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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Morning. I want to go back to bed. I should have gone to bed earlier probably. Only half days today and tomorrow, though, so that's something.
  2. I don't think fruitcake is good for your tires, either.
  3. Maybe it's just that the bathroom is the best place to cry, and there happens to be a mirror.
  4. DA was already taken. And you know how lawyers can be.
  5. I am wearing foundation, but nothing else. Because chocolate and the holidays.
  6. So we did math and science tonight. Because I'm mean. But he kicked butt on math, and beat me playing Professor Noggin's Human Bodh card game. I had the hard questions and we're only half way through the year. That's my excuse. DS remembered what DNA stands for, even though we learned it months ago. Yippee!
  7. I know! I was just teasing. I forgot you are pregnant and hormonal, though. (j/k)
  8. DS recently got a shoebox full of random Lego pieces at the neighbor's yard sale for $5. He was SOOO happy! Pretty sure it was all the leftovers after the assembled what they could. I vote keep. If not, assemble first and sell the rest in batches to the neighbor kids! That is, if you don't sell to YaelAldrich. ;)
  9. Just so Slache doesn't think all we ever eat is grilled cheese, tonight's menu is chicken and broccoli over rice.
  10. I would say there is a decent chance the professor never reads it. :) I wrote quite a few papers my last semester in college, and as of graduation my professors had not yet read any them. One professor, when I asked about them (she was my independent study professor as well as 2 classes) said that she knew I wrote well, and so she graded me based on expectations. She would mail them to me once she graded them. Yeah, she never did. Most of my exams were graded by grad students.
  11. I keep seeing "mn" in news stories as an abbreviation for million. This is wrong, no?
  12. I can't see this because no FB. I'll take your word for it.
  13. This weather is crazy. Sister in TX is okay, though. Stay safe everyone. Oh, and I noticed today my daffodils are coming up, and my daisy stumps have green buds on them where I cut them down this fall. I hope my tulips don't decide to bloom. :huh:
  14. We took advantage of the warm temps and a temp lull in the rain to go to the park today. On the way there, DS said something. I corrected his grammar. He replied, "Wait...is today Monday?" Apparently I am not allowed to correct his grammar on the weekends. LOL Yeah, right. Try and stop me. This from the kid who asked me to read history to him last night in the tub. We're on break! History gets a pass, but grammar is a no-go.
  15. My mom used to put them in the toe of our Christmas stockings when we were teens. :)
  16. We're doing Guest Hollow this year (3rd). So far, so good. We're a bit behind as far as the syllabus is concerned, because we took a few weeks to dig deeper into a few of the topic, but DS is happy and learning.
  17. I use the tiles as per the TMs. The flash cards not as much, but I do use them. I have a child who very much enjoys them, and for whom writing is sometimes taxing. If your child is one who likes to write, no, you don't need more than the TM. But for some kids, they are welcomed. My DS loves the lessons with the tiles. Writing the sentences, not so much. So I think it depends on what kind of learner you have.
  18. Oh, and Lynn went running today and made me feel lazy, so I got off my duff and went around 3. And I ran (well, jogged) the whole route! First time since I started exercising again. So thank you, Lynn. I dedicate this momentous achievement to you, the one who guilted me into going by posting today. A not attempting to be booty-licious, just trying not to let myself go BOOYAH!
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