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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Drawing. Especially hands. I can draw really realistic hands.
  2. Oh, yeah, no illegal streaming here. So I shall suffer and wait until Friday.
  3. Well some of us live primitively and must still resort to this ancient custom. ;)
  4. It's a good thing you're not endorsing it, since you didn't give me much to go on. Friday is the new year's marathon when season six starts. We've watched through season 5 on Netflix. Do even if 6 sucks, I can't not watch it at this point. Besides, who cares about realistic? We're talking zombies here.
  5. Then just say it loudly. I never understood why old people get away with being rude just because the are old. Humph. They are the ones who should know better. (Dementia aside, that is.) Sorry. I think I am grumpy today because TWD on AMC.com requires cable login, and I only have regular Comcast not xfinity. I wanted to watch season 6 tonight. Now I have to wait until Friday night for the marathon. ☹
  6. Nerf zombie strike crossfire bow Lego Wireless headphones
  7. LOL I would have loved that gift. I am always cold.
  8. Even though I got my new phone as a Christmas present months ago, DH got me new hiking boots!
  9. What???? Christmas decorations away before the day is over? #aintnobodyherehaveenergyforthat
  10. DS is still sleeping. It's 10 am. DH and I have been up since 8, just like last year. :)
  11. Apple pie. Check. Cookies. Check. Wrapped gifts. Check.
  12. Last year DH and I were up enjoying coffee and quiet for 2 hours before DS rolled out of bed. Excitement is still there, DS just doesn't feel the need to get out of bed. He's known there was no Santa since he was 5, but we still do stockings. He's also an only. No need to worry a sibling will get more gifts than him!
  13. Merry Christmas, ITTers! Mark, after reading that I now know why it wouldn't be worth making them to sell...that was a lot of work!
  14. The playground at my elementary school had no fence. On one side of the building there were frogs and turtles, by a water source (can't remember now if it was a small pond or a creek), and on the other, forest. Our play equipment was there under the trees. We would swing high to try to touch the branches of the trees, and throw stuff up into the trees, climb trees, play hide and seek. As long as we came back when the bell rang, we could wander free. This was in the 80s. I was 1st/2nd grade. After 2nd grade they closed the school down and combined us with the main elementary. I take that back - there may have been a chain link fence way at the back of the property. But that didn't stop the boys.
  15. Do you need your posse? I can get out my nunchucks.
  16. Talking to your friends/boyfriend all evening tethered to your rotary phone in the hallway, preventing everyone else from receiving calls. Your butt hurt and you got a crick in your neck, but you just HAD to call your best friend and tell her what so-and-so said. And it was really annoying when your sister wanted to use the phone, because who could she possibly need to talk to? Stretching the cord as far as possible to bring the phone into the laundry room to at least get some privacy.
  17. Good morning. :) You all were quiet last night. 9 1/2 hours with no one posting? No one is taking this thread seriously.
  18. Okay. So here is what I did. I saved my pic as my avatar on another homeschool site (hint: it is secular), and their site reduced it for me. Then I re-saved that file to my computer. And used it for my profile here. You can always delete your pic/fake profile from the other site afterwards.
  19. I had to detour at the entrance to my neighborhood coming home tonight, because fog, and a jack-knifed tractor trailer. No snow here. Just warm weather, rain, and fog. And crazy holiday drivers.
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