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Everything posted by BizyPenguin

  1. :iagree: We're having great success with TID too. My ds does two sessions daily 4 days per week.
  2. My #1 boy book is Pinocchio (unabridged) by Carlo Collodi and illustrated by Roberto Innocenti. Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! I read this aloud to my 10yo last year and we laughed quite a bit and enjoyed discussions about how this book closely related to a Biblical story. Don't run if you aren't a Christian. You will still enjoy it. It is absolutely wonderful and everyone with a young boy should read it to them, IMO. Of course you can read any unabridged copy, but the illustrations in the specific copy that I mentioned above are excellent!! We watched the movie (not the Disney one) after reading the book and it really matched the book and even the illustrations. Do put this one on your list!! Also visit KidsReads.com and our very own Angela's Walls of Books blog for more great suggestions. HTH!
  3. Science b/c of experiments and history b/c I didn't buy the preprinted Time Traveler resources with my WP American Crossings 1 program, so I have to print everything myself from the CD-Roms. My printer is getting quite the workout.
  4. I really wanted AAH to work out, but it didn't. I posted a lengthy opinion/review of AAH over the summer. Here's is the link. Simply scroll down to see my input. My post is titled "My two cents about AAH and Hakim". HTH! P.S. We're now using Winter Promise's American Crossings 1 program for American history.
  5. I've posted a "Not My Wordless Wednesday" link that is wonderful. I also posted my Words for Wednesday quotes as usual. Have a blessed day!
  6. Hi Gardenschooler!

    Hope you're having a great week :-)

  7. I almost tweaked myself right out of Winter Promise's American Crossing 1 program, but we're about to give it another go starting today...and we're going to try to follow the IG pretty close. I've always been excited about trying this curriculum, so I'm hopnig it will work out.
  8. Just wondering why BJ writing didn't work for you. We love it here.
  9. Congratulations on the birth of your new baby girl!

  10. Perhaps you can find what you're looking for at Embracing The Child. This web site is excellent!! Also, check your library for Esme Raji Codell's book "How to Get Your Child to Love Reading". I love this book b/c it has book suggestions for tons of various topics, like historical fiction. HTH!
  11. I logged on just to see if you had your little baby yet. Hang in there!! And try to enjoy these last few hours...or days with baby in utero if you can. Pregnancy really is a wonderful time...Praying for your labor to begin tonight!
  12. My Words for Wednesday quotes are up! Have a great day!
  13. I've compared CLE and R&S lang arts and math on my blog. Click on "Curriculum Reviews" to find them. HTH!
  14. :toetap05: I logged on this morning scanning for a post from you two gals annoucing the birth of your sweet newborn babes and then I found this thread. Come on now!! Go eat something spicy...Go walk a couple of miles...Stand on your heads...For crying out loud would you gals have your babies!!!! ;) I'm sending major baby vibes and prayers your way today. And to all the other mommies here who are ready to pop, I'll say an extra prayer for you gals today too!
  15. I use BJ English (just the writing portions) with my 6th grader. We only use the workbook and I order the TM from Christian Liberty Press b/c it's much more homeschool teacher friendly. I also order my BJ English student workbook from CLP too. I love the 5 step writing process that they teach. I love the hand holding that I feel they give the student. I love the step by step process that they use to teach the writing process and the sample writing essays are excellent too. I also like the layout of the student workbook pages. Highly recommmended!
  16. There was no way I was giving up blogging and forums!! You wouldn't want me to have a complete nervous breakdown from giving up my entire virtual life now would you? Babysteps...Babysteps...:p
  17. Deleted because I decided to continue blogging afterall.
  18. We tried it in 3rd grade and again in 5th and never finished it. It's very good, just not our cuppa. The workbook pages (Student Worktext) really made the program a drag for us and the TM was too teacher intensive for my tastes. We also didn't care for some of the stories. This year we're using Mosdos Literature and love, love, love it!!!! I only bought the Student Reader and feel there is plenty of meat in it. To me, the entire program is overkill and too schoolish for my tastes. My ds and I read the stories together and then I have him do all comprehension questions and one writing assignment and one focus question. I love the literary analysis that is covered. It is excellent!! I don't feel the need for an answer key/TM since there is so much meat in the student reader and since I am reading the stories right along with my ds. Check out samples at the Mosdos Press website if you're interested.
  19. Although statistically speaking it's much more difficult to conceive from the late thirties and on, I still wouldn't worry about being out of the running yet. I think my cut off for trying to conceive would be age 42 because I simply don't think I'd have the energy to keep up with little ones after that age. I think it's probably pretty common to get the baby bug as your little ones begin to get older and as you realize you're approaching that 10 year getting older gap that Joanne spoke of. All it takes is a few all nighters with one of my dc during a bad cold, a few off the chart temper tantrums from my dd, or a few hours of bickering for me to realize that my two are terrific... and plenty. LOL!! FWIW, though, my dh's grandmother had 3 of her 4 dc in her forties (the last at 44). All were healthy and a lady at my church was pleasantly surprised and shocked when she realized at 47 that she hadn't started menopause, but was pregnant!
  20. Forgot to mention, please don't turn this into a debate and please do not attack anyone for their pov. (esp. Joanne). I, for one, appreciate that Joanne brought this up which I why I began this thread. Thanks a bunch!!
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