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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. What? You want refried beans and Bugles for dinner? You can have that, but ugh, not me. Mommy likes her bean dip with Tostitos. #donthavetocook
  2. I skipped this morning, too. Because rain. Because sleep. Because lazy.
  3. Back at work, ready for day two of the week from he!!. The good news is that back to school went rather swimmingly last night, with my DS even going so far as to ASK FOR history (okay, he does that often) and GRAMMAR. That's right folks. Grammar. His exact words IIRC: "Can we do grammar now? This year's grammar. Not that stuff we used to do that was boring, but the fun stuff." I :001_wub: MCT. And apparently so does DS. :hurray:
  4. I like Caleb. Since you didn't go with Kathleen, I'm hoping it's a boy. :)
  5. I'm sure homeschooling tonight will be much better.
  6. Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go! Positive thoughts. Positive thoughts. Positive thoughts. ...
  7. Me, too! I sweeten mine with honey and vanilla. That's the way I learned when I was a waitress. How do you all make yours?
  8. I just sat for 15 minutes waiting for Excel to respond. I'm on my work laptop. Turns out the internet briefly disconnected, but couldn't automatically reconnect, because I just changed my password having received a notification that it was set to expire. ^&^$%^$. Wasted time.
  9. I hate/abhor/loathe/detest those edited notifications.
  10. I'm not going, if that helps. DH is making me breakfast. He just got back from grocery shopping. I went walking and have been perusing TWTM ever since. Lazy day.
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