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Everything posted by staceyobu

  1. I'm a huge radiolab fan, and I immediately thought of this episode when I saw the thread title. Everyone should listen to this episode because everyone should be listening to radiolab. The radiolab episode really puts the issues into perspective so much better than I could. Essentially, women in third world countries are being moved across borders to be surrogates for about $3000. And, they get much less if a live birth doesn't occur. $3000 is enough money to make a difference in their lives, but pregnancy is inherently risky. So, you are offering someone $3000 to risk their life to carry your child. It may help both of you (you get a baby, they get money), but the underlying question of "is this moral" remains. I think it borders on human trafficking.
  2. http://www.amazon.com/KIDS-PETS-Stain-Remover-27-Ounce/dp/B0002NYAZG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1450415269&sr=8-1&keywords=kids+and+pets Kids and Pets. It works.
  3. If I notice the dishwasher isn't loaded according to my standards, I just shift stuff around. Or, I just toss it back in the dishwasher a second run if I don't think it's clean. I try not to complain too much when others do chores because I feel like it makes them less likely to help. And, everyone in the world loads a dishwasher differently. I'm always amazed when I watch friends load their dishwashers. They always put stuff in wrong spots. ;)
  4. I vote for peppermint or something along that line with a holiday flair.
  5. I know I can legally enter an intersection and stop here to turn left. You just have to be in the intersection before it is red.
  6. So, this is a school bus situation then? No moving in any direction if a child is in a cross walk? The odd thing is, I'm pretty confident people on the busier road would not notice if children were crossing the smaller road and stop. Which makes me think I must have been in the right because traffic would be backed up for ages if that were the case.
  7. I'm also a bit confused by this. It's at a middle school, so I would think kids would be able to follow the light. But, I have no idea what may have led up to the decision to put a crossing guard there.
  8. Also a nurse. One of the reasons I don't particularly want to go back to floor work is dealing with physicians. Some are great. Some are neutral. Some are horrible. Working nights can be hard. You get yelled at for waking up a doctor even if technically you should. You get yelled at for not calling sooner because you were afraid to call and get yelled at. In a lot of facilities, doctors bring in the patients. You go to X hospital because your OB delivers there, your surgeon operates there, etc. I think some hospitals are much more supportive of nursing staff than others. But, across the board, there is no consensus that nurses are the most important team players. I've also witnessed (more than once) physicians make decisions that could (or did) cost someone's life. It can be very challenging to "go over their head". In a serious situation, it took us hours to get a chief of staff to come in and deal with something. It's also a hard dynamic. In a hospital environment, a doctor is not a nurse's boss. A nurse has a nurse manager she answers to. There can also be very little relationship. A GI doc may round on an OB patient. He doesn't know any of the OB nurses and there is no trust there. No knowledge if the nurse he is working with knows her stuff or is straight out of school. I've definitely worked with physicians I loved and respected. But, I've also dealt with doctors who treated me like crap, and I had zero recourse.
  9. So, all traffic should be stopped going all directions? Like with a school bus?
  10. I know at least in my state as long as you enter an intersection on green, you can turn after it is red. That part I'm confident is legal. I'm not confident if it is okay to enter an intersection with an intent to turn left if kids are in intersection. But, I'm fairly confident I could have proceeded parallel with kids. So, I would think pulling up and stopping parallel with kids would then have to be legal? But, I'm confused now. This followed a very disgruntling post office trip with too many kids in tow, which followed a school day that I didn't feel very good and the children had no sympathy. Bah humbug. I want to go eat some cookies instead of cooking dinner.
  11. Can I diagram this? kid here c r o s s i....................... :) n g h e r e I am where these XXXXX are. Turning left into children. But I just pulled straight to where smile is.
  12. Would this also apply to driving parallel with children? All intersections completely stopped while children are crossing?
  13. I got yelled at by a crossing guard, and I'm wondering if I actually broke the law, just made her nervous, or if I was in the right. I was attempting to make a left hand turn from a small street onto a major street. This is a very short light because the major street gets the long green. There is no green turn signal. You get a green light to go straight or turn left. Children were crossing the major street (walking along the small street). The light turned green and I pulled straight into the intersection. My thinking was that if I waited for children to cross completely, the light would be red again. And then more kids would come. And then I would be stuck. And repeat. My thinking was to get into intersection and even if the light turned red, I could legally turn because I was in the intersection. I pulled out straight and sat waiting for kids to cross. A crossing guard went crazy. Screaming at me, "You are supposed to wait!!! What are you doing!! Wait!! Stop!!!" Was shaking her sign at me. Now, I would have gone straight with no thought. So, was it wrong for me to pull out and stop? The kids were completely crossed and she was still standing in the intersection screaming at me while I sat there baffled. And, there was nothing I could do at that point. A car had already pulled up behind me. I couldn't back up. Did I break the law? Is this a school bus, everyone stops sort of situation? I felt really bad. I run a lot and pedestrian safety is important to me.
  14. My 5th grader has a bit of down time one day a week while I am tied up with the younger siblings. I would like her to have something "fun" to do but that is still learning oriented. Any suggestions for an online class? She did a minecraft programming class once before and loved it, but anything would be okay... history, writing, etc. I just don't want something that is a "full curriculum" type course because we already have everything lined up except for a few hours of down time. (PS - The other siblings are doing academic course work during oldest's free time, so I really don't want it to just be a break, but I'd like her to do something more fun than Saxon math during that time.)
  15. Seconding the recommendation for a balance bike. We got one for my son when he was about 18 months and he has ridden it every day for two years! It is the best toddler toy we have ever purchased. I could do commercials for balance bikes. It took him a couple of days to get the hang of it, but he was soon flying around. Seriously, I think they are the greatest invention ever.
  16. I probably ordered from CBD. I need to check my order history. I got it in July? It's been awhile. I never thought of flipping through to make sure all the pages were there. I realized when I looked at the next page and the answers were all wrong.
  17. I realized today that my answer key skips from page 94 to 143. It doesn't look like pages are missing, but rather that it was bound incorrectly. Has anyone else had this happen? Any luck getting a replacement copy?
  18. I would probably opt for 6 days over 3 just because a long weekend never gives me enough time to really feel like I've had a break. Cheaper accommodations don't bother me. Tight food budgets can get on my nerves. I don't want to spend a vacation eating peanut butter sandwiches in a hotel. We have to at least be able to afford Taco Bell! But, so much of this is individual! What do you want to do?!? Will getting home right before Christmas be super stressful?
  19. Ugh. I pull water bottles out of the dishwasher and immediately screw the kids on and stick them in the cabinet. They can get moldy??????
  20. Ugh. I've had people in my life like that, but they never lived next door. I feel lots of sympathy for you!
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