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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Sorry, no. I have an only. I don't do laundry unless I have to. I forget to turn my ringer on my phone back on after work. Caffeine is on an IV drip. (Well, it's not, but it may as well be.) And when I don't feel like doing school, I make the kid sit next to me while I watch the political debates. (He would have been on his iPad, but I had to appropriate it so that I could watch the debate. Such is life.)
  2. DS can't eat it baked, either. :( He has contact reactions to egg, as well. Sucks. I miss my morning eggs, which incidentally I only started eating when I was pregnant with DS. How's that for mommy guilt?
  3. Peanuts Tree Nuts Egg Soy Tomatoes Garlic Strawberries Flax Annatto Cats/Dogs Wool Grass(es) Some trees Outdoor mold (thankfully not the indoor molds or dust mites!) I think I am missing something, but you get the picture. And he has a whole long list of things to which he is sensitive, including: citric acid, turmeric, bananas, chocolate. BUT, we can be happy every day that at least he is not currently allergic to wheat, dairy, or shellfish. That is something, right? And his numbers are going down for some of the allergies. So there is hope. Probably not for the eggs or peanuts or soy. Those most likely will never go away. But some of the others he may be able to tolerate more some day. Maybe.
  4. Yes, I am glad. My older sister was already homeschooling her brood, although she started them out in the public school. She brought the two oldest home when she found out what the middle school was like before oldest got there. It was nice to know someone who homeschooled when we made the decision. We knew it was an option. I am sure I would have gone the whole 504 plan route otherwise. Which we were going to do until the school nurse blew me off. So I turned around and blew them off instead. :) I had to convince DH. He still sometimes worries about him "being on par," but pretty much leaves the planning and schooling to me, trusting me to make the right decisions. I value his input, but I get to make the final decisions. He knows DS is learning, and he likes that he has been able to spend more time with DS than he would have been able to if DS was in school. We talked about private school and toured, but it is price-y, and it was then that DH realized DS was learning with me just as much as the kids there were learning. Oh, and now my younger sister is homeschooling her two, as well.
  5. I think I really need to try this with my son. He's been getting more and more distracted lately. I think it's because of the lack of exercise due to the cold temps.
  6. Oh, that sounds bad.:( I get twinges/ buckling from my bum ankle. But not like that.
  7. Yep, I also revert when talking to my aunt up in MA. But I bet I would start talking like a Texan if I was around a strong Texan accent, too. I'm a follower. :)
  8. I think I've lost most of it. It comes out when I am really tired or really drunk. It's wicked funny.
  9. I went with spinach, to DS' dismay. He ate it, but he was not happy about it. Hehe.
  10. Oh, yeah! I had a lot of ear infections, too, and needed tubes in my ears. I had forgotten about that!
  11. Which should I make with dinner? We're having chicken.
  12. I was just thinking that I wish I had read the thread before it was locked. I is sad.
  13. Now I want to know what that person was thinking that I may have been thinking but will never know if we were thinking the same thing. I won't be able to sleep tonight. LOL
  14. Funny, but I went to another random thread after I asked and the op mentioned "speech therapy" and I suddenly knew the answer to my question. I had speech therapy when I was 5. I had a speech impediment. I could say impediment but not church. I said turch. Mostly it was that initial "ch" sound. I got pulled out of kindy once per week to sit in the hallway outside the door at a desk with the speech teacher to say ch- -urch, turch! for half an hour then go back to class. There was a window in the door and the other kids could see me. I hated it. She also had me work on my "r" sounds, even though there was nothing wrong with them. It was my accent, woman, why couldn't you just leave me alone? Eva hee'a a Boston accent before? Jeesh! (That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!)
  15. Why wait until next year? If she is interested, I would have her start now while the interest is high. (It can be a relaxed introduction, it doesn't have to be formal daily lessons and drill.)
  16. School would definitely still be required. I might let him have that silence lab he mentioned. There was also something about blowing things up... He'd get more enrichment but not less education. And there would be the expectation of gainful employment. He would not have to work at a fast food restaurant to help pay for school, though.
  17. Sorry about your pets, JoJosMom! Are they okay now? The wine and pizza sounds like the perfect counter to a bad start to the week, though.
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