers" just put up barriers.


    I use the word unconvinced. Non/unbeliever has always seemed a bit demeaning to me. I'm not sure if unconvinced comes off any better, but to my ear it sounds better.

  9. My allergy-prone 14yo ds had his tonsils out last year due to chronic cryptic tonsillitis, which causes chronic bad breath. Of course, the ENT checked his nose for foreign objects during the consult and told us a funny story about pulling a crayon out of the nose of an elderly old person who had no recollection of putting it there. The nose bones and tissues had grown around the crayon over all those years! Can you imagine having a crayon stuck up your nose for 70 years?!? Ewww!


    Seriously, check out chronic cryptic tonsillitis.


    Oh gag. That is so gross.

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