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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Fitting if it says, "It's a Boy!" Not so much if it was for a baby girl.
  2. Thank you for sharing your perspective/experience.
  3. I never let DS win at games. What is disconcerting is when he consistently wins when we play Professor Noggin's games. How does he remember this stuff!?!? #smarterthanme
  4. No worries. We'll be here when you get your laptop back. :)
  5. Hugs to those who are sick, and to everyone else, consider yourself liked.
  6. You say it never helped you when people spoke up and CPS got involved. But you grew up knowing that at least someone, anyone, tried to help. I'm curious as to how worthless you would have felt growing up if you thought no one cared, because no one bothered. My vote is to call.
  7. Oxenbridge Thacher, who was a lawyer in Boston along with John Adams. I wanted to name DS after him but DH vetoed me. 😆
  8. Sewing gauge with sliding marker One of those orange tailor rulers for measuring people (the bendy kind -does this have a special name? LOL) Pattern cutting board Keep any expensive fabric scissors separate away from your non-sewing family members. Hide them, seriously.
  9. We had that yesterday. Today DS asked to have party food to celebrate Christmas break, since German and history got completed along with the rest of the week's work, and so: Grilled cheese Lay's Classic chips Dole mixed fruit in cherry gel (because jello, duh) Vanilla Coke He on his iPad with earbuds Me on my phone hanging with you all Terrible parent? Maybe. But he just looked up and said, luv you! So I think I'm doin' this mom thang just fine. 😎
  10. I like that girl's determination! And hope she's feeling better. :grouphug:
  11. That was me too lazy to type out Suppose the Wolf Were an Octopus. I have no idea if that is the "correct" acronym on this board. We're using the Gr. 3-4 book as our reading list this year. DS loves the discussions. He's read 13 books so far this year, just to do the discussions. They're based on Bloom's Taxonomy and it is my unexpected WIN of the year. :)
  12. We have history and German left, and then we're on break. Woot! Oh, and a few STWWAO discussions at dinnertime on recent books. Almost forgot about those. Oh, darn. I have to think about dinner.
  13. Huh, that's weird. I don't remember my DS going over your house for lunch. Weird. :leaving:
  14. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  15. You sound a lot more composed than I would be. I don't think that's healthy. Pretty sure calm needs to fly out the window.
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