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Everything posted by luuknam

  1. Can I Jump Into WWE3? You mean like this, but with books (specifically, WWE3)? Um, I don't know. You could try. Though the chalk drawing would probably be more fun to jump into.
  2. Maybe. Nauseous, and my back hurt, and now my neck hurts, and I don't know what. Just not a good few days.
  3. I got in-state tuition a year after moving to a state because I moved there because I got married to a resident of that state. I.e. I didn't move there in order to attend college. Generally, proving that you didn't move there for college is harder, afaik.
  4. It's when the government makes you give them part of your money so they can do with it whatever they want to do with it.
  5. Not too young... the first book mentions millions of people dying in various famines, wars, etc, with nice infographics. That said, my 10yo read some of it this past summer and was fine (I hadn't expected him to read it, he just picked it up because I had it lying around), but iirc he didn't touch the 2nd book in the series, nor did he ask for the second book. ETA: I just looked it up. When the Ming dynasty fell, 95 million people perished (book 1, page 29). Dozens of millions for most of the other dynasty changes (71% of the population perished when the Han dynasty fell). Also, some of the words would be too hard for young kids (it's written for adults, iirc). So, middle school and up-ish and ymmv-ish?
  6. I agree with STEM and Sebastian, but presumably the other schools would have the same required core classes and similar issues... I'd take it seriously, and definitely try to talk to a few current students majoring in that subject (and also glance at reviews for profs in other subjects).
  7. And... he's up saying he's hungry. So, he just ate half a banana...
  8. So, we cleaned up the mess, I gave him a bath, got him tucked in again...
  9. Stayed up too late... was just going to bed at like 2:30...
  10. Is that problem going to last only one night, or indefinitely? The funny wasn't funny. I wasn't thinking. It wasn't even a bad joke... it just wasn't, I dunno. Brain not awake at the time or something.
  11. I may have done that very, very, rarely. Not sure how to vote.
  12. I was only responding to your statement that countries with well-performing school systems generally don't have a school choice. I don't know about other countries - but Arcadia has mentioned Singapore, I have mentioned NL, and both tend to do pretty well. Whether you want to play a semantics game about it being choice within a public system (which a lot of kids don't have in the US) is up to you. And no, for the most part, kids aren't trying to get out of schools because they're that bad. A school like that would have gone under ages ago, because of school choice. It's not like school choice is a new thing in NL. The US has many issues, but banning charters, magnets, private schools, and homeschooling isn't going to just solve the problem - if you make people use the public schools, people with money would just move to a better school district (just like many already do).
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