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Everything posted by moonsong

  1. My organization need to raise 15000 to pay our lobbyist. Im in charge of the fundraising. Are there any companies that donate funfs that anyone is aware if. Anyone have experience they would be willing to share on how we can raise large sums of money?
  2. My organization need to raise 15000 to pay our lobbyist. Im in charge of the fundraising. Are there any companies that donate funfs that anyone is aware if. Anyone have experience they would be willing to share on how we can raise large sums of money?
  3. I'm not sure what area you are in. In my area there is a very bad cough going around. It hits people and stays with them for two months. (Also whooping cough is coming back and adults are getting it.) It took me steroid inhalers and a very expensive antibiotic to get over it. It took my breath away. I coughed so hard it made me vomit. If you lived in my area I would tell her to go back asap.
  4. The battle continues. I did some work for a lady that was supossed to pay me a hundred dollars. She decided I needed to get healthy more. So instead of paying me she gave me a hundred dollars worth of her health products she sells. Grr add insult to injury one of the products was so old when I opened it it was rancid. I will talk to her about it. I was just too shocked to in the moment.
  5. Im listening with both ears coming from a heealth care professionals side. When interacting during routine clinical settings I never referr to someone using a pet name. It seems unprofessional. However, when I'm with a client in serious distress I do it all the time. Its my way of sympathizing with the client. Some how I dont feel the same way in that context. When I first responded for my friends husband who was clearly dying. Who was old enough to be my dad. I called him buddy the entire time. So this this probably jumbled but Im eager to hear peoples thoughts. I personally don't like being called by pet names but its not worth getting offended by.
  6. You guys are hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. You've also given me some ideas to add to my healing book. Give me your bank account info and your full names, addresses, and ss numbers and I will be sure to remember you when the royalties from my book start coming in:)
  7. Well a friend did buy me a diffuser and an essential oil they were sure would cure me for my Birthday:)
  8. I've been sick on and off for a year now with respiratory problems. The last month has been bad. Trouble breathing and no energy. The advice I've gotten this last month I could write my own healing book with. Not only am I getting unsolicited advice but people following up to see if I've tried it and how I'm feeling. It's driving me crazy. Its got to stop before I lose my mind. Vent over.
  9. Unless your neighbor has money in this I'm wondering why he thinks he has an opinion that matters.
  10. Sorry there's never a good reason to pass up chocolate.
  11. Just for the record I am their only employee. They got the dog after I started working for them. I only said something after this went on for several months and the dog had done damage to both my vehicles. Again I don't ask for compensation nor would I accept if the owners would have offered. Parking off property isn't doable. I understand not making my problems my employer's which is why I put up with a raccoon in the house following my every move for almost a year and the same family having a loose pigeon in their back porch. If I want the job I deal with the surroundings,but with the dog I couldn't stand having my property damaged and being injured every time I went there. That's why I asked them too keep it penned. If they declined I would have quit. Thankfully they seemed fine with my request. I guess I was surprised by the lack of apology,but as I very well know I am just employee and I don't matter to the employer other than getting the job done that I'm getting paid to do.W which is fine.
  12. I never asked for compensation nor would I accept had it been offered. This dog hurts me by jumping on me every time I come steals my supplies and runs off with them the jumping and scratching my car happened more than once. I usually do just deal but the dog was making it to where either they deal with it or I would have quit. I guess I don't think it's unreasonable to keep the dog penned once every two wks.
  13. Wow, this thread is making me sick:(
  14. The other thread had me curious I was working for a lady. When I drove into her driveway. Her dog jumped on my car leaving quite a few scratches. I told the owner and asked her to please keep the dog penned next time. I got an acknowledgement that the dog would be penned when I came but otherwise no apology or anything else. Wwyd if you were on either end of this?
  15. Standard poodle. If she wants a puppy I can give her a good recommendation of some very nice ones available.
  16. yes the x ray showed very inflamed bronculi and a little pneumonia
  17. Saturday, I had a 104 temp, deep cough, no appetite, fatigue. I went to urgent care where I was diagnosed with bronchitis and some pneumonia. Today my temp is normal, my energy is better, My appetite is fine. Tonight I'm coughing non stop again and my chest feels bubbly like there's fluid in there. I'm hoping it's a sign I'm getting better. I am hoping it means that this stuffs moving out of my lungs. however, I'm a little worried.
  18. breast pumping? that often works. I wouldn't try it without talking to your midwife first.
  19. As a midwife I see a lot of women go on this diet. The first year they generally get good results than after the first year many end up in adrenaline fatigue. Personally I don't think people on this diet are not getting enough good carbs. Also, women generally end up with bigger birth weight babies.
  20. I am a Christian. I don't have a problem with doing stuff on Good Friday. I personally don't believe Jesus died on a Friday. However, because so many around me do observe that day as important I try to respect their beliefs by not planning things on that day. If I do have plans I don't talk about them so as not to cause offense. Maybe you could get a feel for how those that you want to invite feel about it
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