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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. I only know her from the thread about selling Legos. She lives in or near Boston, iirc.
  2. Any chance he didn't actually outgrow his dairy or soy allergies? DS had a few blood tests where one number dropped only to climb back up the next round of testing.
  3. I would change it to say "Spanish/English." Otherwise it looks like your advanced class is going to be 90% English. No bueno.
  4. My husband works in commercial printing as a pressman. He came home about a month or two ago laughing about having to print an adult coloring book. All the guys at work were going on and on about how lame it was. I explained to him that they were actually very popular, and that I know this because of WTM. He was shocked.
  5. LOL - I was typing that when you posted, Duchess! See? MIND MELD
  6. You are absolutely correct. I am lame. And tired. And completely missed that opportunity. But I shan't take credit for your idea, so I shall leave my post as is.
  7. As far as the neighbor is concerned - tell her you would be glad to go, as long as she is willing to foot the bill.
  8. I was going to say pretty much what Artic Mama said. We figured out all but one of my son's food allergies on our own before ever seeing an allergist. Only reason we ended up having the testing done was because ped could only prescribe the initial epi. After that he was required to refer us to an allergist. A swollen throat is pretty serious. Benadryl can't help you if you can't get it down.
  9. Oh, but I love FS! Really lame Booya from my phone. Because it must be lame, I'm leaving off the h.
  10. Gosh, no. I didn't make it through 10 seconds of that. couldn't hit done fast enough. There is probably something fundamentally wrong with me.
  11. DS discovered it is possible to overdose on Stampy videos. But it's only temporary. Okay, shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone - I don't do audio books. I had one of those kids follow-along books when I was younger. The kind that beeped at you when you had to turn the page, and you had to turn the cassette over halfway through. Remember those? The one I had was like when I was five or something, and it was the last audiobook to which I ever listened. It was cute, though. It was about a mouse sho was trying to solve a mystery about an egg or something iirc, and at the end she squeaked, "The mystery is solved! The mystery is solved!" I've never known anybody else ever who knows what book I am talking about. LOL #randommemory
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