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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I live in South Florida on the county line between and Dade (Miami) and Broward (Ft. Lauderdale) and I've never seen people just shooting guns off in their backyards. People go to shooting ranges to practice, but don't shoot on their own property that I've ever heard of (or seen). I was shocked by the video as well, but after reading 19 pages of this thread now, I see that it is quite normal in his culture. It is a little intimidating to me as well, but South Florida is really not "Southern". You have to go further north in the state to get to more true Southern culture. Down here we have a bunch of Latinos who usually deal with family matters in a more private way. I really do learn something new everyday.
  2. I choose Joe Satriani! :D hehehe btw, did you see the funny pic I left for you?? a page or two back. :p
  3. Sorry. I didn't mean to disturb anyone. I just thought it relevant since two others had talked about gators. :blushing: I was a latch key kid too. I used to walk home by myself (30 minutes) ever since I was in the 1st grade. Mom didn't get home til 6pm, step dad got home at 5:30. I used to have that dream sometimes too. I am from Ft. Lauderdale. I live in Hollywood now though not 2 miles from the beach. I cross the drawbridge every day with my kids when we go do our exercise. DD jogs on the boardwalk while ds and I walk on the sand. DD always says she's scared the bridge will open up with her on it. My ds on the other hand is totally fascinated by the bridge. He loves watching it go up and down. lol
  4. Oh my! :ohmy: Pardon my French but he sounds completely nuts!! Seriously that guy would scare me. Is he horrible to everyone equally (the other 8 families I mean)? Hopefully it's not just you and your family that he's singled out. :eek:
  5. Sounds like Cuban time to me. :) Is the realtor latino? Yes ma'am! Ay, and I forgot to add Teachin' mine to the list! She's an invaluable part of the forum game as well and Tina too though she's not been there for awhile. :)
  6. Oh! Are you staying at resort in Disney? I got to stay at the Polynesian resort once in Disney world (which btw is much better! :p ) and it was awesome. :) Julie's song comes from Lambchop. at your own risk. :p and nobody likes It's a small world. You sing it for at least 10 years after you've been on that ride. hehehehe ;) :D :p
  7. :lol::lol::smilielol5::smilielol5: Oh Mariann! It's so good to have you back! hhehehehehehehe
  8. Different times indeed. My neighbors all knew me too and would even spank me themselves if I was misbehaving. :tongue_smilie:
  9. I'm a city girl. He seemed cowboy to me! Like the Marlboro man! hehehehe :)
  10. JAWS scared me to death too! I had nightmares for months after I saw it. I even was afraid that the shark would get me in the pool and in the bathtub even! I lived just blocks away from Ft. Lauderdale beach and we used to go there every weekend. I would just sit in the water at the shoreline and let it splash up on me for the longest time. I don't think I got over my fear of that movie until I started SCUBA diving when I was 12 years old. Once I had a mask and could see what was down there I wasn't afraid anymore, but to this day I still don't like to be where I can't touch with my toes without a mask on. That's the bad thing about SCUBA diving. You get to know about all the other critters that are down there too! :eek: Oh yeah. She believes me now. She knows I'm very truthful. I think it was just because when I was young I had an active imagination (I had imaginary friends, used to play pretend a lot) so she thought I was making it up. I guess she just couldn't believe that that really happened.
  11. hehehehe duly noted! Oh I agree that he took time to think about it, but I think he was still very angry. You could hear it in his voice how he was breathing etc. It was a premeditated bullet for sure, but still in anger if that makes sense. JMO I still think going to family counselling would have been much more productive. I'm not saying that his dd didn't deserve to get punished. She did. But publicly humiliating/shaming her is not the way to go IMO. It doesn't seem like he was trying to teach her anything. He was getting revenge for her embarrassing him and the other adults and for talking smack about them on FB.
  12. I was always alone when I was a kid. I'm the youngest in my family. My older siblings never wanted to play with me because I was "the baby". Plus it was the 70's. Different time I guess. My mom never supervised me outside when I was that age. She just told me that I had to be home by the time the street lights came on.
  13. If he's in IT why is he dressing and acting like a cowboy?? :confused: I think this guy is acting out of his anger and it would have been more productive if he had simmered down first and then let the punishment fit the crime. Shooting up a valuable piece of equipment (no matter how tempting it may be) is wasteful and unnecessary. He could just as easily have just confiscated it. He said that she was grounded before for 3 months for saying something disrespectful. That seems excessive to me. I think he is just alienating his daughter more than trying to get through to her and actually communicate. I think they could benefit from some family therapy or an outside mediator.
  14. I actually DID get chased by an alligator when I was 7 years old! I was too far from shore and it was bearing down on me fast so the closest shelter to me was a cement cubby hole type thing that was on the underside of a concrete bridge. I swam to it and jumped up there as fast as I could just as the gator caught up to me. It couldn't get up to me in the cubby hole so it just sat there in the water for HOURS not 12 inches away from me. I spent the whole day there and into the night. It finally went away and when I was sure it was gone I jumped back into the water and swam for dear life to the shore. My parents were furious when I got home because it was dark already. I told my mom what had happened and she didn't believe me! :001_huh: I actually got spanked for tellin' lies! :glare:
  15. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You sound like a very empathetic person. :grouphug:
  16. I wish I had ya'lls dreams. I always have dreams that someone is trying to kill me! :001_huh:
  17. hehehehehe Ugh, manis are totally wasted on me even though I do paint my nails and have millions of bottles of nail polish. I am a guitar player (short nails) AND have ugly hands. I'd love to get a pedicure though. :tongue_smilie: I got one for the first time in my life over summer and it was awesome! My feet never looked so good. :)
  18. Maybe it means you've been watching too much of the Home and Garden channel?? ;)
  19. Or maybe it just dawned on her what some boys and men do with pictures of scantily clad girls. :ack2:
  20. Oh my gosh! It took me like a full minute until I figured it out!:001_huh: I think I'm the slow one here! lol :lol:
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