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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. Yeah that one was a little confusing lol. Google Edith Wharton and look at a list of her works. No one is going to give us a hint for level 10? Pouts. :P
  2. Beats me, two of us are stuck back at level 10 lol. Give us a hint on that on! It's the pic of a hand holding a cell phone and it lists a bunch of seemingly random numbers with commas.
  3. Well, I'm stopping for now but if anyone gets level 10 and wants to give me a hint on it, let me know. :D
  4. haha okay! I'm at level 6, I had to go get my daughter from girl scouts.
  5. :) I'm sure if a bunch of us start playing we will be able to help each other, and the forums there have hints and solutions. Some of them are hard but some them after a minute you're like oh, duh! lol
  6. Careful. It's addictive. :P http://www.weffriddles.com/ Feel free to post about your progress here and ask each other for help and whatnot if needed; therefore, watch out for spoilers! I had started it a LONG time ago, forgot all about it, never finished it and don't even remember how far I got, just found it in my favorites folder, and plan to check it out again now lol. It's a fun and sometimes frustrating puzzle game from what I recall. Let me know what you think if you check it out! Enjoy!
  7. Why the big rush? He's not going to be little forever. He's got an entire lifetime ahead of him for academic pursuits. This time of young childhood is already so fleeting, why waste a precious moment of it struggling with whether an unwilling four year old should be doing seatwork? Let him play, spend time with you, create, imagine, explore, go outside, do chores alongside you, daydream, make believe, do physical things. Forget about a curriculum meant for a kid a year or two older. He'll get there before you know it. When he's grown and you're looking back on this fleeting precious time, do you think you're more likely to say, Gee, I wish I'd pushed more worksheets when he was four? Or, Gee, I wish we just played together more when he was four? Think about it, because you can never get this time back once it's gone.
  8. Beats me. I imagine she'll get tired of doing that soon enough. Personally, I think it sets a bad precedent because when people do more than they legally have to, a school can start to "expect" it and then might push on other parents to do it even when they don't have to and might even try to harass those other parents a bit, even when they have no legal grounds to (schools here in PA try it all the time lol- pushing for things they aren't legally entitled to, so us PA homeschoolers hate when other homeschoolers "over comply")! I wouldn't do it if I were you. I see no reason to. It'll be three years next month since I pulled my daughter out of public school and I don't do anything more than the law says I have to and I've had no reason yet to think I should ever have done more than that. Maybe your friend just lacks confidence and the school's "approval" gives her some. Or maybe she's showing off a bit. Or maybe she does think they can do something for her down the road. Who knows.
  9. Affectionate. Quick with a laugh, a touch, a hug, a smile, friendly, companionable, displays of affection, easy to talk to, generous with the cuddles and snuggles, has a twinkle in her eye. Not formal or reserved or hard to talk to, doesn't hold back affection or touches etc.
  10. I haven't done that just at my house with my kids, but I'm trying to set something like that up for my homeschool group in conjunction with our annual end of the year group picnic in May. We usually have it at a park with an indoor picnic area and I thought it would be nice if this year we could have a "Presentation Day" and let each family invite some close family or friends like grandparents or an aunt and uncle kind of thing, have our potlock picnic, let the kids play at the park, and after we eat, set up the tables with different projects and exhibits that each family's kids want to "present." Then everyone can walk around and see the different things... I thought we could arrange the tables by subject and have science projects, history projects, art projects, creative writing pieces and so on, and then each of the kids can show off some of the year's work to each other, the other families in the group, and whatever grandparents and such want to come. And if any of them want to present anything orally they can, and if any of the parents want to present some sort of completion certificate for the grade or a moving up certificate to the next grade or whatever to their child, they can do that, too. Not sure yet how much interest there will be, but I'm going to try to put it together and see how it goes! Barring something like that, I do think it would be a cute idea if you have interested friends and families and excited kids to have an open house and invite them to your home to do just what you are suggesting, too!
  11. Did you start mailing your Stanleys out yet? I hope to get ours by like the 7th so we have time to dress him up and take him on a special field trip on the 9th. :D
  12. I've never been asked that, and I wouldn't want to be asked that. It's a huge responsibility (especially here in Pennsylvania which is one of the most regulated states of them all) and I put all my time, energy and resources into homeschooling my OWN children. I would never take on homeschooling somebody else's, too, or even babysitting somebody else's on a regular basis.
  13. We had two days in a row of doing very little schoolwork because the weather was sunny and in the low 50's and I knew the next day it was going to drop at least 10 degrees and stay there (or lower) for a while and the kids were so content to play outside while it was so nice. I know how long winters can feel here, so when there are mild, sunny days and the kids are content to be outdoors for long periods of time, bookwork can wait! No guilt here!
  14. LOL well, first of all, I love your dd's logic, that's hilarious! But second of all, what the heck is wrong with the girl in that commercial? Back in MY school days, we would NOT have been stupid/gross enough to drink something that had a dead frog in it, we would have just snuck off into the bathroom or shower room and smoked a darn cigarette! hehe. That one was pretty powerful!
  15. Oak Meadow. In the earliest years it's more Waldorf-inspired, not very academic, not very time-consuming, based on things like fairy tales, drawings, music and movement, nature, hands on crafts and activities and so on. It deviates most from the norm in K-2 (I'm doing it for K this year with my son), but even in the later years it's not very textbookish which I like (I'm also using it for 6th with my daughter). We're pretty relaxed about it even so and kind of do school around life rather than living life around school, do a lot of field trips and activities and so on.
  16. Here's the link: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=331431&highlight=tea+cozy It's a VERY funny thread about the dangers of ambien! And when I say tea cozy I don't mean in the literal sense. Think of this board's "other" meaning for "tea." :P
  17. If somebody said that to me, I'd probably just smile and say, "I'm happy right where I am, staying home with my kids, and I'm fortunate that my husband's job enables me to do so." If they brought it up another time in a snide or sarcastic manner thinking they were being cute, I'd have to arch a brow and pointedly say, "You do realize you're being offensive, right? I really have no desire to continue defending my lifestyle choice to you, so can we just let it go?" I'm sure they'd get the point that time.
  18. Why don't you just say "We'd like her to be home with her family at this age?" Or "We want to have more time with her." Or "We've decided to keep her home with us a while longer." Something simple and matter of fact and end of story. :) You don't have to argue, debate or explain anything more than you have to, and any simple explanation you give has nothing to do with choices other people have made.
  19. Just bumping this for whoever's interested. I downloaded it when it was free last year, and I'm using it this year with my son. We've done the first like 38 or 39 lessons so far and it's definitely effective with him, and while I wouldn't say he LOVES doing it, he tolerates it more than I think he'd tolerate anything else (being the wiggly boy he is) because he has a real liking for computers in general! :D
  20. :lol::lol::lol: hahaha love them!!! Now that's funny! Now all I can think of is some really, er, weird stories that I read about ladies on this forum taking ambien. Let's just say I learned what a tea cozy was the same night I learned that ambien makes people do strange things. You didn't do anything strange last night, did you Dolphin? Do you still have your tea cozy? If not, talk to...um...who was it...cyndi girl I think. She'll be able to relate.
  21. Okay it has been fun lol but hubby's home from work so I will see you guys tomorrow! :D ETA: Yay but I saw the pics first...but not THE kilt pic lol...I will check back tomorrow haha. Night guys!
  22. OK name this song! "It's no use, he sees her he starts to shake and cough Just like the old man in that book by Nabakov."
  23. LOL man you posted a million songs in that thread! We need to play 80's complete the lyrics or name that song or something!
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