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Everything posted by purpleowl

  1. I did 1.5 miles and a bit of arm work. There's frost on the ground this morning.
  2. Happy Wednesday! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time! 😊
  3. Any recommendations for biology for accelerated kids who will be in 7th and 4th by age? This year (6th and 3rd) they are doing Conceptual Physics and it's working well for them; I have added some labs and have been teaching them how to write lab reports. Regarding math level, next year DD#1 will be doing AOPS Intro to Geometry; DD#2, AOPS Intro to Algebra. I am NOT interested in online courses. I will want to include labs. I'm fine if there's a program that includes labs as part of it, but I'm also fine incorporating labs from a separate source alongside our study of a main text, if that ends up working better. We do have a good microscope (though I will have to relearn how to use it!). I have looked at the sticky thread for biology in the high school forum, but I found it kind of overwhelming. (Yes, I know it's only December, but planning is on my mind right now and I'm just going with it, lol.)
  4. This thread is giving me flashbacks to hosting Geography Bee every year when I was a classroom teacher. In the directions I had to read aloud, it talked about acceptable synonyms and I had to say "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" like three times. 😄 England was not an acceptable synonym "because England is a political division." I did just realize that I have always said/heard "Queen of England" but is it actually more correct to say she's Queen of the United Kingdom?
  5. I walked 3 miles in the COLD. It's 32 feels like 26 here, which I know is barely chilly to some people but for this girl who's always lived in Georgia or Florida, it's COLD. So I'm very proud of myself for getting that walk done. (And tomorrow morning the actual temp is supposed to be 28...eep!) (Translation for our Celsius-using friends: current temp is 0 feels like -3.3. Tomorrow morning actual temp will be -2.2.) I actually have this weird thing where I break out in hives if I'm cold for too long, so I was really expecting that to happen this morning. But I guess since I was moving quickly, I kept my body warmed up enough to avoid that result. That was a pleasant surprise, as I'd thought I would be dragging my itchy self back to the house after maybe 15 minutes. Oh, and I did arm work, too. 😊
  6. We've made it to the final month of 2020! Happy Tuesday! This is a place for those who'd like encouragement and accountability in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time! (Also, I use too many exclamation points, but I'm not actually as chipper in the mornings as they make me seem. 😄)
  7. I walked three miles and did arm work. 👍
  8. Happy Monday! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in making sure to do intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time! 😊
  9. (I posted this in the logic stage board but haven't had any replies. I'm trying it over here since the program is supposed to be for grades 7-12.) Does anyone have feedback on Classical Academic Press's Art of Poetry? How did you like it for your kid(s)? I see on CAP's website that it could be a semester- or year-long course. If you've used it, how did you schedule it? Would it work to use it one day a week (and do other literature on the other days), or to alternate a unit of this with a unit on other lit? I'm fine with spreading it over two years. I'm considering it for my kid who will be in 7th grade next school year. She has not studied poetry previously - will this work as an introduction?
  10. I'm guessing publicity stunt for an upcoming movie or something along those lines.
  11. Good for you! I don't usually post again when I do a second walk, but I am really proud of myself for today's - 5.47 miles! (I did have water with me!) I had to get past a street gang at one point though, as shown below.
  12. I think of that too. 🤣 But I don't know a better phrasing for what we're doing. "Exercise" seems too much, because sometimes it's just about moving a bit on a rough day even when you can't work in something you would count as "exercise." I'm open to suggestions, though! Sorry you hurt yourself with yoga. I don't think I'll get tired of your pictures, though - please keep sharing!
  13. Walked 1.5 miles and did some squats. I'm hoping I can get in another walk later (didn't have time for more before church), but it's supposed to rain this afternoon so we'll see.
  14. Every time I start a thread I type in the day/date and then have to check and make sure I do in fact know what day it is. 😄 Happy Sunday, everyone! These threads are for those who would like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
  15. I did a better walk this afternoon! 2 miles, and a bit of core work.
  16. I love the lyrics of Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Joy to the World, and We Three Kings. All the verses, on all of those. For something fun to listen to, I love Bing Crosby's Jingle Bells. ETA: If anyone knows of a recording of We Three Kings that includes all five verses, I would absolutely LOVE a link so I can buy it.
  17. I walked 1.5 miles but it was wet and gross - not actively raining for most of the walk, but the trees kept dripping on me. I'm planning to walk again later when it's hopefully more pleasant, and I'll do some core exercises then.
  18. Hello everyone! 😊 This is a place for those who'd like to have accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
  19. Does anyone have feedback on Classical Academic Press's Art of Poetry? How did you like it for your kid(s)? I see on CAP's website that it could be a semester- or year-long course. If you've used it, how did you schedule it? Would it work to use it one day a week (and do other literature on the other days), or to alternate a unit of this with a unit on other lit? I'm fine with spreading it over two years. I'm considering it for my kid who will be in 7th grade next school year. She has not studied poetry previously - will this work as an introduction?
  20. Well, now I want cherries. 😄 I did a walk (3.1 miles) and some arm work. It's muggy and foggy this morning.
  21. Good morning everyone! 😊 This is a thread for reporting intentional daily movement for accountability and encouragement. Anyone who'd like to participate is free to join in!
  22. Some days, SOMETHING is what it needs to be about! That sounds like a great plan! Cute little cities are fun to walk in. I hope the new job is going well for you. 🙂 I did a 2-mile walk and then a bit of core work. I hate core exercises, which is probably because I should really do more of them. 😄
  23. Happy Thanksgiving to those observing! Happy Thursday to others! This is a thread for those who want accountability and encouragement for doing intentional daily movement, whether a lot or a little. Anyone may join in at any time!
  24. Both of my girls are getting mp3 players and headphones. I think they will both be pleased, but especially oldest. Our house can get kind of crazy, and she is an introvert and will love being able to retreat with music.
  25. I did my walk and some core exercises.
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