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Everything posted by Mommy7

  1. I had the same experience when my dc were in grammar school. So, I guess the level doesn't matter...it's more the nature of the change. I ended up pulling my kids back out within a few months. (I had put them in a classical christian school due to my health being at an all time low.) It was a *wonderful* school! But, I so missed my children! I missed the whole homeschool lifestyle that you all are mentioning. All of a sudden, we had to be up way earlier than normal, had the disruption of taking them to and from school, etc. Then, to top it all off...I spent all afternoon after they were home helping them with their homework. I decided I might as well do it in the morning like we were accustomed to. It felt like I was homeschooling...just in the afternoon when we were all tired. And I can so relate about the reading!!! After spending all those hours on schoolwork, I can understand their reluctance to do anything else, especially if it even closely resembled a book. I won't go off on a tangent about how much it all cost!!!!! ;) I thank the Lord for showing me and my family that we really want to continue homeschooling even if it means resorting to video school or something if we are in a pinch. (health or whatever) It renewed my passion and vision for homeschooling.
  2. GVA, thank you for this reality check. I wondered how much parent involvement is necessary in order to be successful with their classes. How many classes are your dc taking? I was wondering if the 30 minutes is for all their classes? Also, are you referring to VP classes? Thanks!
  3. Okay, here goes. First of all, my dc start 1st grade at 7 years old. So, that may account for some of the age difference. My youngest is the exception...he is ahead of the game academically right off the bat. Three of us have Lyme disease. I have been doing well and able to school them just fine. If I were not able to do it, I would do something different, but I wouldn't let their education suffer for my health issues. My 15 yo has been very sick with this disease for several years. She isn't capable of even doing school some days. We had to drop Latin, logic, etc... and do the bare necessities because she has a difficult time concentrating. (It is such a wicked disease.) She would have been in 9th this year, but we decided to do another 8th grade year to hopefully give her time to get better before diving into high school. ( I know that we won't be able to count those things you mentioned on her transcript.) She just simply wouldn't have been capable of doing the work at this point. She is normally a very self-motivated child interested in lots of things. Not so much now due to her physical limitations. (She is seeing one doctor 5 hrs away from us and another that is 3 hrs away...we are doing everything we know to help her) Now, my ds that is 13 is another story. Yes, he is in 6th grade. The year that he went to the classical christian school, we had completed 1/2 of his 3rd grade at home, but they said he needed to start at the beginning of third grade. They are *very* academically advanced. That year they were jumping ahead with Saxon math a full year. So, my son found himself in Saxon 54 without the background for it. When I brought him home, I continued with 54 for a while for continuity, but it was evident he was not able to do the work. So, we switched to something that was appropriate for where he was. It has been a struggle to figure that math thing out for sure. I really want help with getting him on target. I was hoping VP could help with it. As for LD's, I know very little about it. I know my 13 yo gets very frustrated when learning something new. That is true of him in general. Some of what I use, I am trying to hit the middle of the road academically to be able to teach them together. For example FLL4 is what I use for my 4th, 5th, and 6th grader. Although, I can tell that my 6th grader is capable of more. I have been very frustrated about how to make it all work. I obviously cannot possibly teach each child at their exact grade level. I did that at one point...had 3 levels of Shurley going at one time. I just about pulled my hair out. Also, my teaching day was ridiculously long. So, I started combining. But, I am not sure it is the best way. That is why I am trying to figure it all out. Believe me, I am painfully aware that some of them are not up to speed. Unfortunately, some of it is beyond my control. But, the things that *are* within my control, I want to fix! I just am not sure how to go about it. Don't you think VP could help with that? As far as tutors, I have only briefly checked into it. I wasn't sure where to turn about it. I spoke with Jann in TX about it. But, I haven't actively looked into a tutor due to expense. Once we buy curriculum for the year, that's about all we are able to do.
