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Pam H

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Everything posted by Pam H

  1. Hello Ladies, I have a brand new challenge before me for next year. After 13 years of homeschooling, I'm going to probably be teaching first grade to my baby who attended the public school for K. We enrolled him in the ps to allow him to receive speech therapy and occupational therapy. Also to alleviate my fears that I might not be able to teach him to read. He is reading cvc words very well and is very phonetic. He is the most visual child that I have but I am working on teaching him a little auditorily as well. Is WTM visually enabling for a child dx with PDD-NOS? I would like to hear your favorite visually attractive 1st grade curricula. Focusing mainly on reading. We currently use MUS for math and I'm happy with that, I think. Plug away if you know something better!! Please~!
  2. I have boys too. Last year, I read Victory Over the Darkness by Neil Anderson. Wide open questions that really opened hearts. :thumbup:
  3. Hi He could not read Apologia's General Science. He could read most of the words and have NO idea what he had just read. Then last year, I happened upon AGS Publishing Physical Science and he loved it. http://www.pearsonschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PSZ16f&PMDbSiteId=2781&PMDbSolutionId=6724&PMDbSubSolutionId=&PMDbCategoryId=814&PMDbSubCategoryId=6105&PMDbSubjectAreaId=&PMDbProgramId=32542 And did quite well with it.
  4. for a child that isn't reading up to a high school grade level? My 13yos is reading at a 4th grade level. Do you think this curricula would be a good fit? For those who know it? Thanks.
  5. Long time tennis fan here.... Long time Federer fan. I was really happy to see him finally able to claim the unofficial title "Best Tennis Player" who has ever played the game. Winning 15 titles..... WOW!!! I am a Roddick fan and am SO happy to see him playing this well. He has NOTHING to be sad about! He will do well at the US Open! I did miss the match. :glare: I wish they played the Gentlemen's Final on a day other than Sunday.
  6. I have online acquaintances who have had good experiences. Enough for me to try this year! :001_smile: You might also take a look at Millers Pads and Paper.
  7. I saw one posted this year that looks great!! http://www.barebooks.com/catalog.htm
  8. We are using IEW and it has been great for us! There was a lady that used to post here, Claire, that suggested a program called Four-Square Writing that looks really good and is MUCH less expensive.
  9. Hi, I don't usually post, but your heading caught my eye and had to say.... We are thick in the middle of what you are describing now. I have 6 boys and they have ALL had this virus. We took the first one in, the doc said it was viral and to wait it out. I've got it now. I can tell you that my throat has never hurt like it has the last four days. It isn't very red at all, my eyes are matted in the morning, coughing so hard it hurts, runny nose (finally). But we all had a low grade fever. Like about 100.5. Of course, since you haven't visited my family. ;) Your ds may have strep. I would take him in, just for the peace of mind.
  10. Darlene, I would like to leave positive feedback for you, but cannot figure out how to do it. So, I hope that this will suffice if someone is looking. Thank you for our wonderful transaction!! Pam

  11. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22834&highlight=heartbreak here you go....
  12. Cynthia, we are in Berryville too. Hi!



  13. I have had 6 miscarriages and six children. When I was in my 12th pregnancy, the dr dx me with FVL. I also have another blood-clotting factor; MTHFR (or something like that). With that pregnancy, I had heparin therapy for the FVL and extra folic acid for the MTHFR. It is hereditary and can only be dx with a blood test. The blood test has only been perfected in the last 10 years.
  14. I am in a quandry, ladies. I really don't know if I'm dealing with a combination of puberty and testosterone poisoning <ha> with character flaws or if this is an issue with my younger son. My 9.5 yos is annoying my older three boys. Not just a little, but to the point of destroying my 9yo's self esteem. He has been attacked so severely by his older brothers that I have honestly considered sending him to the ps. I have talked and talked to the older three. They see the error of their ways and can't seem to help themselves. It's not a joint effort, it is individualized contact. But, it is across the board! None of them can "stand" his comments or presence. This makes me so sad. The younger ds has always been highly intelligent. He knew his abc's by 18mos, etc. He seemed to change overnight right at K (his MMR shot? - I think) All of a sudden he was very clingy and sensitive. He required schedules and rituals. He wants to fit in in every way. He cannot bear to be wrong about anything. He tries to be "as old" as his brothers and other boys his brothers' ages. So, what am I dealing with? What would you do?
  15. I have so been there! We have not yet started on OT b/c of cost and age, but.... I was worried about vitamins and how to get them in him. I finally found a yummy multi-vitamin, I had to work up to the full dose, but we are there now and all is well. :001_smile: This is a powdered vitamin that I mix into his juice. Now this company has just come out with three different varieties of the same multi. Multi with digestive enzymes; multi with probiotics; and multi with free radical protection. Send me a pm if you are interested in the particulars!
  16. Happy, Happy Day, Jean!! It's a beautiful day for a birthday!!
  17. Happy, Happy Day Jackie!! Looks like it will be a beautiful day for a birthday!
  18. For no known reason I don't like the word "puny" I also don't like and we don't say: butt shut up stupid I also have a problem with people confusing if a word should or should not be plural. "I need to go to Wal-Marts." "It is about five mile down the road."
  19. Sonlight Writing Strands Wordsmith Apprentice LLATL IEW Write Source products Write Shop Understanding Writing Writing Aids Have repurchased and committed to IEW for this year and am thrilled. The only reason I sold IEW way back when is because I didn't think I had enough time to implement it. That was when my oldest was 9yo. Loooong road
  20. I really miss her. She hasn't been around since early May. :001_huh:
  21. I am certainly no expert, but I had a green one that turned gray. It is more than 4 months old. Maybe the green boxes turn gray with age. :001_huh:
  22. I've prayed for you, Kathy. I came this morning to find out about you. So thankful that you rec'd good news.
  23. I'm sorry for your pain. I know it's hard. Our first pet after we were married was "Ike", a black and tan. He lived to be 13 and we had to let him go too. So sad and so hard!
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