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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. I don't think that reads as less, especially with her extracurriculars. Just different. Does she like the writing you are doing? Pros/cons?
  2. The only thing different really is adding on either the extra history workbook or the writing strands. He needs more writing, but I'm not sure where to add that where it makes the most sense for him. He loves history, so I thought maybe there, but he might revolt if I mess with his favorites. Science -we do a lot of science, and he asked for more hands on next year. I'm okay with that. I'm thinking lose the handwriting and history workbook. Do the writing strands and incorporate handwriting into that. Art and coding are only a few days per week. Hmmmm. Oh, and the German is what we have for this year, spread out over 2 years, so it's not as strenuous as it sounds. 15-30 minutes per day at most.
  3. German - because that's what I know, and I think starting a foreign language early is good for the brain. DS likes it well enough, but knows he can change to something else later on if he really wants to. Like high xchool. Maybe. LOL MCT is the whole program. We're doing MCT know, and he's really liking it. The Grammar was just what I had it under on my spreadsheet. I just come away feeling that it's not enough of the how to instruction that DS needs. We'll see as the year progresses. I've seen a lot of reviews where people add on writing and spelling. I may not need the writing, but I do feel like DS is weakest in writing right now. BW style wouldn't work here. Loving BA. Yes, you need the workbooks. The MiF workbooks would just be when I see he needs extra practice. They would not be a Must. Get. Done.
  4. Staring point for net year/grade 4 Subject to change Too much? :svengo: Not enough? :lol: Foreign Language German Learnables Basic Structures 2/Grammar Enhancement 2 Arts ARTistic Pursuits Penmanship Pictures in Cursive Book D - this would be the first to go Grammar MCT Level 2 Writing Writing Strands 3 Writing Strands - Evaluating Writing Reading/Literature Suppose the Wolf Were an Octopus: A Guide to Creative Questioning 3-4 continue Alice, Peter, and Mole Spelling All About Spelling - Level 5 Math Beast Academy 4A-4D Math in Focus Grade 4 Workbook A and B Set Science Supercharged Science - Science Mastery History History Odyssey: Early Modern Level 1 Story of the World Vol. 3: Early Modern Times (Hardcover) Story of the World Vol. 3 Activity Book (Paperback) - not sure I need to add more for history, we've been pretty happy with HO, but was here before I decided on Writing Strands... Geography Maps associated with HO Programming Code.org Python - Computer Coding Edited: table formatted wonky :(
  5. I think I'd rather spend 5 hours/day on ITT talking about ITT stuff, than on FB talking about cats. And I am a cat person. 5 hours/day? #aintnobodygottimeforthat
  6. Why apologize? You want to have cute grandkids. I totally get that. :coolgleamA: ETA: A "It's concern for the next generation" BOOYAH! ETA2: #h
  7. I'm working from home today (for the OT). My co-workers are killing kittehs. That is all.
  8. I like TWD on Netflix better than on AMC. No commercials.
  9. Maybe they made New Year's resolutions to post on the ITT?
  10. Could she be hiding it? Did you leave it at work? On the floor of he backseat of the car that isn't running? Fell behind the fridge? Under your mattress? In the laundry basket?
  11. We're watching really bad karaoke on Apple TV. It's funny. I had a Nerf war with DS earlier. We're both dead now.
  12. Oh, okay then. It shall go on my planning list. Because Tex.
  13. (((Mary)))(((Mary's DD))) You are hereby granted an extra week off as a do-over - guilt-free.
  14. My DS is allergic/intolerant to citric acid (preservative), but not citrus. It is definitely possible. Can't explain the grapefruit aspect for you, though. Nobody here likes it, so we don't buy it/never had to factor that in.
  15. I could watch Sherlock on another tv and join them late, but have decided against this. Because family time. The boys aren't into Sherlock, and I kind of like it that way. It's 90 minutes of me time. :)
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