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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Nope. I don't watch music videos. They always ruin the song for me.
  2. We have a pretty good park near us where DS likes to do parkour (I now know what this is! LOL), but in the winter it is dark by the time I get home from work. And then we school. I sooooo wish I could just send him out to the garage between subjects. I may have to nudge DH into creating a space for him in there to work out. Pad the walls and let him swing like Tarzan.
  3. My DS needs something more like this: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Indoor+Parkour+garage&view=detailv2&&id=3EB8D4A697DD685F14361CE2C6F91B511241585C&selectedIndex=0&ccid=U4d9qjbB&simid=608035535943368868&thid=OIP.M53877daa36c15d8cb2ab2e7e98592fe5o0 Totally unrealistic due to space limitations here, but boy would he be happy.
  4. I feel like I should remember this, but where do you live now, Junie? Do you still have family in York County?
  5. That's wonderful news! Celebrating with you both :party:
  6. I only did it once, but yeah, I was good. I'm not the hysterical type - I handle pain well. They thought my labor had stalled because I was so quiet, and then I calmly said no, I have to push. LOL
  7. They do this for people like me! Don't feel insulted, just feel sorry for those of us who need the reminders.
  8. If I remember correctly his DD is young. It's not like she's entering high school illiterate.
  9. Yeah, I hate when I wreck lunch with a protein shake, too.
  10. A lot of people recommend de-schooling when you take kids out. I don't think low key for a few months through the holidays was a bad move at all.
  11. See? I'm glad I'm not the only one who is biting my tongue. Although we might be freaking about different things. Because as one poster noted, that thread is a train wreck!
  12. He was working on his wookiee. Priorities people, priorities!
  13. No one here will think any less of you if you give up on your goal of sticking it out a few more years. Why not just be done after this year to give yourself time to ease into the SAHM role? Promise your DH more teA. He'll be onboard.
  14. Your child deserves a great education. Fixed typo.
  15. Why did I click on that thread again? WHY? (I am yelling at myself.) I know why, though. Because deep down I really want to post my reaction, even though I know it will not go over well. I shall resist the temptation. I shan't post on that thread. Quick, Ellie! I need a hula video!
  16. Beast Academy is fun. They even have coloring pages on their website. :) http://ba-cdn.beastacademy.com/coloringbook/Grogg%20Remote.pdf
  17. I have never read it. Thus, I cannot be part of this conversation. :leaving:
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