  4. OhElizabeth, you are full of wisdom, as usual. :) I am just checking out the diploma thing right now. It's not the diploma that appeals to me so much as help with planning everything and knowing that the education they get would be on a true high school level, kwim? I am frustrated by having to teach several together and hit middle of the road with the levels. I just don't feel that my dc are being challenged enough. I don't think I require enough of them and I'm not sure how to change that. (btw, this is not the case with my oldest...she is not grouped with any other dc) I am very familiar with the curriculum that VP uses for their grammar level so that wouldn't be much of a change at all. Also, I am finding the classical approach nearly impossible to actually implement with teaching 6 dc. Latin nearly never happens. Logic, if I have to teach it, won't happen either. They aren't writing enough...I just think their "school" is too easy. (We are just starting IEW SWI) They don't know what it is to work hard academically. I want to see them reasonably challenged by someone else (online classes) and see what they do with that. I think it would be good for them and for me. I don't think that they are giving me their best, kwim? I would love to have feedback from someone to get more of a feel for how they are really doing and where they need to improve. And I would appreciate the help with how to accomplish the changes needed. For a short period a couple of years back, they went to a classical christian school for a few months because my health was at an all time low. They just learned so much and really rose to the occasion. I would like to see them working at the level they were then, but I am not sure how to get it to that point. Also, whereas last year I taught from 8:30 to 5:00 some days, this year I am determined to have something in my life besides school. I enjoy homeschooling, but other issues are coming up and I can't be so busy with school that I can't attend to them. My mother is developing memory issues (also had a TIA this week) and I need to be available to help some with her and just to treasure time with her. I want to have time to cook a good meal, rather than putting together a quick one. I want time to get some laundry done on a regular basis so that it is not like a mountain all the time...8 people can create some serious laundry. :D All that said, I still want a quality education for my dc and I absolutely want to homeschool them. So, as usual, I am trying to figure out how to make it all work...how to bring it all into balance. There is an appeal to someone helping me to map out their school and do some of it online. I know I can do those things and not do the diploma, but I wondered if the accountability would be good for me and for the children. I don't want to feel hemmed in by it, though. So, I am trying to get some feedback about their diploma program and what it has been like for people that have used it. OhElizabeth, do you have any further words of wisdom for me? I am all ears, believe me. ETA: Some of the books used for Omnibus, however, would be a little initimidating to *me*. I'm sure we would have to use some of their transition courses. Money, however, would definitely be an issue. I would have to very carefully pick and choose classes.
  5. That's a great idea...I think I will, but VP has a Certification or diploma type program for the grammar years as well. :) That is why I asked here. Does anyone out there use their program where you get their advice regarding curriculum, etc., keep up with the classes you teach at home (they keep up with the online stuff), turn in work to them, and they verify your child's work for the year with a certificate that sort of puts their stamp of approval on your child's work...that they have satisfactorily completed the grade? They have an Associate level as well as a Standard level for the Grammar stage. Anyone?
  6. Does anyone use their diploma program? Or just a few classes here and there? :)
  7. It looks wonderful to me, but I would love to know what your thoughts are if you are part of their diploma program. What are the pros/cons? I am seriously considering going this route. Thanks ahead of time for sharing your experiences with me. :)
  8. Testing, testing, 1,2,3....:D
  9. Just wanted to mention that the free trial must have been extended because it is September now and it is still on their website.
  10. I just talked to VP. The free classes are until the end of August. Last year they extended them, but the lady said she has not heard anything about that for this year, so she is assuming it will be over at the end of August. Hope that helps. :001_smile:
  11. Has anyone come up with a schedule for using this website? It looks wonderful, but it seems that it would be helpful to have a structure for using it. Thanks!
  12. Thank you very much. I am considering purchasing this. I just wasn't sure because it does seem rather expensive. I just want to make sure it would be worth it and that we would really use it.
  13. I can't find a sample. I was wondering if it is worth the cost... What activities do they have you do? I just don't want busy work. We are using Cultural Geography as a filler this year. My dd will be reading it, answering questions, and reading missionary bios. along with it. So, she won't be taking tests. I read in a description that the activity manual helps to prepare for tests. So, do you think I need it?
  14. Molly was a treasured friend. Words cannot express how very much I will miss her beautiful smile and understanding way. She was always thinking of others. She fought this battle with admirable faith. Even through all the suffering, she trusted in her Lord. I have no doubt that she is now hearing, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." Scripture says that, "in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." I'm just so thankful that she is not sick anymore. She will never know pain or sadness again. She is full of joy and has seen Him face to face. Molly was always thinking of others. On the way home from her last chemo, she called to check on *me.*( I had been in the ED the night before.) But, that was Molly...even in the midst of all she was going through, she called to check on me. Friends like that are few and far between. Her family is absolutely precious. She was a wonderful mom. Her husband was so devoted to her...it was beautiful to watch. She was such a devoted mom. Her children have such sweet spirits...they were all such a blessing to her as she went through chemo, etc. They helped her in countless ways. She and her dh have done a fantastic job as parents. Katie, know that we will all continue to lift you and your family in prayer. God will be your strength in the days to come. I am here for you if you need *anything*! Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of being able to say that I was Molly's friend.
  15. Sentence Family was so much fun here. I did it with three of my dc at once...ages ranged from 10-12. They really enjoyed it and I feel like they learned a lot.
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