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Everything posted by purpleowl

  1. Good morning! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time! Edited day in title - shouldn't post before I'm fully awake!
  2. Happy Sunday! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
  3. It's Saturday! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
  4. Finally Friday! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
  5. My NP didn't tell me what she was prescribing, just "I'm sending in a prescription for your asthma." I have to google it whenever I need to recall what the brand name is! I'm really glad you said the third syllable is the stressed one. Ever since I started taking it I have mentally said it that way and imagined Hermione Granger saying, "it's mon-te-LOO-kast, not mon-te-loo-KAST!" But then someone tried to tell me it was mon-TELL-uh-kast, which threw the whole thing off. I'm choosing to believe that you're right. 😄
  6. Ooooh, can I throw a drug name pronunciation question in here? Montelukast. I have heard different things from different medical people and it drives my brain crazy.
  7. Everyone feels that they don't fit in somehow. If you get to a situation where your age is the same as that of others, there will be something else that makes you different. So address the "I must fit in" feelings. Learn to be comfortable with who you are. That is what you need, not to be somewhere with same-age peers.
  8. Good morning! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
  9. That sounds completely fine to me. And it sounds like you are paying attention to your particular child and figuring out what will work for him, which is exactly what you should be doing. 🙂 Some kids like worksheets and some don't. Some kids need more breaks than others. That's okay. I don't think what you've described about his reading skills is outside the range of normal.
  10. Edit: Board apparently thought what I said was worth repeating so it posted it twice.
  11. Could definitely be the result of the shingles, @Jaybee! I hope you do have more energy soon. I remember to start the threads, but not always to come back and post. But today I did 3.4 miles even though it's getting hot out and there are flowers with a personal vendetta against me (allergies). So I'm congratulating myself...and planning on some benadryl!
  12. For the last question I chose that the side effects were worse after first dose / no prior covid infection, but in truth they were basically the same - just sore arm. I *think* it lasted longer with the first one though.
  13. We're on Wednesday! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
  14. Good morning! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
  15. Back to Monday! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
  16. I am so glad I read this thread. I had been noticing new avatars and getting confused. 😄 I've thought about changing mine, just because I'm tired of it. I kind of want to make a quilled purple owl and then use that. But I haven't made progress on my current quilling project in a while, so who knows how long it would take me to get around to making an owl.
  17. Homeschooling all three of my kids, ages 12, 9, and 7. Youngest did pre-k in a traditional school setting, but otherwise it's been all homeschooling here. And while I'm aware that plans can change, my current plan is to continue homeschooling through graduation from high school.
  18. Happy Sunday! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
  19. We had some nasty weather earlier, but this evening we did a 1-mile walk as a family.
  20. Hooray, it's Saturday! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
  21. Finally Friday! These threads are for those who'd like accountability and encouragement in doing intentional daily movement. Anyone may join in at any time!
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