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Everything posted by HSMom2One

  1. This looks fabulous! I'm going to do this one for sure. Blessings, Lucinda
  2. So many wonderful ideas -- how am I ever going to choose? Actually part of the added confusion is that my dear elderly mother lives with us, and we are making breakfast together. So its not just me making the final decision -- but I was hoping to get suggestions by starting this thread. I just read all the ideas to Mom and am not sure we'll ever be able to narrow it down. We just may have to have a buffet! Come on over, Rough Collie! Blessings, Lucinda
  3. I know that this is the year for me to get MORE disciplined with things I'm already doing, but need to grow and improve at: Regular exercise instead of sporadic Focused prayer & Bible time Daily studio time to paint instead of here and there Read more books, just for the joy of reading Play the piano instead of just dusting it All of these things are challenging because they are about me instead of others, but I am realizing more than ever that in order to be a true blessing to others I need to take care of my own body and soul. Bring on the New Year! Blessings, Lucinda
  4. Aaaah! I knew the Hive wouldn't let me down. :) We'll be serving breakfast on my mother's beautiful Christmas china, and I can picture any of these choices. I like this menu a LOT! Very tempting with the sweet and savory combination of flavors. Then there's perhaps this one.... Then there's this mouth-watering temptation that has caught my attention as well: Now unless someone else throws out another delicious suggestion to confuse me, I just need to narrow down my choices. Thank you all my WTM friends! Blessings, Lucinda
  5. Our big family get together will be the day after Christmas this year, but my brother will be coming to have breakfast with us on Christmas Day. It will be a quiet morning, four adults and one child, and we'll later spend the afternoon with close friends at their house. I'd like to think of a nice breakfast to serve that will give us all a good start to the day and also be a bit festive. I can't spend a fortune on this meal, but would like it to be nice because it will be the only time my brother will be with us and our mom. Any ideas? :bigear: Thanks! Blessings, Lucinda
  6. If I had more than a week I'd LOVE to go to Africa. I have a dream of traveling there one day with my dd to meet a child we support and to stay with missionaries that we know in Malawi. But if I have to stick to only a week, then let's head up to Whistler BC or Lake Tahoe and have a fun snow vacation! Anybody else want to go? Blessings, Lucinda
  7. I loved the video! It was inspiring to me as well because I'm seriously considering going for my masters with an online program through Boston University. What an amazing age we live in... Well, I sure hope your dh gets plenty of votes and wins the scholarship. Be sure to let us all know! Blessings, Lucinda
  8. I love Yarka watercolor sets for students. I use them for all my student art classes (private students as well as at the school where I teach art). They are made in Russia and are very nice. Note: The paintbrush that comes with the set is worthless and I always throw them away, replacing with better brushes, but the paint and pan are really great. Blessings, Lucinda
  9. We used Calculadder drills to supplement MUS for 3rd & 4th grade and it was great for my dd. (She didn't love it, but her skill was greatly improved by it.) The combination of the MUS and Calculadders was highly recommended by the teachers at the Classical Christian school where I teach part-time. All elementary classes use them together and math ability and achievement is just outstanding there. Blessings, Lucinda
  10. I'm praising God with you! What a wonderful blessing for you and your family! God is good, all the time. Blessings, Lucinda
  11. This year we've shared part of our tithe with the local food bank to help make a difference to others at Christmas, and we are planning to help distribute food boxes. It occurs to me that we need to do this all year and not just during the holidays. I learned from a wise Christian counselor many years ago that the best way to fight depression is to aim my energies toward others around me. As I've grown in my spiritual walk over the years, I've learned that is what Jesus taught when he was asked about what was the greatest commandment. If we'd all just try to obey and focus on God and loving our neighbors, it sure would cure a lot of depression -- wouldn't it? Blessings, Lucinda
  12. Your post blessed me so much! I can so relate to all that you are saying. We have hope, faith and love to carry us through, yet as humans we can't help but succumb to our flesh now and then. Keeping my mind on scriptures, listening to worship music and looking around at God's amazing creation always boosts me up too. Thank you for your encouragement! Blessings, Lucinda
