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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. A couple of years ago we got a pre-lit tree at Lowes that can switch between colored, white, or blinking (back and forth between both white and colored, and speeds up as it goes, then back to slow again). Now everyone is happy. In fact, after years of the boys both telling me that they prefer the colored, they seem to put it on steady white quite a lot. But the option is there depending on our mood on any given night.
  2. DH blanched at the sight of the pictures when he got home. Wimps, the both of you!
  3. LOL Yes, but he's 9. I'm sure he has a rational explanation.
  4. Dissected a sheep brain. On a Saturday. And DS said I was the best mom ever. My work here is done.
  5. I also was wondering about the wookiee. (((Susan's dd))) Have fun at art class, AMJ. That would have been my pick. Swellmomma, hello! Renai, what movie? Lynn, we are having nice warm winter weather as well. Alas, I have not been jolking as of late, for I have found sleep to be more important. Going to do a brain dissection today. Least, that's the plan. Should really get me in the holiday spirit, LOL.
  6. Food poisoning can sometimes take awhile. Just sayin'.
  7. NO, TAKE THE RISK! DO NOT GIVE POISON AS A GIFT! That concludes this public service announcement.
  8. You can do this. May the Force be with you. Get creative: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c7/0e/13/c70e1302faa7ce60ba1b00c728e12c50.jpg
  9. DS is complaining that he doesn't like writing, because: 1. He can't focus 2. He has to think 3. He has to MOVE HIS ARM. ...Where's that phone number for the PS?
  10. Family meeting time? Maybe those who want to keep, get a bike hook in their stocking for Christmas. Those who are fine with just the scooter, can sell their bike and keep the cash? That's a tough one.
  11. Yes, my DS has eaten some rather weird concoctions due to his allergies. And he eats like a pig (sloppy). Sigh. So I really was trying not to judge. LOL
  12. I vote NO. Even if I wasn't into riding my bike much, I would have held that against by mom FOREVER. (I'm only half kidding.) Can you lock them up outside with a tarp over them or something for the winter? My DS goes through times when he doesn't ride at all, and then times where it is every day. I just wouldn't be able to do that, take away the option, KWIM?
  13. :grouphug: But we're happy when you can join us. :hurray:
  14. I shall not yuck their yum... I shall not yuck their yum... I shall not yuck their yum... Oh, forget it. That banana dog sounds downright nasty. :leaving:
  15. :seeya: :lol: :lol: Booyah bells, Booyah bells, Booyah all the way! Oh what fun it is to Booyah; or to Booya Slashe's way! Happy Holidays, y'all!
  16. Sorry about the broken bones and the fish. Congrats on the NaNoWriMo achievement, though!
  17. Yay!!! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: Welcome back, AMJ! We missed you :crying:
  18. I missed all the fun while I was book learning my kid.
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