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Everything posted by 8circles

  1. Let's not pretend that men and women are now, or have ever been, on equal footing. The men have the power. The women do not. The fact that some women have chosen to follow the rules laid out by men in order to survive does not make them responsible for the rules.
  2. How does this apply to my comment at all? Whether or not writing the n-word is a crime is irrelevant to anything I've posted. The racial slurs happened.
  3. More accurately, it would be called a hate crime hoax, not a racial slur hoax. The racial slurs were real, the hoax was that it was (or rather, wasn't) a hate crime. It's misleading. ETA: Obviously.
  4. Get off your high horse, HH. You've had several posts directed to CR personally which are condescending, with sarcastic jabs, and just downright rude yourself. Hey Liz - where's the lecture on being civil? All of these conversations are just a joke. With so many people fighting for the right to do nothing - who are smart enough to make that do-nothingness sound intellectual, as if it is somehow noble - what hope do we have? None.
  5. I agree with this. But you would each be buying your own ticket that has nothing to do with the other person besides maybe being on the same plane. A hotel room is a shared item.
  6. Most people who are answering (I'd say all but I don't have time to confirm that - I don't recall any) that the points would be shared are doing so from the perspective of being the person owning the points, not the person without points. It's disingenuous to say that they are also expecting to be shared with if they didn't have the points themselves.
  7. This isn't what I think of when I think "hoax". The words were written. They shouldn't have been. The headline makes it seem like the words weren't really written. It's misleading.
  8. That's called baiting and it isn't allowed here.
  9. If you want to nitpick how I worded it to create confusion and a set of alternate facts, that's on you. The statistics are pretty clear. More guns around people make them less safe.
  10. I'm not sure how that changes anything. If I go into a restaurant and order water and my companion orders a meal and a soda, I'd still not be buying anything.
  11. If someone said it was an expectation I missed it.
  12. I hear what you are saying but I don't see sharing a meal the same as sharing a hotel room unless you are literally ordering one meal and splitting it. ETA: When you share a meal in this sense, you are sharing the time together which is free, not the meal. ETAA: I know what you mean about splitting group meals evenly when the meals weren't equal. That always sucks if you intended to spend less. Discussing and agreeing beforehand is so important.
  13. And a banana won't get eaten unless someone eats it. I'm guessing the presence of a banana makes it less likely that someone will be hungry.
  14. Are you asking me to personally attack you? That's weird in a thread where you are concerned about personal attacks.
  15. I know she can. I responded for the benefit of everyone. Liz has made too many false accusations to keep letting it slide. It'd be great if more people called out that behavior instead of ignoring it.
  16. Are you asking me if I avoid being in a room with a black person? Given the evidence of systemic racism in this country I find your question highly offensive and tone-deaf. I have no pity whatsoever for gun owners who aren't horrified at the gun culture in the US and who refuse to do anything to help change it. I feel sorry for those who do because there are so many douchebags giving them a bad name.
  17. Uh, no, it's not. A gun is NOT a banana. Guns are not usually lying on tables, they are on a person who is carrying it because they believe there is a possibility of needing it and they are willing to do so.
  18. Except I'm not basing my opinion solely on my personal feeling. I'm basing it on factual statistics which have been posted many times. I mention my personal feelings because people try to refute facts with their feelings which are different. It just so happens that my personal feelings line up with the facts.
  19. I agree with you there. I can honestly say I've never met anyone carrying a gun (except some LEO's) who made me feel safer or neutral. And I know many, many people in varying demographics who carry. So sure, that influences my opinion. There are too many douchebags with guns.
  20. THen stop policing people and falsely accusing them of personal attacks.
  21. Seriously? Saying something is "incorrect" factually is not an attack on Murphy. I'm so freaking tired of this BS about imaginary personal attacks. ETA: Especially since the only supposed "personal attacks" that you care about are ones coming from one particular side of the argument.
  22. Given that simply the presence of guns makes one statistically less safe, I disagree.
  23. I think it was the right thing to do (assuming that it was financially healthy for her to do so) for her to offer and I think it was equally right for you to accept. That's just what people do. I hope you had a nice trip. I think these kinds of examples aren't comparable because you aren't splitting the lunch, you are each presumably ordering your own meal which you are eating yourself and there are often separate bills. The hotel room is shared. I think it's a matter of a shared vs individual transaction. General comment: I don't know why there is so much judgmental language in this thread. I don't feel entitled to anyone else's money.
  24. You mean the culture of smoking anywhere, anytime changed? Yeah, it would be nice if all gun owners were on board with making guns less appropriate anytime, anywhere. Change the gun culture.
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