  13. Not sad so much as real life. We live in a fallen world where life can't be perfect all the time. I do know from experience though that Christmas Day WILL arrive (whether we are ready or not) and we can choose to pause and reflect on His goodness and love, or we can focus on our problems. I hope that everyone reading this thread chooses the first one! Good point about our children. They are watching us all walk through these difficult situations, learning from us how to cope with the problems of life. These are teaching moments, just like all the other subjects we give them. God bless, Lucinda
  14. Amen sister! Isn't this the way things go so often? But don't give up hope on Christmas, as it isn't here yet. You never know what God may have in mind for you in the coming days. :001_smile: Blessings, Lucinda
  15. Praying for you and your family, Susan. God will give you faith beyond hope, and He will also give you the direction that you need. This will be a very memorable Christmas for you all, but in a good way. Buying presents for others is such a joy, but all of us that are in financial straits need to remember that Christmas can still be joyful without having the things we've been used to having. God definitely is on our side. Keep up the prayers and exercise! You are an inspiration to me in this. :) Its so hard to be dealing with all of these difficult situations at a time that is supposed to be merry. I will pray for you and your family to find some very peaceful moments where you can pause and reflect on God's goodness and the beautiful gift of His son to us. The Bible is truth and can't return to Him void, so do continue to hold on to those promises. :grouphug: To everyone -- I am praying for hope, faith and love to pour into each situation. Let's all choose to stay focused on God this Christmas rather than the tendency to look at Christmas from the world's point of view. Blessings, Lucinda
  16. Thank you for sharing this, Dayle. We all have so much to learn, and what you said was valuable and encouraging. You have raised some excellent points. I am right there with you, although we are not missionaries. We were downsized several years ago by dh's job displacement from high tech, and every year since then life has been a walk of faith. Like you, I've learned to enjoy simplicity and appreciate the things that we do have. I have become much more thankful during these years, taking much less for granted than in the past. Blessings, Lucinda
  17. I'm in agreement about calling the police. If nothing else, reporting it would document the incident if anything should develop up ahead. But rather than you placing a call to the man as a follow-up, why not ask your dh to do it? There is something much more intimidating about the sound of a man's voice than a mother's voice over the phone. Of course we moms can be like bears looking out for our cubs, but the truth is that our voices over the phone are not always the best indication of our strength. And if this guy is a weirdo, it may possibly add fuel to the fire. Blessings, Lucinda (Mom of a police officer, ex-wife of a police officer)
  18. Yes to all of these, as well as making sure I didn't isolate myself away from people. I had wise counseling through my church, and made a decision to surround myself with people who had strong faith and who would stand by me while I was healing from deep, deep wounds....sometimes I was also known to beat my bed with a tennis racket. Blessings, Lucinda
  19. Please don't ever minimize the offer of prayer. That is the most wonderful thing anyone can offer, and that is what this thread is all about. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers. They are cherished. Blessings, Lucinda
  20. I really need to go through a girls health unit with my dd, as we have not gone into a lot of detail yet about puberty and reproduction. She knows the basics, as we have had those important discussions, but I want to give her a bit more in-depth instruction. I've seen these books before, and have access to them. I just wondered if anyone has used them at all, and if so, what did you think? Did you find them complete enough, and did they present well? How You Are Changing - Girls Edition Where Do Babies Come From? - Girl’s Edition Thanks! Blessings, Lucinda
  21. Sorry, hit the button twice without meaning to. Please see other thread. :~) Lucinda
  22. Prayer for you and your situation, with tears. :grouphug: Blessings, Lucinda
  23. The pain you feel must be overwhelming, and surely magnified because it is Christmas time. Please know that I am praying for you and am trusting that God will intervene in your life. Many years ago I was in your shoes, so my heart goes out to you today. It may not feel like it right at this moment, but you will survive this and you will be fine. It just hurts like crazy right now. Please do believe me, you will live and you will grow and mature through this like you wouldn't believe. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 Do feel free to pm me anytime you need prayer or a shoulder to cry on. Blessings, Lucinda
  24. Same here in our science co-op. This is no different than teaching about world religions. I really believe that kids need to have information to base their beliefs on. Blessings, Lucinda
  25. Hold on to Phil. 4:19. God is good and He is faithful. I was a single mother with three little boys for seven years and understand what you are facing. I'm praying with you, sister. :grouphug: Blessings, Lucinda
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