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Everything posted by BigMamaBird

  1. If it were third through fifth it would have been 1985-87.
  2. That sounds like the book. Thank you!!
  3. Back in Elementary School our Librarian would sit us all down and read aloud to us. I remember this very fondly and it has such an impression it's one of the reasons I think Read-Alouds are so important in our homsechool. In mid to late Elementary I remember her reading us a book and the story line is something that has always stuck with me. It was one of my first exposures to Science Fiction and I'd love to read it to my kids, but I can't remember the title. The story took place in a city built under a mountain as a shelter from some sort of disaster. The main character lived with his family. They had a wall in their home which was basically a huge screen that you could draw on with a computer. He decided he wants to see what's on the outside and sneaks out only to find that people survived and are living on the surface. Does this sound familiar to you? Can you help me out? Our family loves Science Fiction and I'd love to share with my kids one of the first stories I ever heard that really turned me on to the genre.
  4. As a child I was fed Spam, but as an adult I haven't eaten it. I DON'T LIKE SPAM!
  5. Regarding the pool situation, you were totally in the right. PreK kids are hard, but to have two of them, without their mother and being not able to communicate with them is just asking for trouble if you add in a pool. Crazy!
  6. This looks equal parts ridiculous and intriguing. http://www.geekalerts.com/litter-kwitter/
  7. Regarding the bolded, was she able to use different toilets in your original home or did the skill only apply to one particular toilet?
  8. Is there a lot of clean up? Do they miss a lot? I'm just curious as to whether it would really make my life that much easier than daily litter box cleaning.
  9. My sons have an inborn inability to flush despite constant reminders, so it won't really be that big of an adjustment.
  10. I've already potty trained a herd of kids, I assume training a cat can't be THAT much harder. I mean, it's not like I have to worry about them wetting themselves in the grocery store.
  11. If he's really sorry and truly repentant, he will go to the legal authorities and accept the consequences of his actions. Anything less is just giving lip service and invading his daughter's privacy.
  12. That's hilarious!! "Fluffy!! You've been in there five minutes! We've got a line out here! Hurry up!"
  13. I wasn't afraid of them, I was afraid of doing something wrong and getting in trouble or disappointing them. It it wasn't really a cringing in fear sort of fear, more of a respecting authority type fear. I loved my parents and was certain of their love for me, even when I was in trouble.
  14. Has anyone ever successfully toilet trained your cat? Do you know of anyone who has? Is it more mess than it's worth or do the heavens open and the angels sing? Any tips you could give me? We have a wee little 7 week old kitten and a 1.5 year old adult cat. I figured we could use our master bath for training since the kids don't use it and it's quiet and private (most of the time.) I sure would appreciate any input you could give me.
  15. I only ever had two and they were both pulled.
  16. Ditto machines. I can still smell a lovely warm ditto fresh from the machine!
  17. Me too. I'm always interested in hearing where the crazy comes from.
  18. Yup. We're in Central Michigan and I definitely call this hot! I spent some time down in Tennessee and that was a whole 'nother ball of wax. But for MI anything over 85 and people get twitchy.
  19. I would feel comfortable leaving a 16 year old who was comfortable being left.
  20. I would frame it as a chance to get some sweet baby snuggles and catch up with the sister without the distraction of my own little darlings. That way she gets complete and total focus on her own baby (which is probably what she would prefer) and you don't have to worry about your childrens' boundaries being crossed with pictures or whatnot.
  21. This came through my FB newsfeed and I immediately thought of all the parents on here who have children who are particular with the sensations of their clothing. I hope this isn't against board guidelines, if it is, let me know and I'll take it right down. I just thought this was such a great idea and that some of you might find it interesting. It's a clothing line especially designed for those who have difficulty dressing themselves or have sensory issues. http://www.wimp.com/revolutionary-kids/
  22. BigMamaBird


    My opinion is, I went through all the trouble of having the babies. I'm done with folks rooting around down there. If there is permanent birth control to be done, it's time for him to take one for the team.
  23. I don't keep my cell phone in my bedroom with me so it doesn't even occur to me that a text would wake someone up. If I want to speak to someone I call them. If I just want to leave them information for them to look at on their own time, I text. I assume they'll get around to texts when they feel like it, not when their phone tells them to.
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