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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I wear sandals just about every day and yesterday the strap broke on mine. :( I want to replace them but can't decide which pair I like best. What do you all think? http://www.onlineshoes.com/womens-clarks-blake-brown-leather-p_id133618?adtrack=froogle&term=Women%27s+Clarks+Blake&offer=&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=168879 http://www.onlineshoes.com/womens-clarks-halina-tan-leather-p_id133880 http://www.endless.com/Clarks%20Womens%20Belen%20Sandal%20Tan/dp/B001GXR90O/ref=rsl_1-1/?fromPage=mythings&asins=B0012ZNWCU,B001GXR90O http://www.onlineshoes.com/womens-clarks-dianalyn-tan-leather-p_id133627 Which pair do you like best? Thanks to all who reply. :)
  2. Yes!! It's amazing how much research can be done late at night when nobody else is around. :D I researched myself some new guitar tuners last night in fact! ;) :p hehe
  3. :iagree::iagree::iagree: You've just expressed perfectly the way I feel. Sometimes the controversies drive me batty, but I learn so much here too that it keeps me coming back. That and that I've met some people whose company I enjoy very much and I would miss them too much. :)
  4. OOOH lucky!!! My mom escaped up there too! She's in Hiawassee Georgia though. :) I love NC so much! I'd love to live there someday if I could learn to brave a real winter. Have a wonderful time. It's so good to go home, no? :grouphug:
  5. lol well, at least we both know the real reason why we're up doing... ahem.. research. ;) :D hehe
  6. Yes sandals definitely are! I wear them year round even in winter! :D Oh that's so cool you're coming home!! Are you coming here to So Fla? Wow!! What are the odds?? My kids' pediatrician always tells me that I hit the lotto when she sees my kids, but you... you really DID hit the lotto! My dd is Asperger's/ADHD and OCD and my son is severely Autistic, but you take the cake mama! I can only imagine how full your days are. I know mine last well into the night... like now. :p hehe
  7. Tony, I just read your signature line. Goodness gracious you have your work cut out for you. Did you adopt or all of those precious children yours?? I have 2 with special needs myself, but they're both mine. :) sorry for the slight hijack. Back to your regularly scheduled thread. :D
  8. Hey Megan. :) You're up late doing research too I see. :p ;) Actually, I have 5 other windows open trying to decide on a new pair of shoes. The strap broke on my everyday sandals yesterday. :glare:
  9. nope. I stay up all the time too. My reason?? I'm doing uhhh... reasearch... yeah research, that's it. :D :p
  10. Buffalo-style chicken breasts, garlic mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, buttermilk biscuits (Pilsbury's ;) ) oh and orange juice to drink. Gotta throw something Floridian in there. :D
  11. I have to confess that this one always leaves me scratching my head too. I don't get it. I don't understand why people take kids out when they are sick. The kid is sick!! They aren't going to be able to enjoy whatever it is they are at because they are sick! When my dd was born my inlaws all came over after I got out of the hospital to see her. Back then, they still kicked you out of the hopsital after 24 hours so my baby was just a day old. The in laws all came over to see her and were touching her hands (naturally they always touch the baby's hands) and they had their faces covered with a handkerchief. I asked them what the deal was with the handkerchief, their reply? "Oh we're all sick." and with fevers too! I almost freaked out! My mom was with me and told them to leave and come back when they were well as the baby was susceptible to illness. They still hold a grudge against my mother to this day! Go figure! :rolleyes:
  12. I didn't see an option for other so I didn't respond to the poll itself. I will occasionally call my kids "kiddos" but usually only if I"m talking to a person who uses that turn of phrase. I don't normally use it myself. It doesn't bother me at all what anyone calls their kids. They are their kids. As long as they aren't being verbally abusive or obviously crushing their spirits with nasty names, I wouldn't really think twice about what pet name anyone has for their kids.
  13. Yeah, hubby's family isn't one where they do much of that type of thing so it's not a natural response from him and of course the kids follow the parents, but my dd will from time to time say, "mmm mom, this is really good. " But a thank you for a meal would be about as foreign as it comes. I think it's great that your dh does it! It must be really nice for you. :)
  14. Praying. I got second degree burns on my face and neck just a few months ago. It does hurt. It hurts a great deal for a few weeks, but it does get better. More than anything she needs to stay completely out of the sun and keep those wounds clean. Praying for a speedy recovery. :grouphug:
  15. I think it was Peek and it was Gloria Steinem if she is indeed the one you were thinking about.
  16. A lady after my heart!! :) But to be my neighbor you'd have to make your way back down to Fla, though. I don't do cold well. Still haven't gotten around to seeing snow yet, but I'm on the Atlantic side! :)
  17. yay!! Another Joe fan!! :hurray: :party: He's awesome! There are a lot of good guitarists out there that I like but Joe is my FAVORITE!! Now go watch Ceremony and Time on Youtube if you want to see some flying fingers!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  18. LOL Actually, it's not for parties, it's an actual supply. I found out after 5 days of being locked in my house with dh and two Autistic kids with hurricane Francis that rum is INDEED a necessary hurricane supply. :D Brugal is soooo yummy! It's Dominican Rum. Get the anejo if you can find it. :) I make really good rum runners too. I can make some after I change the goats diaper. ;) :D
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